
Purpose: 청소년이라는 인생의 중요한 시기에 자신의 꿈을 세우고, 그 꿈에 다가가기 위한 과정과 방법을 정리해보고 발표함으로써 한국말 실력향상은 물론 자신의 꿈에 대한 확신을 가질 수 있다.

This speech contest provides the groundwork for young Korean-Americans to establish their future dreams. With pre-organizing the methods and process in which to achieve that dream, by presenting this, contestants will also express their talent in the Korean language, ultimately creating confidence within themselves to follow and pursue their dream.

Procedure/Progress: 각 참가자에게 주어진 시간은 3분입니다. 연설문을 암기할 필요는 없으나, 권장됩니다.

Speech must be under 3 minutes. The speeches do not need to be memorized, but it is recommended.

Benefits: 대상, 금상, 은상, 동상

Grand Prize (additional awards from various organizations including the Korean Embassy), Gold Prize, Silver Prize, and Bronze Prize.