
Our Lecture time is designed to develop a deeper exposure to difficult topics. Students are expected to contribute in class by answering questions covered in the pre-lecture and engage in active learning exercises. Our actual lecture time is reduced as we devote more time to application.

Pedagogically, lecture time is an important tool for students to solidify the foundation that was built in the pre-lecture assignments. Using a variety of strategies and assessments has helped to interleave topics week to week so students are consistently practicing

You can accomplish this by:

  • Introducing Active Learning elements to each class
    • Directed lecture leads to solving in-class problems
    • Developing solutions to share in groups and then as a class
    • Create a link between quantitative and qualitative understanding by expressing our learning outcomes
  • Develop assessments which complement the learning environment
    • Low-stakes assessments via weekly quizzes which mirror problem solving strategies introduced in lecture
    • Additional low-stakes artifacts which are collected every class that emphasize critical thinking
  • Reflecting on difficult assessment problems in subsequent classes
    • Taking some time to provide feedback on difficult problems instead of just "posting solutions"
    • Provide students an opportunity to teach each other