Enjoy beautiful scenery for a peaceful retreat and healing

The Blessed Mother's Mountain is well-known among pilgrims as peaceful retreat and healing place. Here, you can find the source of miraculous spring water, allowing you to shower and drink with the miraculous spring water. Even non-Catholic believers comes to are draw the miraculous water, which is famous worldwide. Sitting quietly alone on the Blessed Mother's mountain in Naju, you can hear various bird songs, 🦜🦉🐦 and the warm sunlight brings great peace to our souls. Moreover, there are large carp living in the small pond here. 🐟Encounter the carp swimming in the miraculous spring water. You may also encounter cute squirrels. 🐿Pilgrims who come here have moments of quiet solitude on the grassy field, and they all say, "This is indeed heaven!" Take a break from the city and your daily life for a healing moment. Also, try praying quietly alone. At some point, we may encounter Jesus and the Blessed Mother within our hearts.

Visit the Korean Historical Sites (West Fortress Gate) near the Naju Shrine (5 minutes walking distance) 

The West Fortress Gate is located right under and facing Geumseong Mountain. Its original name was Yeonggeum Gate. The fortress was built to protect people from enemies and this gate is the most vulnerable area where the fiercest battles took place. The West Fortress Gate was also the location of a most tragic and fierce battle between Joseon forces and the Donghak rebellion army. 

Experience Korean Traditional game in Hanbok (Korean attire) Experience regal elegance firsthand in traditional Hanbok attire! 

Traditional South Korean games have their roots in old folk beliefs. As the Korean peninsula has been driven by agriculture since the ancient days, Korean people have had strong beliefs in gods that protect their nature and lands. Through the beliefs and activities in this early period, traditional games were created. And they continue to be popular games even today, although many of those beliefs are no longer present. 

Experience Korean Traditional Sailing Ship in Yeongsan River (Naju) Along the Yeongsan River that Flows with Artistry

Yeongsan River Hwangpo Sailboats: Countless sailboats once dotted this river. These boats that once attracted the eyes of the ancient people disappeared a long time ago along with their memories. But now this old tradition has been restored. When you climb aboard these resurrected relics you’ll feel the sweet-smelling wind from the Yeongsan River caress your cheek as if in greeting. 

Visit Yeo-su for the art museum and taking Cable car

ARTE MUSEUM is a global exhibition brand that launched its first venue in Jeju, South Korea, in September 2020. Since its inception, ARTE MUSEUM has extended its reach to major cities around the globe, establishing itself as a popular exhibition with a cumulative total of five million visitors. It has also won several global design awards, including the iF Design Award. Experience 'ETERNAL NATURE' crafted by d'strict at ARTE MUSEUM. 

Yeosu Maritime Cable Car is the first of its kind in Korea, connecting Dolsan Island and the mainland over the ocean. Passengers can choose between the standard cabins and crystal cabins. In particular, crystal cabins allow passengers to observe the ocean below ones feet, experiencing the thrill of being suspended in mid-air through its transparent flooring. 

Experience Korean Traditional House (Hanok) and Taste Korean local food

The key feature of Hanok is their peculiar heating system, called ondol, whereby a layer of stone is set below the floor and spreads warmth to every room when heated, keeping these dwellings hot and cosy during Korea’s winters. Hanok are also environmentally friendly as, besides the wood used for pillars, doors, and window frames, their walls are made with a mixture of straw and dirt. 

Korean food, or hansik, is characterized by a clear distinction between the main dish (rice, noodles, etc.) and the side dish (called banchan), diverse recipes, a balanced mix of animal and plant products, and refined fermented foods created with great care over long periods.  

All individuals depicted in the above pictures 📸were pilgrims visiting Naju Shrine, where they had the opportunity to experience local attractions and highlights.