
Process for Engaging Core Commitments

A faith-based process of listening/prayer, study, action, and reflection informs the exploration of CCR core commitments and all subsequent concepts and topics. The process begins with listening to the Word of God and letting it invite study and action and eventual reflection on new knowledge and undertakings. While detailed separately, these components are more readily integrated providing a seamless flow of practices for engaging in CCR work.

Listen & Pray

ACE Teachers and Leaders are invited to turn to prayer, scripture and Church teachings for inspiration, insight, and calls to action.


They are guided by the question, "What does my faith ask of me in service to my brothers and sisters?"


ACE Teachers and Leaders are encouraged to continually embrace new knowledge and skills to better serve their students in their roles as Catholic school educators.


They are guided by the question, "What knowledge and skills must inform my understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion?"


ACE Teachers and Leaders are emboldened to undertake practices that reveal Christocentric cultural competency.


They are guided by the question, "What internal and external actions must I undertake to embody Christ's teachings and evolving understandings in DEI work?"


ACE Teachers and Leaders are called to reflect on their learnings and practices to ensure an ever-widening DEI vision.


They are guided by the question, "How am I experiencing invitations, new knowledge, and actions, and how are they helping me to deepen my commitment to growth and further action?"