Math 60210 Fall 2018


Course Information

Class Time: MWF 12:50--1:40, Pasq 109.

  • Instructor: Sam Evens, email is sevens at

  • Office Hours: M 11:45--12:40 HH 222, W 2:00--2:50, HH 222, and by appointment. You may email me or call (631-7165) to set up appointments. If I am in my office, feel free to knock on the door and see if I am available. You can also ask questions before, after, or during class.

  • Course syllabus pdf file

  • Texts:

  • Serge Lang, Algebra, Revised 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, on reserve

  • Michael Artin, Algebra , Prentice Hall, on reserve

  • D. Dummit and R. Foote, Abstract Algebra, Prentice Hall, on reserve.

  • J. P. Serre, "Groupes finis" (in French)

  • Notes:

  • Notes on subgroups of the general linear group, and the action of the general linear group on Grassmannians and flag spaces, pdf

  • Notes used in proof of classification of submodules of free finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain, pdf

  • Notes on free groups by A. Myasnikov, pdf

  • Notes on proof that a principal ideal domain is a unique factorization domain, for use in section 2.6 of the text, pdf

  • Notes on content of polynomials, for use in section 2.9 of the text, pdf

  • Exams :

    • Midterm, Friday, September 28.

    • Final is Tuesday, December 11, 8:00--10:00 am, location TBA, time flexible.

  • Study problems for Exam 1, pdf

  • Homework: There will be homework assigned most weeks. It will be due Wednesdays, but if you need to ask me questions or want an extra day or two to finish work, you can turn it in by the start of class Friday with no penalty. After that, homework will be deemed late. If you have one or two late assignments during the semester, there will be no penalty, but you will be penalized if you have more than two late homework assignments. Homework should be written up separately by individual students, although talking to people about problems together is certainly encouraged. Homework will be announced in-class and posted on the course website

  • Assignments: Assignments with a date at the end are due on the date specified. Assignments are either handouts or from Dummit and Foote or Ash

    • Homework 1, Wed. 8-29, pdf

    • Homework 2, Wed. 9-5, pdf

    • Homework 3, Wed. 9-12, pdf

    • Homework 4, Wed. 9-19, pdf

    • Homework 5, Fri. 10-5, pdf

    • Homework 6, Wed. 10-10, pdf

    • Homework 7, Wed. 10-24, pdf

    • Homework 8, Wed. 10-31, pdf

    • Homework 9, Wed. 11-7, pdf

    • Homework 10, Wed. 11-14, pdf

    • Homework 11, Wed. 11-28, pdf

    • Homework 12, Wed. 12-5, pdf