
Publications and preprints by Sam Evens:

The author is grateful for the support of NSF grants DMS-9306065, DMS-9623322, and DMS-0096110, NSA grants from 2008-2010 and 2011-2013, and Simons foundation grants from 2015-2020 during the period of preparation of many of these papers.

  1. (with P. Bressler) On certain Hecke rings, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (84)1987,pp.624--625

  2. (with P. Bressler) The Schubert calculus, braid relations, and generalized cohomology, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (317)1990, pp.799--811

  3. (with P. Bressler) Schubert calculus in complex cobordism, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (331)1992, pp.799--813

  4. (with D. Barbasch) K--orbits on Grassmannians and a PRV conjecture for real groups, Journal of Algebra (167)1994, pp.258--283

  5. The Langlands classification for graded Hecke algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (124)1996, pp.1285--1290

  6. (with I. Mirkovic) Fourier transform and the Iwahori-Matsumoto involution, Duke Math. Journal (86)1997, pp.435--464 pdf

  7. On Springer representations and the Zuckerman functor, Pacific Journal of Mathematics(180)1997, pp.221--228 pdf

  8. (with I. Mirkovic) Characteristic cycles for the loop Grassmannian and nilpotent orbits, Duke Math. Journal (97)1999, pp.109--126 pdf

  9. (with J.-H. Lu) Poisson harmonic forms, Kostant harmonic forms, and the $S\sp 1$-equivariant cohomology of $K/T$, Advances in Math.(142)1999, pp.171--220 dg-ga/9711019

  10. (with J.-H. Lu and A. Weinstein) Transverse measures, the modular class, and a cohomology pairing for Lie algebroids, Quarterly Journal of Math,(50)1999, pp.417--436 dg-ga/9610008

  11. (with J.-H. Lu) On the variety of Lagrangian subalgebras, Annales Ecole Normale Superieure,(34)2001, pp.631--668 math/9909005

  12. (with J.-H. Lu) Thompson's conjecture for real semi-simple Lie groups, math.SG/0310098, and in The breadth of symplectic and Poisson geometry, 121--137, Progr. Math., 232, Birkhauser Boston, Boston, MA, 2005 math/0310098

  13. (with V. Baranovsky and V. Ginzburg) Representations of double affine Hecke algebras and quantum tori math.RT/0005024 and in The Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics In Honor of A.A. Kirillov, 2003 math.RT/0005024

  14. (with J.-H. Lu) On the variety of Lagrangian subalgebras, II Annales Ecole Normale Superieure, (39)2006, pp. 347--379, and math.QA/0409236

  15. (with J.-H. Lu) Poisson geometry of the Grothendieck resolution Moscow Math Journal, (7), 2007 pp. 613-642 , and math.QA/0610123

  16. Hong Kong Notes on Toric Varieties pdf

  17. (with B. Jones) On the wonderful compactification, 28 pp., lecture notes based on lectures given at HKUST and Notre Dame 0801.0456

  18. (with M. Colarusso) On algebraic integrability of Gelfand-Zeitlin fields Transformation Groups: Volume 15, Issue 1 (2010), pp. 46-71. 28 pp. 0908.3879

  19. (with W. Graham, with an appendix jointly written with E. Richmond) The Belkale-Kumar cup product and relative Lie algebra cohomology arxiv:1104.1415, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2013, no. 8, 1901�1933. 1104.1415

  20. (with J.-H. Lu) On some invariants of orbits in the flag variety under a symmetric subgroup 1104.2640

  21. (with M. Colarusso) K-orbits on the flag variety and strongly regular nilpotent matrices, Selecta Math, Vol. 18, no. 1 (2012), pp. 159-177. 1105.1726

  22. (with W. Graham) The relative Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence and the Belkale-Kumar product. ,Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 365 (2013), no. 11, 5833-5857. 1201.0380

  23. (with M. Colarusso) Eigenvalue coincidences and K-orbits, I. arXiv:1303.6661, J. Algebra 422 (2015), 611-632. 1303.6661

  24. (with M. Colarusso) Eigenvalue Coincidences and Multiplicity Free Spherical Pairs. 38 pp. 1410.3901

  25. (with M. Colarusso) The Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable system and K-orbits on the flag variety, in "Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications In Honor of Nolan R. Wallach", editors R. Howe, M. Hunziker, J. Willenbring, Birkhauser 2015, pp. 85-119. 1111.2868

  26. (with M. Colarusso) The Complex Orthogonal Gelfand-Zeitlin System, 34 pp. 1808.4424