CLASSROOM PROcedures & expectations

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Please read the information below. It would be very helpful if you could go over these rules and procedures with your student.

Classroom Rules

Discipline Cards

We use cards to enforce the classroom rules listed above. Each student has a pocket at the front of the class containing  4 cards (green, white, yellow and red). All students start the day with a green card. A whole class reminder is given for the rules above if the student(s) are not following a particular rule. If a student has to be reminded after that, he or she will have a card pulled and will be on white. This indicates a second chance. Another reminder and the card is switched to yellow . This will require an email home. Yet another reminder and the student will be sent to the office. 

Note: Cards are pulled for behaviors that disrupt the learning environment. 

Classroom Jobs

Several students will have assigned jobs each week. At the beginning of each week jobs will be reassigned, so each student has a chance to do different jobs throughout the year. Some of these jobs include door holder, lights, paper passer, line leader, pledge leader, and calendar.

Spelling Lists

We will have a spelling test each Friday. Words will be introduced on Monday and practiced Tues-Thurs. 


We started out the school year incorporating 5 bathroom breaks in the day with the whole class making the trip down to the restrooms in order for students to become familiar with the route, proper handwashing and tucking in their shirts after restroom use. We started weaning away from this in week 2, with 3 bathroom trips as a class. If a student has an emergency at any other time, he or she should make the sign for bathroom and will be given a bathroom pass to go to the restroom. We have already reviewed and practiced this procedure. One student at a time is allowed to leave for the restroom (one boy and one girl). When the pass comes back, the next student may go.  

Student Birthdays

Each student receives a birthday tag to wear on his or her birthday, and the class sings happy birthday. At the end of each month (beginning in September), we celebrate all the students' birthdays for that month by giving them birthday goodie bags. We do not allow birthday parties or bringing in food to share. 

Note: All summer birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the school year. If a student wants to bring in invitations to a birthday party, every classmate in the class needs to receive one. 

Lunch & Snack

Lunch is eaten in the cafeteria, and snack is eaten in the classroom. Sharing of food is not allowed. Snack should be a dry finger food that the student is able to open and eat independently as snack is during a literature period.

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child meets the uniform requirements. Hoodies may not be worn at school (regardless of the color).  Please see the following link for more information on our uniform policy.

Health issues  / allergies

I have a list from our health technician of students with allergies / health conditions, etc.  Again, we do not allow sharing of food. 

Parent Volunteers

We are always grateful for volunteers. I will include information on this when we have tasks set up for our volunteers. Please bear with me as I figure this out.

Communication with parents

Please reach out with any questions you have about anything mentioned on this page. I can best be reached via email at


Students start to pack up for carline & dismissal at 2:45 by picking up their gray folder and putting it in their backpacks with their lunchbox, etc.  The first carline groups are called at 2:55. Students are asked to have low voices during this time so that classmates can hear when they are called. Students will be allowed to play with educational toys from approximately 2:55 until final dismissal. However, if the voices get too loud, students will be asked to put their heads on their desks until dismissal.