Emerging Evaluators

Who are emerging evaluators?

Evaluation is a growing emphasis in EE, and thankfully, there are lots of people interested in getting involved! Whether you are a program provider looking to take on an evaluation role in your organization, a graduate student or EE professional looking to start more consulting, or just anyone interested in taking on the role of evaluator in the EE space, this might be the spot for you.

What will we do?

We will ask emerging evaluators to attend the virtual learning series and act as breakout room facilitators. We will also ask emerging evaluators to contribute to a deep evaluation journey partnership team.

More about this work:

Interested in joining us?

We are currently working on a process to identify the emerging evaluators in a way that is aligned with our eeVAL values. We will prioritize identities and voices who have been historically excluded from EE. If you are interested in joining a team, please complete this survey, and we will communicate the process as it emerges.