Math 60210, fall 2023

Sam Evens, Math 60210, Basic Graduate Algebra I, Fall 2023

HH 117, 2-3:15

Office hours: TBA, or after class, or by appointment.   You can arrange a meeting either by talking to me or by emailing me at sevens (at sign) nd (dot) edu to arrange  a meeting.


Some References:

Robert Ash, Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year.    This is available from Dover, but there are copies available on the web.

Serge Lang, Algebra, Revised 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag.

Michael Artin, Algebra , Prentice Hall.

D. Dummit and R. Foote, Abstract Algebra, Prentice Hall. 

Serre, Groupes Finis, course notes used for proofs of Sylow theorems

Notes by A. Myasnikov on free groups  provides more detail than Ash, V.5.8

Notes on classification of finitely generated modules over a PID, for last two lectures of the semester 

Course Notes:

8-24 Lecture Notes 

8-29 Lecture Notes: examples 

8-31 Lecture Notes, Lagrange's theorem 

9-7 Lecture Notes, part I 

9-7 Lecture Notes, part II 

9-12 Lecture Notes on Products 

9-14 Lecture Notes on Group Actions 

9-19 Lecture Notes: orbit-stabilizer 

9-21/9-26 Notes, Sylow theorems 

9-28 Lecture notes, applications of Sylow theorems 

10-5 Lecture Notes, solvable and nilpotent groups 

10-10 Lecture Notes, free groups 

10-12 Notes on rings 

10-24 Ring homomorphisms and ideals       

10-26 isomorphism theorems and products 

10-31 lecture on maximal and prime ideals 

11-2 Notes 

11-7 Notes on 2.6 

11-9 Notes on 2.6 

11-9 Notes on 2.7, Euclidean domains 

11-14 Notes on localization 

11-16 Notes on 2.9 

11-21 Notes on end of 2.9 

11-28 Notes on 4.1 

11-28/11-30 Notes on 4.2 

11-30 Notes on 4.3, direct sums and bases 

12-5, part 1, mostly on direct sums 

12-5, part 2, rank  

12-7, classification of finitely generated modules over a PID 

Problem Sets:

Problem Set 1, do at least 7 problems due Tuesday August 29

Problem Set 2  due Tuesday September 5

Problem Set 3  due Tuesday September 12

Problem Set 4  due Tuesday September 19

Problem Set 5, due Tuesday, 9-26 

Problem Set 6  due Tuesday 10-10

Problem Set 7  due Tuesday 10-24

Problem Set 8 due Tuesday 10-31

Problem Set 9  due Tuesday November 7

Problem Set 10 due Tuesday November 14

Problem Set 11 due Tuesday November 21

Problem Set 12 due Tuesday December 5 (with automatic extension until anytime before final exam)