Six core values describe what we hold most important in practicing eeVAL. These values were co-created by a community of environmental education practitioners, evaluators, funders, and academics. eeVAL is informed by an existing culturally responsive and equitable evaluation framework (Hood, Hopson, & Kirkhart, 2015) and made distinct with its application to environmental education. These values will evolve over time, as evaluation practices become more inclusive of the voices and experiences of people who may hold the least power among us.

The eeVALues

A community of people and organizations contributed their knowledge and experience to create these values. We are especially grateful to the following individuals for their contributions: Charissa Jones, Luciana Ranelli, Spirit Brooks, Ashlyn Teather, Jean Kayira, Karyl Askew, Libby McCann, Charlotte Clark, Liz DeMattia, and Noelle Wyman Roth. Special thanks to Steve Braun, Katie Navin, and Rachel Szczytko for providing critical review and comment.