Rules & Regulations



Last amended by the Central Piedmont Junior Livestock Show & Sale Committee 11/04/2024

Download a digital copy of the rules & regulations here.


10. Animal Care – Humane care and respectful treatment of animals is expected.  Youth or parents seen hitting, kicking or otherwise abusing animals will not be allowed to show.  Each youth must be able to handle his own animal in the show ring.  No adults may lead animals in the ring.  Animals shown in showmanship must be entered in the name of the person on the entry form.  All animals should be properly cleaned and groomed for the show.  Beginning with the 2025 show, all exhibitors ages 8-18 must possess a current certification in either Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA), Pork Quality Assurance (PQA), or Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) in order to participate in the show and sale.  Any exhibitor younger than age 8 (as of January 1, 2025) showing swine must have a parent who is PQA certified or the owner of the swine must be PQA certified if the parent is not the owner.

11. Participants Behavior – Participants are expected to abide by rules and refrain from dangerous or disruptive behavior.

12. Sharing – Two exhibitors may share one animal if they so choose.  When sharing an animal, one exhibitor will be allowed to show the animal in the showmanship class and the remaining exhibitor will be allowed to show the animal in the market class.  Each exhibitor will be required to indicate which class (market breed or showmanship) they will be exhibiting the shared animal in when completing registration. The only exception is when one of the exhibitors sharing the animal is a cloverbud. In that case, the non-competitive cloverbud exhibitor may compete in the showmanship class only and the  competitive exhibitor can compete in both the type and showmanship classes with the same shared animal. 

13. Medical Forms – Current medical forms must be on file for each exhibitor in case of accident. Participants must submit their medical forms to the county 4-H agent or FFA Advisor prior to the Show and Sale.  

14. Disease Precautions – 1) Participants who have been out of the country within the preceding two weeks will not be allowed to show because of possible disease transmission.  Visitors who have been out of the country within the preceding two weeks are asked not to attend the event.  2) Participants will be asked to sign a form at the show indicating that they have used health products according to label, observed withholding times correctly, and used quality assurance management in administering vaccines and antibiotics.  The form will also indicate compliance with current Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prevention feeding regulations as well as verify that no tranquilizers or off label medications have been used.  3) All sheep and goats must be ear tagged with United States Department of Agriculture Scrapie eradication ear tags.

15. Thank You Notes – All exhibitors are required to write thank you notes to sponsors to thank them for their support. A list of sponsors will be made available to counties in a timely manner.  



      Ewes may be shown in either the market class or the breeding class but not both.