Year 1 - Fall

Theme I: Dignity of the Human Person

Every human person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) with an inherent and inviolable dignity.

Workshop Option 1

Equity and Inclusion in a Catholic School Classroom

Session Description: Examine common barriers to equity and inclusion in the classroom while working to reduce said barriers through the cultivation of Christocentric Culturally Responsive practices (CCR pedagogy)

Presenters: Roni Facen, ABD and Alec Torigian, M.Ed.

When: October 12, 7:30 pm (ET)

Workshop Option 2

Identity & Intersectionality as a Catholic School Educator

Session Description: Explore the multiple dimensions of identity and their interconnectedness (race/ethnicity, gender, language, culture), analyzing how these domains, when considered in relation to one another, can affect the Catholic School Classroom/School student and teacher/leader experience

Presenters: Ally Jeter, M.Ed. & Betsy Okello, Ph.D.

When: October 13, 7:30 pm (ET)