Manson House Pollinator Garden

The Manson House Pollinator Garden is an educational space where visitors learn about sustaining and enhancing the ecosystem. The plant selections are some of the best to attract pollinators in our area.

Master Gardener Tony Teague does some weeding to keep the garden looking neat.

EMG Volunteers Teach Teachey and Sarah Frances Patterson examine an abundant allium.

Brick paths wind through the garden, which is bounded by two formal hedgerows.

  Bee on Tropical Milkweed

Japanese Persimmon

Indian Blanket Flower (Gaillardia)


Blue Mistflower


Pink Coneflower (Echinacea) 

Bee Visiting Firecracker Plant

Sleepy Orange Butterfly on Indian Blanket Flower

An informational sign marks the Turner Street entry to the garden.