CAEP Accountability Measures 

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness 


Teaching Performance
(Ratings on the North Carolina Educator Effectiveness System (NCEES) Standards I-V, 2016 - Present.

150 candidates received ratings on multiple state standards (Content knowledge, Reflection, Student Learning, Leadership, and Classroom Management). 63% of the ratings were Proficient.

NCDPI EVAAS Dashboard 

EVAAS™ (Education Value-Added Assessment System) for K-12 is a customized software system available to all North Carolina school districts. EVAAS provides North Carolina's educators with tools to improve student learning and to reflect and improve on their own effectiveness. EVAAS examines the impact of teachers, schools, and districts on the learning of their students in specific courses, grades, and subjects. The North Carolina State Board of Education has selected EVAAS as the statewide model for measuring student growth when common assessments are administered (for example, the End of Course and End of Grade assessments). Beginning in 2011-12, EVAAS data became part of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System for teachers and school administrators. Beginning with the 2012-13 school year, the State will report on EVAAS data in the school accountability model.

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (Components R4.2 | R5.3 | RA4.1)

Employer Satisfaction with Candidate Preparation 


90% of employer responses for the selected teaching tasks indicated our candidates were comparable, more effective, or much more effective relative to other first year teachers. Employers returned surveys for 46 candidates.

Data reflects the percentage of employer responses indicating that candidates performed different teaching tasks comparably, more effectively, or much more effectively than other first-year teachers.

Each year, employers of first-year teachers in NC receive a survey asking them to assess the teachers on a number of teaching tasks. The chart displays the results of those surveys for the EPP.

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion

Percentage of Completers Earning Initial Licenses 2020-2023

83% (n =101 of 122)  NCCU EPP completers  earned an initial license. NCCU recommends all candidates who have completed all program requirements and passed required Praxis exams for a license. 

Initial Licenses 

Praxis Pass Rates

EPP 3 Year Testing Summary .pdf

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared

Percentage of Completers Teaching in NC Public Schools within 3 years (2019-2023)

74% (n=73 of 98) candidates completing their program taught in a NC public school within three years.

NCCU Completer Employment