Innovative Programs

North Carolina Central University- School of Education- Teacher Assistants to Teachers

Marathon Teaching Institute

The Marathon Teaching Institute (MTI) is designed to increase the number of male school teachers and higher administrators from a broader and more diverse background, particularly male African-American teachers. Learn more about the Marathon Teaching Institute program at NCCU.

Certificate Programs

The School of Education allows students to customize their learning experience to fit their own interests and needs. Learn more about the certificate programs offerered at NCCU.

Elementary Education (Flexible Learning Path-Second Degree), B.A.

The NCCU School of Education offers a Flexible Learner Pathway that prepares teacher assistants and previously unlicensed teachers to gain an additional degree as well as licensure in Elementary Education. While the path follows the same curriculum plan as the traditional second degree and licensure programs in Elementary Education, it takes into account the demands of staff who already work in schools in order to create a more feasible path to program completion.