4-H and FFA Membership Requirement
Participants must be members of either FFA or 4-H in Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Guilford, Orange, Person, Randolph, Rockingham, or Wake Counties.
4-H members should complete enrollment or re-enrollment and medical forms online at v2.4honline.com. 4-H participants without a club affiliation should select ‘County Name At-Large’ as their county club affiliation and ‘Livestock’ as their project. A guide to assist you with using 4-H Online can be accessed at go.ncsu.edu/OrangeCounty4H. Upon completion of enrollment/renewal, 4-H agents should bring a copy of each county participant's enrollment and medical form to the show. If a participant's 4-H Agent is not going to be attending the event, the 4-H agent must send a copy of the enrollment and medical forms with the participant to turn in to the clerk at check in.
Record Book Requirement
One 4-H or FFA record book for each child MUST be completed and presented to the clerks at registration. No youth (including cloverbuds) will be permitted to show without turning in a project record book. FFA members should access the appropriate template from their FFA advisor. 4-H members can access up-to-date record book templates below. Record Book categories are based on how old the child was on January 1, 2024. Awards will be given for record book winners.
Cloverbud Record Book Template (Ages 5-7)
4-H Record Book Template 11-12