Weekly summary

May 13-17 

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

May 6-10

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

Apr. 29-May 3

April 22-26

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)


Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

April 15-17, 2024

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Note: It is very important that students are automatic at this point on adding and subtracting numbers to 20. (For subtraction, the first number is up to 20. For addition, the sum equals up to 20.) Practice at home on this is highly recommended. You can verbally ask your child questions like 20-9, 7+13, 15-7, 16-9, 12+6. etc. and keep track of those he or she doesn't know to ask again later. 

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

April 8-12, 2024

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

April 1-5 2024 

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

March 25-28 

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

March 18-22 -  Please check your child's folder as information about Archer Fest raffle baskets and the grammar school art exhibition was sent home on Friday.

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

March 4-8

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

2 less than _________ is 27.

16+20 = _________

_______ less than 38 is 28.

20 more than ________ is 40.

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy


History & Geography

Feb 26 - March 1st

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

Feb 21-23 2024 (short week) 

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

How many more X than Y? // How many fewer Y than X? - showing with a subtraction equation

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

comprehension of characters in the story and what they did (matching character names to sentences)

vocabulary in context fill-in sentences

identifying personification 

identifying rhyming words in a poem from the text

Science - Weather

identifying types of clouds: cirrus, stratus and cumulus

following verbal directions to choose the correct picture for each season

History & Geography

Feb.12-16 2024

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

Feb. 5-9, 2024 

We celebrated our 100 Days of School on Friday!

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

Jan.29 - Feb 2, 2024

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

January 22-26, 2024

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

January 15-19 (Monday - holiday_)

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

January 9-12 2024

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science - Weather

History & Geography

December 18-22 (Last week before break)

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Note: Students should be practicing the addition flash cards. In addition, extra math practice was sent home last week. This is optional but highly recommended, especially for students struggling with math skills (addition and subtraction).

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Note: It is highly recommended that students reread literacy passages that were sent home and finish any incomplete work.


History & Geography

December 11-15

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Note: Students should be practicing the addition flash cards that were sent home last week in order to help with automaticity with these math facts. Please let Ms. Priest know if you did not get the cards.

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science:  Observations about the Sun and Moon

History & Geography

December 4-8

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Note: Addition flashcards were sent home Friday 12/8 for parents to help make these more automatic. Please practice these regularly with your child.

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy

Science:  Observations about the Sun and Moon

History & Geography

November 27-December 1

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy - following the Orton -Gillingham Yoshimoto method (for literacy)

Science:  Observations about the Sun and Moon

History & Geography

November 13-17

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

November 6-10

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Learning about native Americans 

October 31 - November 3

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

October 21-27

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Week 8 (Oct 16-18)

Math (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature & Literacy


History / Geography

Week 7 (Oct 9-13)

Math  (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


The Five Senses - using our senses to find out about texture, shape, and color, sound, etc. and the body parts associated with our senses.

History / Geography

Week 6 (Oct 2-6)

Math  (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Week 5 (Sept 25-29)

Math  (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Week 4 (Sept 18-22

Math  (following the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Week 3 (Sept 11-14)

We spent quite a bit of time learning how to follow directions for when it comes time to taking assessments. This included listening to directions and staying with the teacher as I explained what to do in various sections of classwork. Students got practice with circling correct answers, putting pictures in order of events, and completing number bonds. They also practiced writing the correct number for greater than, less than in addition to ordering numbers from least to greatest. 

Math ( follows the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Week 2 (Sept. 5-8)

Continue to review classroom rules and procedures.

Math ( follows the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook)

Literature and Literacy


History / Geography

Week 1 (Aug 28-Sept. 1)

Introduce and review classroom rules and procedures ( See page for this on this website)

Math (follows the Singapore Math Dimensions Textbook and Workbook 

Literature & Literacy

