Working Groups

What is a working group?

As we make progress on building the capacity for and competency in eeVAL, we anticipate that we will need several tangible supports. We are recruiting up to 10 people to serve on working groups to make focused progress on these supports. The specific tasks will be determined collaboratively, with the working group, the eeVAL team, and what we are hearing come up in the Online eeVAL Webinar Series.

For example, it may be helpful to have an eeVAL directory to help facilitate connections with those experienced in conducting eeVAL projects. The group might work to recruit members into that directory, think through what needs to be on the profiles, suggested compensation guidelines for evaluation tasks or time invested, suggested frameworks for team-based evaluation approaches to support co-learning among all involved, or considerations for funders looking to support eeVAL efforts among their grantees.

More about this work:

Interested in joining us?

We are currently working on a process to identify working group members in a way that is aligned with our eeVAL values. We will prioritize identities and voices that have been historically excluded from EE, as well as diverse perspectives within the evaluation space (e.g., program providers, evaluators, funders). If you are interested in joining a team, please complete this form and we will communicate the process as it emerges.Â