Leffers Cottage Interpretive Garden

Throughout the year, visitors to the Beaufort Historic Site view not only historic structures but gardens replicating those that would have supported families of the times as well.

The Leffers Cottage Garden features not only vegetables and herbs, but also crops like cotton and flax, and flowers that would have been used to make natural dyes. 

Carteret County Master Gardener Volunteers tend to the garden year-round and are on hand for special events and educational tours. 

Various Herbs



Rain Barrel


Purple Bush Beans


Early Learning

Throughout the year, visitors to the Beaufort Historic Site view not only historic structures but gardens replicating those that would have supported families of the times as well.

In the fall, the Beaufort Historical Association hosts a Kindergarten Thanksgiving for area schools, where youngsters enjoy hands-on fun learning stations throughout the grounds, including the Leffers Cottage Garden.   

Master Gardener volunteers don the garb on the period and lead the children through the small garden, explaining how a garden was used by the Leffers household. The children can smell and touch some of the herbs, vegetables, flowers, and cotton. They can practice shucking beans or use a hollowed gourd to dip into a barrel and water the plants.

Master Gardener Jeannie Wilson Kraus and Linda Bell Holleman, far right, introduce kindergartners to the garden. 

Kindergartners try their hands at shelling beans.