Workshop Sequence

Year I - Fall Semester

Theme: Dignity of the Human Person

Every human person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) with an inherent and inviolable dignity.

  1. Please begin by reading the grounding scripture for this theme which can be found in John 4: 4-42.

  1. Then, proceed to view Fr. Lou Delfra's reflection below and consider the following reflection questions:
    • What stood out to you from the reflection below on the Dignity of the Human Person?
    • What new learnings on respecting the human dignity of individuals can be found in this Gospel encounter?

  1. An optional prayer service is available below for your download and use.

  1. Finally, we ask that you consider the two workshop offerings for this fall and register for your choice of one of the two workshops. Please plan to register by Friday, September 17.
Human Dignity Prayer Service.pdf

Dignity of the Human Person Prayer Service (optional)

This prayer service was prepared as a way of extending the theme of the Dignity of the Human Person into further prayer and reflection. You are welcome to download this for your own personal or professional use.

Workshop Option 1

Equity and Inclusion in a Catholic School Classroom

Session Description: Examine common barriers to equity and inclusion in the classroom while working to replace those barriers through Christocentric Culturally Responsive practices (CCR pedagogy)

Facilitators: Roni Facen, ABD and Alec Torigian, M.Ed.

When: October 12, 2021

Time: 7:30 - 8:30 pm (ET)

Workshop Option 2

Identity & Intersectionality as a Catholic School Educator

Session Description: Explore the multiple dimensions of identity and their interconnectedness (race/ethnicity, gender, language, culture), analyzing how these domains, when considered in relation to one another, can affect the Catholic School Classroom/School student and teacher/leader experience

Facilitators: Ally Jeter, M.Ed. & Betsy Okello, Ph.D.

When: October 13, 2021

Time: 7:30 - 8:30 pm (ET)