Pope John Paul II's recognition of the Eucharistic Miracle of October 31, 1995 in the Vatican

Through Msgr. Thu (Holy Father's private secretary), Julia Kim was invited to attend the Mass in the Holy Father’s private chapel. During the Mass celebrated by the Holy Father on October 31, 1995, the Eucharist that Julia received became larger and turned into moving Flesh and Blood on her tongue. 

The Holy Father was astonished by the Eucharistic Miracle. 

The Holy Father blessed Julia after witnessing the Eucharistic miracle.

The Holy Father was very surprised when he saw the changes in the Eucharistic species. He gave a blessing to Julia and made a cross on her forehead with his hand and also blessed her family in Korea. 

When Julia made a deep bow to Pope John Paul Ⅱ, he answered "Praise Jesus!" in Korean, smilingand looking at her delightfully.

At the entrance to the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel in Italy. Inside is a display of various Eucharistic Miracles throughout Church History that have been officially recognized. The Eucharistic Miracle through Julia in the Vatican on October 31, 1995, was included in this display in May 2001. 

Panel in the display in St. Michael’s Basilica describing the Eucharistic Miracle through Julia in the Vatican on October 31, 1995 (follwed by English translation of Italian text) 

Text of display in St. Michael’s Basilica (English translation)



in the Holy See—Rome: 1995

Nature: Sacred Host on the tongue is converted into flesh and  blood

The Lord manifested this marvelous Eucharistic miracle before the eyes of John Paul II, or rather, he was one of the main participants of the supernatural phenomenon. On October 31, 1995, the Pontiff celebrated Holy Mass at 7:30 a.m. in his private chapel. Those present, by invitation, were some pilgrims, among whom were Msgr. Dionysio Paik, Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of South Korea; the seminarian Raphael Song; and Julia Youn, her husband, and daughter, all of South Korea.

This Julia is the mystic of Naju, where in a chapel she receives messages from the Virgin Mary, in which the Pontiff has shown interest. Also present was Msgr. Vincent Thu (Vietnamese), private secretary of the Holy Father. During Communion, Julia received the Host from the hands of the Pontiff, did not succeed in swallowing it, for It began to swell and to taste of blood. Then she opened her mouth to Msgr. Paik, who noted that the Host was converted into live flesh and blood. John Paul II was not at all startled, but marveled and observed the phenomenon and then lovingly blessed the mystic.

The Eucharistic phenomenon, although echoed among those present, was kept secret for around two years, so as to avoid any sensationalistic clamors.

Photo captions:

Top left:   Julia shows the Eucharistic miracle

Top right:   John Paul II admires it

Second right:   The astonishment of the Holy Father

Third right:   The Pontiff extends his hands

Bottom left:   The participants of the Holy Mass: Julia is behind the Holy Father

Bottom right:   The Pontiff’s blessing

In addition, the Holy See also gave permission to a major Catholic TV station in Italy to air the information about the Eucharistic miracle in the Vatican and the more general information about Naju all over Italy. 

The Pope’s clear and forceful actions regarding the Eucharistic miracle through Julia Kim on October 31, 1995 as manifested by a public display at a world-famous shrine and a TV broadcasting all over Italy carried a strong message to the Universal Church and, especially, to the Church in Korea not to waste more time but carry out an objective and honest re-examination and, based on the results, approve Naju so that the evangelization of Asia and the re-vitalization of the Catholic Faith in the whole world may be facilitated.

POPE BENEDICT XVI issued an official letter to make his support known to Julia Kim of Naju

On November 14, 2012, a few months before his resignation in February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI sent a letter to Frau Cäilia ilia Pohl, a Korean lady living in Germany, regarding Julia Kim. (One month earlier, Frau Pohl had sent a letter to the Holy Father about Julia’s serious illness.) In the letter written by Bishop Peter B. Wells of the Secretariat to Frau Pohl, it is said,

I hereby confirm to you the receipt of the letter of November 7, in which you reported to the Holy Father about Mrs. Julia Kim's suffering. Pope Benedict XVI charged me with assuring you that he will be spiritually close to Mrs.  (Julia) Kim and pray for her in this time of her illness."

Personal Pilgrimage to Naju is allowed as the official position of the Church on Naju  (Non Constat de Supernaturalitate)

Official Holy See’s Current Position on Naju

"Non constat de supernaturalitate":  Judgment Reserved

The Holy See divides the criteria for judging Special Revelation into three  types

1. Constat de supernaturalitate (Confirmed to be supernatural) - Approved 

2. Constat de non supernaturalitate (Confirmed not supernatural) - Condemnation as heresy

3. Non constat de supernaturalitate(Cannot be confirmed supernatural) - Judgment Reserved (Naju)

Below are 2 extracts from the website of the Archdiocese of Gwangju:

The Position of Archdiocese of Gwangju (2) February 24, 2009

When your predecessor, His Grace, Victorinus Youn Kong-hi published his conclusion “Cannot be confirmed supernatural (non constat de supernaturalitate)” concerning the events occurring at Naju(1 January 1998) he did so after consultation with this Congregation. Such consultation would be appropriate since matters of this kind are of the exclusive competence of this Dicastery. The Congregation continues to accept the decision given by Archbishop Youn, and reiterated by Your Grace in your statements on the matter, as the official position of the Church. (Document NO. 112/1993-27066)

Notification of the Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Gwangju in Korea

There has, however, been no change in the Holy See's attitude toward these matters as can be seen from the letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued on 23 April 2008 (Prot. N. 112/1993-27066). Among other things, this letter noted that “The Congregation continues to accept the decision given by Archbishop Youn, and reiterated by Your Grace in your statements on the matter, as the official position of the Church.”

Through those notices, we came to know that official stand adopted by the Catholic Church concerning all the events occurring at Naju as “Non Constat de Supernaturalitate”, translated as: “Not confirming that it is supernatural” so far. This does not mean condemnation but that the investigation is still in progress. For condemnation, there is a different formal announcement: “Constat de non supernaturalitate”.

“Non Constat de Supernaturalitate” means it may not be evident whether or not the alleged apparition is authentic. Thus, the Holy See’s official stance on Naju is that the investigation has not been completed yet and therefore needs more observation of the evidence, testimonies, and fruits. It also implies that activities privately initiated pilgrimages, prayer meetings, the Sacrament of Confessions, testimonies, distributions of newsletters published by Naju and so on will not be prohibited but be freely allowed. During this ongoing investigation, the Holy See allows free visits, inquiries, and experiences by individual priests and lay people. 

In conclusion, Pilgrimage to Naju is Allowed as the Official Position of the Church on Naju (Non Constat de Supernaturalitate)

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