Goodness Grows Garden

A patch of lawn on the side of the Carteret County Health Department in Morehead City was transformed into a raised bed vegetable garden a few years back. The four beds, as well as an herb garden and native plant garden, are tended by Carteret County Master Gardener Volunteers. The vegetables and herbs harvested are donated weekly to The Storehouse food pantry in Morehead City.

Vegetables and herbs are harvested weekly. Seasonal vegetables are planted in the spring and early fall to keep the supply  coming.

The bounty is taken to The Storehouse food pantry in Morehead City to add fresh vegetables and herbs to the to the food bank's offerings.

Hannah Shultz, granddaughter of Master Gardener Sue Howren, delivers vegetables to Delicea Linteau, manager of The Storehouse. 

Master Gardeners Joyce Aldabert and Sue Howren tend to peppers and squash.

Master Gardener Tony Teague strings up sprawling tomato plants.

Master Gardener Katy Perez weeds the native flowerbed.

Eggplant flourishing in one of four raised beds.

A green bean seedling pushing through the soil.

Strawberries. Always a favorite.

Jalapeno Peppers


A variety of peppers

Fall Crops

Master Gardener Sue Howren Checking Fall Veggies

Master Gardener Joyce Aldabert Watering

Gulf Fritillary on Rosemary