
Outside of the classroom, our reach as instructors can be just as integral to students’ learning as in the classroom. Our Pre-Lecture is designed to create a first exposure to the material that we will develop in class.

Students are not expected to walk away with a deep level of understanding but are expected to have contacted the material.

Students are given instruction through a variety of economic resources focused on foundational elements. For each semester, I curate a library of self-created instructional videos, economic podcast and a variety of news articles so that students receive instruction immediately before they are asked a series of first-exposure assessment questions.

To ensure participation in first-exposure exercises, students are incentivized through low-stakes grading and are reminded that we will discuss these resources in the next class.

Moreover, I electronically collect their submissions, which serves one main pedagogical purpose. Electronic submissions provide immediate feedback on student learning and engagement, which allows me to update my curriculum “on the fly” or adapt class material to target learning issues students are exhibiting.

  • Introducing a real-world framework for the new information
    • Podcasts like Planet Money, Freakonomics Radio
    • Articles from the WSJ, The Economist, and Financial Times
  • Exposing students to short video lectures of key topics
  • Providing a reading guide for students to take notes along with listening to the video lectures