Honors Program

Be sure to enroll in the Honors Program Google Classroom  to stay up to date with announcements! The Google Classroom class code is 25ezhiw.

Program Overview

The NHS Music Honors offers students an opportunity to delve deeper into their musical experience at Natick High School. This year-long program is open to all singers in grades 9-12 (grade 9 students are officially enrolled in semester two).

There are a significant number of requirements to have a successful experience in the Honors program:

Voice Teacher Contacts:

Shooka Afshar (NHS Voice teacher) - shooka@shookaafshar.com 

Beth Canterbury - bcvoicestudio@gmail.com 

Junko Wantanabe - j.watanabe@rivers.org

Abby Rogers - abbymaerogers@gmail.com

Ron Williams - 774-232-1006 - waldesnacht@gmail.com

Nancy Gerber - 339-234-0774 nhgstudio@gmail.com

Holly Chin - hollychinvocals@gmail.com

Collaborative Pianist Contacts:

Valerie Stark



Paul Huberdeau



Jody Pongratz

