YQCA Certification

All youth exhibitors ages 8-18 showing market hogs must possess a current certification in Youth For The Quality Care of Animals (YQCA).  This is an expectation of our processors.  YQCA is available as an in-person course ($3) or as an online course ($12).  Visit https://yqcaprogram.org/ to register for in-person and online courses.

*Please note that exhibitors showing market hogs will have to enter their YQCA certification number when registering their hogs for the show.*  

If an exhibitor is between the ages of 5 and 7, then their parent or the market hog owner must be Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) certified.


Upcoming Courses

Orange County Cooperative Extension Office 


NC Cooperative Extension county centers and FFA chapters may have vouchers available to cover the cost of YQCA certification.  Contact Jonathon Smith at 919-245-2057 or jonathon_smith@ncsu.edu if you need to be provided with a voucher due to a financial difficulty.  He will provide a voucher or connect you with your local 4-H agent to help you secure a voucher.