Samuel's Testimony

“I had also the cancer at 4th stage, but was healed in Naju.”

Archbishop Bumbun's Testimony

"Dear pilgrims! Indeed, what is happening here in Naju is truly God’s work.”

Dr. Edwin’s  Testimony

“My blinded eye opened during my pilgrimage to Naju!!!"

Anita Lukban’s Testimony

“Cancer-free for 31 years after pilgrimage to Naju"

Rev. Fr. Jerry Orbos' Testimony

“I witnessed the Eucharistic Miracle through Julia, and Our Lord tested me in such a special way!”

Peter Noh's Testimony

“I saw the miracle of the Eucharist and the blind gaining her eye sight.”

Rev. Fr. Victor from the USA

“I have never felt what I felt here in Naju in any other shrine in the world.”

Caroline's Testimony

My infertility was healed! I have three children after pilgrimage to Naju"

Marilou's Testimony

"The cancer in my both breasts disappeared right after Mama Julia’s prayers!!!"

Theresa's Testimony

"I was healed through the response with 'AMEN' during Mama Julia's talk!"

Mary Ann's Testimony

No more seeing demon after I was hugged by Mama Julia in Naju!

Rita's Testimony

“The man who was praying next to the statue of Mother Mary of Naju was St. Pope John Paul II."

Lucy's Testimony

"Naju Miraculous Water turned to Mother Mary's Milk three times at the Blessed Mother's Mountain! "

Laura’s Testimony

"I, who was a drug addict, met Naju… Heaven is practical and feasible in Naju."

Alice's Testimony

“Naju pilgrimage is heaven and I was healed of my depression in Naju”

Agatha's Testimony

“The tumors that had spread countlessly throughout my lymph nodes disappeared after Mama Julia's prayers!"

David Lee Moon-hee's Testimony (Julia Kim's middle school teacher)

“I was healed of my Terminal stage colorectal cancer thanks to Julia's prayer!!!"

Rhodora's Testimony

My chronic frozen right shoulder was healed!

Fr. Alexander Kim's Testimony

“My second elder brother was miraculously healed from his severe hand tremors and was liberated from his 40-years cigarette addiction by responding with Amen!!!"

Gejo's Testimony

“After Mama Julia gave me a hug, my severe toothache has gone."

Angela's Testimony

"When I kissed on the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory, my cough due to bronchospasm had suddenly disappeared."

Don's Testimony

"I hope I will never forget this experience in Naju!!!"

Peng Jian Hui's Testimony

"My legs have been healed after pilgrimage to Naju!!!"

Testimony by Anita Lukban (Eyewitness)

The First Eucharistic Miracle through Julia Kim

Keren's Testimony

"After Mama Julia's blowing onto my knees, I was able to walk up the mountain without limping!"

Lys' Testimony

"Mama Julia said, "Someone is healed", at the time, the pain in my knees was gone!"

Jho Fuentes' Testimony

"All the doctors exclaimed what a miracle it is. The baby is normal!"

Anne's Testimony

"Through the kiss of Mama Julia, I was healed from my colorectal cancer"

Elvira's Testimony

"After drinking Mama Mary's Milk and bathing with it, I was healed completely!"

Peter Kim's Testimony

"A Conversion like St. Paul"

A pilgrim's Testimony

"God sent His Angels to the pilgrims who are coming to pay homage to Him and His Mother in Naju!"

Mae's Testimony

"I was healed of polycystic ovarian syndrome, an incurable illness and...”

Carmencita P. Garcia's Testimony

"Jesus healed me on the Way of the Cross in Naju!"

Paul Sohn's Testimony

“Through Julia’s life and words, I forgave those who tried to kill me!"

Rebecca Santos' Testimony

“I can't live without the Naju Blessed Items!!!"

Juliana's Testimony

“My three malignant tumors  in my colon disappeared after praying in Naju shrine!!!"

Gertrudis' Testimony

"My husband, whom I hated, has now become an essential being like air." (This world has changed like heaven to me.)

Maria's Testimony

After my pilgrimage to Naju, the atmosphere of my family changed!"

Barnaba's Testimony

“Our Lady appeared to my son who was terminally ill."

Pauline's Testimony

“I forgave everyone who hurt me through the Five Spiritualities of Mama Julia"

 Elizabeth Levine's Testimony

Healing through the latest Duvet of All Signs of Grace  Naju

Brother Andrew Kim Dae-geon's Testimony

"My short leg bone came to be normal!"

Cecilia's Testimony 

"Praying before the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory, my severe depression was healed"

Leni 's Testimony

“My husband had open heart surgery and even collapsed from a stroke, but he can walk now thanks to Mama Julia's prayer!"

Sr. Veronica's Testimony

“I feel Jesus is truly alive in His Holy Image on this bedding."

 Clara Lee's Testimony

"I realized that I have no phlegm, no reflux, and nothing was wrong!!

Magdalene Jeong's Testimony

“I said loudly, “Amen!” And amazingly, my heart has been healed."

Clara Lee Young-hwa 's Testimony

“I received a lot of graces through Mama Julia’s inspiring spiritual messages."

Joseph Park's Testimony

"Enjoying a happy youth at the age of 80 thanks to the grace from Naju Shrine!"

Veronica Yoon Yeo Jung's Testimony

"I defeat the shamans with Naju Water and received Naju Mask miraculously descending from Heaven!"

 John Song Ha-yeong's Testimony

"My wife recovered her health from the next day of our pilgrimage to Naju and could go to work normally. All kinds of her diseases were also totally healed!"

Monica Lee's Testimony

“My Husband’s Broken ribs were healed after Mama Julia kissed them!”

Regina Jo's Testimony

“Corpus Luteum Burst in A Pool of Blood Turn Normal Through a Video of Mama Julia's Blowing of Breath!”

Sr. Gabriela Kang's Testimony

"The atopic skin disease was healed by Miraculous Water and holy articles made with All Signs of Grace of Naju !!!"

Florence's Testimony

“To our astonishment,  everything turned out fine after offering the Mass at Naju Shrine.”

Rhodora 's Testimony

After I responded with 'Amen' to Mama Julia's talk, my chronic shoulder pain was healed!

Lyz Barawid's Testimony

“My asthma also went away!”

Maria Kim's Testimony

"“Amazing Healing From Uterine Myomas!”"

Francis' Testimony

“To our astonishment,  everything turned out fine after offering the Mass at Naju Shrine.”

Cecilia's Testimony

Amazing Healing Graces hrough the LATEST BLANKET with All Signs of Grace of Naju

Rhodora's Testimony

"The Lord and Mama Mary sent my way so that I can be present in the celebration of the Weeping Tears of Blood in Naju!!!" (My chronic frozen right shoulder was healed!)

I've been to Naju 22 times since March 2012. There were many years I visited twice a year or even five times a year. During the pandemic, of course, I wasn't able to go. Then finally, international travel was allowed but with a lot of travel restrictions, travel requirements and the negative RT-PCR test.


The sisters invited me to join the October celebration several months before. I was really hesitant because of the global requirements. And I also dread the RT-PCT test because I experience nosebleeds whenever I undergo it.  Additionally, there's the government mandatory quarantine of 5-10 days. Because of all these, I was not sure whether I would be able to join the October celebration.


But the moment I said “Yes” to attend the celebration, I smelled the rose fragrance around me.   But still,  I requested the Naju sisters to pray hard for the Korean and Philippine travel restrictions and requirements to be made easy for us and for the RT-PCR test to be removed so we don't have to undergo this. I also prayed hard, saying,” Lord and Mama Mary, if you really want me to go, please remove all these requirements.”


Days before my flight, the Korean travel restrictions were suddenly lifted. The requirement of a negative RT-PCR test was removed. That is one sign that I have to go!   The sisters' prayers were heard together with the prayers of Mama Julia.   The entry to Korea was very smooth, I was especially grateful that there’s no need to undergo the RT-PCR test.


However, the stressful entry requirements and the painful RT-PCR test of the Philippines were not removed yet.  But 2 days before our flight back to Manila, an announcement was made that the Philippines was now going to remove the stressful One health pass and the RT-PCR test upon arrival in Manila. We only need an e- arrival card, similar to the old arrival card, which should be accomplished before entry to our country!  What a great relief for us!


This was one miracle the Lord and Mama Mary sent my way so that I can be present in the celebration of the Weeping Tears of Blood in Naju last October.


While in Naju I received the miracle of healing through Mama Julia—-My chronic frozen right shoulder was painful and I've been regularly suffering from these pains since the start of the pandemic.  It was healed the next day after mama Julia said, “all those suffering from shoulder pains will be healed and I said “Amen!” Until today I do not experience shoulder pains anymore.


I joined this celebration for thanksgiving, for great blessings, and for collective prayer in union with Mama Julia. Let us all go to Naju and celebrate with the community and the Lord and Mama Mary. See you soon on my 23rd pilgrimage to Naju this year!

Testimony by Rhodora Santiago on January 15, 2023

Dr. Edwin’s Testimony

“My blinded eye opened during my pilgrimage to Naju!!!"

“When I came to Naju in 2015, I also had a problem under the very painful ear problem. And Mama Julia touched my ears. Then my painful ear problem was over! And I had rupture of retinular blood vessel in my right eye. So I couldn't see. I only could see with my left eye… I went to wash my face with the Miraculous Water of Naju, because I was praying that I could receive healing. So, from Station no. 1 to Station no. 14, I removed my glasses, hoping that I could see. We finished the 14th Station. Somebody shouted there was dancing of the sun. And I looked at it.… And then I noticed, I could see my finger!!!  👉🏻 https://youtu.be/QcYZOqQlJrw

Testimony by Dr. Edwin in Nov, 2019

Anita Lukban’s Testimony

Thank You Our Lady of Naju for the gift of healing!!!"

Anita meeting with Julia Kim in Naju Shrine 

Anita giving testimony on Zoom on Feb 8, 2023 


When you showed the video of Mama Julia carrying the old woman, I remembered way back in May, 1992, when Mama Julia came to the Philippines to join us in our pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Lourdes in France and Italy. She arrived here in Manila on my birthday and she gave me a beautiful image of Our Lady of Naju as a gift.

That day, when we met them at the airport, I had menopausal bleeding. After our lunch, I was bleeding profusely so I decided to go directly to the hospital, with the image of the Blessed Mother. I had to check-in at the hospital by myself, without my family. The doctor scheduled me immediately to undergo a D&C (Dilation & Curettage, a surgical procedure in which the cervix, the lower and narrow part of the uterus is dilated and some tissues are scraped). It was only after I was brought to a private room that I saw my family who arrived while I was in the operating room.

The following day, before I was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told me that based on his findings, I should undergo hysterectomy, (removal of the uterus) or I would have cancer of the uterus. I told the doctor that I was going on a pilgrimage in 4 days’ time and that there is no way I could cancel, as I was the one in charge. I promised to see him when I return. So, I went on with our pilgrimage, where even my handbag had to be carried by my co-pilgrims.

Every day, after breakfast Jerry Orbos, our chaplain and Mama Julia would do healing prayers for me, but there was something I could not understand, because I have not seen Mama Julia doing it before and even up to now. After praying over me, she would ask me to turn around and she would carry me piggy- back style (back-to-back) for around 5 minutes. At that time, I was at my heaviest, at 164 lbs. I wonder if it was some form of sacrifice for her, to hasten my healing, because I was too heavy and she was quite slim then. Upon our return from the pilgrimage, I consulted another doctor, a friend, for second opinion regarding the hysterectomy. Praise God, this is what he told me “You’re OK. Maybe when you die it will not be due to cancer.” By May this year, it will be 31 years since then and I am still cancer-free.

The 2nd healing happened, when another pilgrimage group with Fr Orbos, was brought by Mama Julia to the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, when there were no improvements yet, because they have not even acquired the place then. After the mass, Mama Julia inserted a hose in a hole in the ground and rose scented water gushed forth, which she gathered in paper cups. Then we all lined up for the healing session, with the scented water, that was blessed by Fr Orbos. (When we tried later to get water from the hose by ourselves, there was no scent at all).

What amazed all of us was how Mama Julia would know exactly where to pour the scented water, without asking where our ailment was. Like my friend, Marietta Roces, who unknown to us all was due for a glaucoma operation (an irreversible condition of the eyes), upon our return to Manila. When her turn came up, Mama Julia tilted her face and poured water in each of her eyes. She was healed and did not undergo the scheduled operation. When my turn came up, Mama Julia lifted my pants on my right leg and poured water on my itchy and painfully inflamed ankle and feet due to some allergic condition. The following morning, the skin on my painful foot was dried up and scaly and the inflammation has subsided. To this day, the brownish spots due to that allergy can still be seen on my feet.

The third healing happened when Mama Julia came to Manila in 2018 to pray over Fr Jerry Orbos, a day before his operation for cancer. After the mass, we had picture taking, and I motioned to Mama Julia that I needed, healing, pointing at my tummy, because for almost a year, I would always have LBM (loose bowel movement). It was making me feel weak already, because I could not seem to digest most of the food I normally used to eat. I had to take anti-diarrhea medications, which was not advisable. From that night, after she prayed over me, I was healed and I had settled stomach since then.

The 4th healing happened during my last pilgrimage to Naju, just before the pandemic, on the first Saturday of September, 2019. Mama Julia said that as she blew the breath from the Holy Spirit, we were to inhale it if we needed healing. As I was at that time coughing and suffering from my seasonal allergic rhinitis (a strong typhoon was forecast in Korea that day), I decided to inhale deeply and suck in the air, as Mama Julia was blowing and exhaling. I had this allergic coughing and rhinitis since I was 33 years old or for 50 years at that time. I used to be treated for asthma until it was discovered 20 years ago that it was an allergy and not asthma. This time, since September,7, 2019after inhaling the breath of the Holy Spirit, thru Mama Julia, I never had again the seasonal allergic coughing.

Thank You Jesus, thank You Mama Mary, thank you Mama Julia. Thank You Our Lady of Naju for the gift of healing.

Testimony by Anita Lukban on Feb 8, 2023

Samuel's Testimony 

I had also the cancer at 4th stage, but was healed in Naju.”

I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in a nose. I asked the doctor how long I will stay in this world. He only smiled and said it depends on my body if I can survive. They told me to undergo chemotherapy, but I refused. 

Through My wife, Mama Mary led me to Naju on the anniversary. I got a chance to see Mama Julia Kim. She hugged me and kiss my neck which is bigger because of my cancer. I cannot explain what I feel. There is something that gives me strength. And I feel very blessed. I took a shower in the miraculous fountain and get water to wipe on my neck. And I promise to be back here in Naju. 

Last month, I go back to the hospital for complete body scan and MRI and I am so happy to tell you that I am healed. The doctor said I have no cancer. 
👉🏻 https://youtu.be/qg_Z8aSrGBM                                             

Testimony by Samuel on Oct 15, 2016 

Fr. Alexander Kim's Testimony

My second elder brother was miraculously healed from his severe hand tremors and was liberated from his 40-years cigarette addiction by responding with Amen!!!"

Photo: Fr. Alexander Kim & his elder brother Paul

"I witnessed many people being healed of their incurable diseases through the prayers and redemptive sufferings of Julia Kim. My second elder brother who had schizophrenia due to a shocking incident when he was in the military, also had a miraculous healing from severe hand tremors and mumbling and was liberated from his 40-years cigarette addiction by responding AMEN while participating in the healing prayer time of Mama Julia during the prayer meeting on the anniversary (Oct 19, 2022)"  

Testimony by Cecilia from Japan 

"Praying before the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory, my severe depression was healed"

Praise be to Jesus! Praise be to the Blessed Mother! 💗💗💗

I am Cecilia, a pilgrim from Japan.

During my first pilgrimage to Naju, the Lord granted me the profound fragrance of roses while I prayed with my husband and son on the Way of the Cross at the Blessed Mother's Mountain.

Today, as I bowed before the Blessed Mother in the Chapel and prayed with my hand touching the acrylic wall before the statue, I felt Her heartbeat strongly pulsating. I sensed Her living presence.

I used to be afraid to drive, but after placing holy cards of Our Lady of Naju on the dashboard and rear seats and turning my driving into prayer, I gained the courage to drive. When I got into a minor accident while driving, I prayed to the Lord and the Blessed Mother of Naju, and miraculously, I didn't have to compensate the other party at all.

Keeping the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory at the center of my family and praying, I found healing from severe depression caused by my son.

When a major earthquake struck Japan, Mama Julia, in her intense suffering, kept praying for the safety of pilgrims in Japan, and thankfully, we heard that all the Naju pilgrims in Japan were unharmed. Mama Julia, thank you and I love you.

Lastly, my younger brother faced severe financial hardship due to the economic impact of COVID-19. But after requesting prayers from Mama Julia on the Naju Shrine website, someone appeared to buy his shop, and the financial problem was resolved quickly.

Thanks to Mama Julia's prayers, the grace of mercy from the Lord and the Blessed Mother was granted to all of us. I will repent and commit myself to practicing the Five Spiritualities and prayers of life anew. Mama Julia, thank you so much, and I love you forever.

💝 "If you make efforts to practice 'Turning your daily lives into Prayers' every moment, as I taught you through My little soul chosen by Me, and walk the way of perfection and saintly virtues through the Five Spiritualities, I and My Mother will work within you, even if you are inadequate and imperfect, and grant you eternal bliss in the next world." (Message of Love from Jesus received by Julia Kim of Naju, Korea on Jan 1, 2024) 💝

Gejo's Testimony

“After Mama Julia gave me a hug, my severe toothache has gone.”

"My name is Gejo, I am from New Zealand. I just arrived by flight today and I just came straight to Naju. I had a toothache and when Mama Julia came here and I sat right in front of the altar. I felt the toothache increasing and I couldn't concentrate much and after that, when she was about to go and I came there and Mama Julia gave me a big hug. I was surprised. I just felt that all my pain has gone and the swelling just went away."

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/n8-ft2ZGxRc

Rita's Testimony 

“The man who was praying next to the statue of Mother Mary of Naju was St. Pope John Paul II.”

“On November 23, pilgrims from Singapore were invited to go up to the altar (Naju Shrine). I started to take pictures and I had a look at them when I arrived home. I was so shocked to see a man with the pointed nose praying next to Mother Mary in the casing.

Two days later, when I visited my daughter Nicole in hospital, the first thing she showed me was the picture of St. Pope John Paul ll. It was amazing because I didn't mention about the photos I took in Naju nor showed her the photo.

When I saw the picture, it looked like a man that l took in the photo of the chapel of Naju. It is no coincidence that Nicole showed me the picture must be guided by the Holy Spirit. I'm very sure St. Pope John Paul ll is still praying for the approval of Naju as the photo showed."

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/SiGe-wMSNpQ

Caroline's Testimony

"My infertility was healed! I have three children!" 

"I was diagnosed with infertility by my doctor. Because of that, my mother-in-law always scolded me and said bad things about me. So I was full of hurt and anger in my heart. When I was 32 years old, I went to Naju from the 16th to the 23rd of October 1999. I Met Mama Julia. She touched my belly and prayed for me and hugged me warmly. Even though I didn’t say anything to her, she can read my deepest desire and hurt. After I returned to Malaysia, the good Lord blessed me with my elder son in November 2000. I managed not to have only one son but three children. I am forever grateful for all the graces that I have received. On Oct 19, 2022, I returned to Naju for thanksgiving with my children!"

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/WLr9p_0WDYo 

Laura’s Testimony

"I, who was a drug addict, met Naju… Heaven is practical and feasible in Naju."

Laura Ralls during her Naju pilgrimage, 2022

I was abused emotionally and physically by my brother since I was a baby. This abuse was a normal part of life for years, it developed in different ways and by the time I was in High school and was a ballet student, I developed my first eating disorder, anorexia, and ended up 89 pounds (40kg) I also can't remember this time period but when I see pictures of me from that time, I remember little bits. 

I got psychiatric help but then I became bulimic with over exercising and using laxatives. I ended up having a panic attack and put on psychiatric medicine. The medicine was so powerful that it caused me to become manic and my life completely changed, I started drinking alcohol, smoking pot and dating boys. I also didn't believe in God anymore and didn't know I was sinning. 

I started to do more dangerous drugs and date dangerous men. I ended up doing crack, meth, narcotic pills, cocaine and smoked a lot of marijuana. I almost died several times from drug overdoses and tried to kill myself and ended up in the mental hospital five times. I didn't trust people anymore because I was hurt so many times or because of my hardened heart, I would just cast them aside. 

Jesus and the Blessed Mother set me free from serious drugs 17 years ago and I continued to smoke marijuana on and off. I stopped completely but would relapse on and off. I was just starting to use edible marijuana because of my chronic depression when covid-19 hit. Then I started the online retreat with Mama Julia and immediately stopped it and was healed of depression. 

What I want to tell you is that now I understand this mysterious connection I felt in Naju. I cry when I think of the sweet love I felt in Naju from Mama Julia and the sisters. They were so tender to me.

The people and feeling loved! My miracle in Naju was LOVE! What I felt in Naju is that heaven is practical and feasible in Naju. I was there with people who are trying to practice the Five Spiritualities. I was running around like a baby. When the kingdom of the Lord is coming into this world, I thought it might be something like this.

I can talk endlessly about Mama Julia...  Mama Julia is love. After visiting the Naju, I feel energy every time I spread Naju. My life is talking about Naju, and spreading Naju is my life. If I don't spread Naju, it's like I'm dead.

I have already bought a plane ticket ✈ to go to Naju this year 2023.

Laura Ralls, USA

Jan 15, 2023

Alice's Testimony

“Naju pilgrimage is heaven”  

When I arrived here in Naju, I was amazed, because the statue of the Blessed Mother exuded many oils. I smelled the oil fragrance of the Blessed Mother. I decided to come back here, Naju. Coming here Naju, it’s like heaven for me.

Before, I took medicine for depression. I was healed from my depression now. Second, I had a thyroid problem, so every time when I come here in Naju, I went to Mt. Calvary and pray to the Cross of Jesus, touching His feet and then placing on my neck.  I asked Mama Julia to place her hands on my neck. No more protruding muscle on my neck. I was already healed thanks to the Blessed Mother.

Last March, my sister called me, “Please come home. Our mother is going to die, now.”  I sent some miraculous water and now she is still alive and can walk now. Thank you to the Lord and the Blessed Mother and Mama Julia. 

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/xmPMdazhFSk

Testimony presented by Rev. Fr. Victor from the USA

“I have never felt what I felt here in Naju in any other shrine in the world.”

My name is Father Victor. I want to share with you one thing. I visited almost all the areas all over the world that have pilgrimage. For example, Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje several times.

But I have never felt as I did here in Naju. I can assure you there is no area at all anything similar to what I experienced here in Naju.

You all know that anything and everybody that came here and really took it seriously know and feel that this is a piece of Heaven. Because what you have in your heart comes from Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

I have never met in my life somebody like Mama Julia. She is a saint from God for all of you. We all, each and everyone of us, need to do what she is recommending to us. She is getting this straight from Jesus and Mary.

What I learned about the miracles that happen, proves that you have angels here and Mama Julia herself receives Messages straight from Jesus and Mary. So we have to follow what she is telling us straight from Heaven. Amen! Amen! Amen!

So I recommend to you to follow what Mama Julia is asking us to do because she gets it straight from Heaven. I am sure that everyone of us wants to go to Heaven and bypass the purgatory. I have never heard that there is a way to bypass the purgatory.

And this is the promise that came from Jesus, straight from Jesus, so it is not like somebody is telling you "I promise you to do something." It is Jesus is telling you, "I’m ready to take you to home directly to Heaven." It is from Jesus.

I have never heard this before, and there is no place on earth that anybody can recommend that you can go straight to Heaven. So do what she is telling you because it comes straight from Jesus and Mary.

Okay. I don’t want to take too much of your time, I want to give you my priestly blessing. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! 

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/wvKHBJVFwrI

Angela's Testimony

"When I kissed on Jesus of Mercy in Glory, my cough due to bronchospasm due to allergies had suddenly disappeared. 

I’m Angela Amato from Italy.

I bought some holy items from Naju. Also, I heard so much about the Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory, its preciousness and sacredness, and how many months of suffering mother Julia took to complete this Image, but I was like the worst deaf person who didn't want to hear... "I think the Holy Image is kind of expensive. So I don't want it!"

At this point I had a total rejection for the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory who appeared in Naju, then an incredible thing happened: a lady received in Italy an Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory instead of the Image of the Crucifix of the Calvary of Naju by the mistake of Naju volunteers.

Antonella calls me telling me if I wanted to buy the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory. And I immediately said Yes. At that moment I felt that just like Peter who despite saying he loved Jesus denied him three times, I denied the Holy Image of Jesus dozens of times…

When the package arrived home and I unrolled the Image at eye level I found myself face to face with Jesus of Mercy in Glory, we looked into each other's eyes, and I burst into tears, a liberating cry that lasted hours because I always refused...

At that moment Jesus puts in my heart a phrase that I love very much when he says in the book of Revelation 3:20 " Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if any hear my voice and open the door, I will come into their house and eat with them, and they will eat with me."

His sweet loving gaze was alive, of an indescribable beauty I kissed him endlessly saying: "Jesus, how beautiful you are..." Jesus said it to Mama Julia in a message: "My presence is alive in this Image"... and I confirm it.

I realized that the Image is worth more than gold and that it is priceless. While I was kissing him, I realized that my cough due to bronchospasm due to allergies had suddenly disappeared.

I was not only like Peter who denied Jesus, but also like Thomas, who I had to see to believe. Jesus chose many ways to enter my house. It wasn't a mistake of volunteers of Naju holy article shop, but it was Jesus himself who decided everything in Naju. He knocked on my door and I opened the door to my house and my Heart.

Not only did I purchase the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory, but immediately also the Image of the Crucifix of Naju. His head crowned with thorns protrudes from the painting and as if Jesus came out of the painting and is physically present in my room, praying in front of this Image I can communicate with him through the cross.

Now I have only one wish left, to hug Mama Julia, saying “I love you so much” Thanks to the Five Spiritualities that I am practicing, I have managed to forgive people who have hurt me so much, putting into practice the spirituality of It’s MY FAULT. I have forgiven and I found so much peace and joy in my heart. 

Thank you, Mama Julia! I can’t wait to come to Naju in June.  

Angela Amato 

Feb 27, 2023

Don's Testimony

"I hope I will never forget this experience in Naju!!!"

My name is Don Palmieri. I am from California. One or two years ago, I saw a picture of Julia Kim on the internet and started reading her story. I thought it was very fascinating. I told myself if I ever go to Korea, I would try to go to the place where Julia Kim was living.

This time I came to Korea for a short trip and I was able to come to Naju and spend a beautiful day. It was just very beautiful to see the simple sincere devotion of the religious people here and also some of the pilgrims that are visiting. I think this type of positive example of a better way to live and a return to try to try to encourage more people to return to a deeply meaningful spiritual life because many people are lost without that.

I hope I will never forget this experience and I look forward to coming back. I wish I could stay here and meditate and pray longer. If anybody has the chance to come here and visit, I think you will not be disappointed. It's very inspirational, just very beautiful to see what has happened here and what is still happening here.  👉🏻https://youtu.be/hbThgzngIi8

Peng Jian Hui's Testimony

"My legs have been healed!!!"

"Before coming to Naju, my legs hurt, so I prayed to Mama Mary to heal my legs so that I can walk. I wanted to wash my legs with Naju Miraculous water. While taking a shower, I was crying. The water was very cold, which made me shiver. I decided to confess my faith. Miracle occurred! The water became warm! I was touched and my legs have been healed!" (Peng Jian Hui, China) 👉🏻https://youtu.be/UAH6UaRxLUE

Marilou's Testimony

"The cancer in my both breasts disappeared right after Mama Julia’s prayers!!!"

My name is Marilou Maupin. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I kept crying and couldn't even sleep. My friend took me to Naju and I met Mama Julia. Mama Julia prayed for me and kissed on my breasts. Then when I went to the hospital to check up, the doctor said, "No need surgery. Everything in your breast is good now."

Before I was prayed over by Mama Julia, everytime I touched my breasts, I could feel some hard big lumps there and they hurt. But after I met Mama Julia and was prayed over by her, even though I touched my breasts, I couldn't feel the hard lumps anymore. It's Amazing!!! I cannot believe it!!!

I'm so blessed because I came here to Naju. This is my home. I love Mama Julia.I love Mama Mary of Naju. Mother Mary of Naju is totally a mother to me. Amen!!!  👉🏻https://youtu.be/1lBPkz9w4JA

The First Eucharistic Miracle through Julia Kim 

- Testimony by Anita Lukban (Eyewitness) -
Presented on Feb 22, 2023

We were 33 pilgrims in the first Filipino pilgrimage to Naju… 31 lay persons and 2 priests, Fr Jerry Orbos and Fr Ernie Santos. It was May 16, 1991 when we arrived at Naju Chapel, where we were warmly welcomed by Julia Kim. She hugged and kissed each one of us as if we were long lost friends.

The Blessed Mother seemed to be teary-eyed, as if a tear was about to fall. We all concluded that she must be happy that we visited her.

After praying in the chapel, it was time for us to go to the Naju Parish Church in the late afternoon. We were with Mama Julia and Rufino, who all sat behind the pilgrims, so when communion time came, Mama Julia was the last to receive the host.

When Fr Orbos stood up, after the moment of silence that follows communion, Rufino went up to him and whispered something. Fr Orbos immediately went to Mama Julia and on seeing her open mouth exclaimed, “Oh my God! Something is happening. It must be a Eucharistic miracle!”

Everybody went around Mama Julia, except me. I could not believe that I would witness a Eucharistic miracle, for I was unworthy, a sinner.

From where I stood, I could see the red and white substance on her extended tongue, but I did not know how to react. Fr Jerry then told Mama Julia to swallow the host. After the two priests blessed her, they returned to the altar to finish the mass and we all returned to our seats.

After the mass, the two priests laid their hands on the tabernacle, in deep prayer, while most in my group were still crying or sobbing. Everyone was in awe and nobody stood up to leave. Nobody in our group wanted to leave Naju that night. they all wanted to stay, but there were no hotels yet in Naju then.

Mama Julia shared with Fr Orbos (he could speak Korean because he served as a missionary to Korea before) the message given by the Blessed Mother during the Eucharistic miracle. She also said that during the consecration, she saw the Blessed Mother embracing the two priests with her mantle.

Throughout that trip, Fr Orbos kept reminding us, that to whom much is given, much is expected. (Luke 12:48) When we returned to Manila, many of our co-pilgrims, especially the wives of the military generals and officers, who comprised half of our group would ask if they can attend our weekly prayer meetings or join us in some apostolic work.

These ladies used to say that before they joined that pilgrimage to Naju, their lifestyle revolved around shopping, attending parties and gossiping. After Naju, all of them wanted to do something for the Lord or help the less fortunate.

Thereafter, we invited Mama Julia to come to the Philippines. She was invited to all the military camps in Metro Manila: the Airforce, Army, Navy and National Police. Wherever they were invited, June Keithley (actress and journalist) would say the introductory words, Fr Orbos would celebrate the mass and Mama Julia would give a talk and do healing prayers.

They were invited to the major churches like Binondo and Edsa Shrine and to some government offices like the Central Bank of the Philippines, they were even invited by our President Cory Aquino to Malacanang Palace.

Julia Kim delivered the Messages of the Blessed Mother in Malacanang Palace

Most significant was the invitation from the late Jaime Cardinal Sin to the Archbishop’s Palace, where he said the mass and asked Mama Julia to pray over him later in his office.

That Eucharistic miracle resulted in a lot of conversions, so much so that, after the coup staged by a minority group in the army, against President Cory Aquino, the rebel soldiers who were imprisoned at Logistics Command compound in Camp Aguinaldo, requested that they be given scapulars and rosaries.

Despite my unworthiness, I always give thanks for the amazing graces that the Lord let me witness the Eucharistic Miracle through Mama Julia and changed my life. I will testify to the Lord for the rest of my life.

Keren's Testimony

"After Mama Julia's blowing onto my knees, I was able to walk up the mountain without limping!"

In June 2018, the 33rd anniversary, I organized 36 people from Nagoya, Japan, and returned to Naju again. What was big to me in my testimony is Mama Julia blew into my knees. I was limping. To go up to the way of the Cross, my two members would have to assist me, Here another here, and pushed me up so I can walk to the Holy Mountain. Mama Julia blew her breath onto my knees. I can walk today with no assistance going up the mountain. (applause) Kam-sa-ham-ni-da. (Thank you)  - Keren from Japan 


Lys' Testimony

"Mama Julia said, "Someone is healed", at the time, the pain in my knees was gone!"

My name is Lys from the USA. I have pains in my knees due to arthritis. When Mama Julia was speaking in front of me, the miracle just happened to me. She started to stand up and she said "someone is healed." At the time, the pain in my knees was gone. At first, I couldn't believe because I had had a lot of pains. I started to wriggle my knees. It has been very very flexible! I believe that miracle happened to me because first time in so many years, I was able to kneel. That was the miracle in my life. Mama Julia, Kam-sa-ham-ni-da. (Thank you) I love you all! 


Jho Fuentes' Testimony

"We know Mama Mary of Naju protected her and baby all through the operation!"

Our baby is a Naju baby! her mom went up the blessed mountain last september 2022  when she was in her first trimester and smelled roses twice. it was not an easy pregnancy and he is a true knot baby. so everybody says it was a miracle that he survived!! her mom also had to undergo further hysterectomy due to some complications. Of course, we know mama mary of naju protected her and baby all through the operation. she was wearing the Naju bracelet and Naju binder.

mary pauline has been having contractions as early as feb 8 but the Blessed Mother of  Naju heard our pleas and the baby despite being a true knotted one was born yesterday, march 11; and upon seeing him, all the doctors exclaimed what a miracle it is!!! Amen! Praise God!!!

Mama Mary of Naju has been blessing us with miracles big and small. we attend your online holy mass every Sunday without fail and we know the sacrifices of Mama Julia and your prayers and all the sisters help us in our sickness and  afflictions without a doubt. 

Jho Fuentes

March 14, 2023 

Mary Ann's Testimony

"I was massaged by a witch without knowing her, and after that, I had seen devils everywhere and was tormented by them, but I went to Naju and was hugged by Mama Julia, then, no more something beneath my skin and no more seeing demons!!! "

22 years ago after the birth of my son I was adviced to have a series of post-natal massages by a prayerful older family friend . Thinking that being recommended so highly the masseuse must be a good lady ! I was massaged daily for 2 weeks by her !

She brought food she made , sold me a bottle of her 'special' massage oil . She also helped massage  my baby son who was born 1month early and who was always crying and couldn't sleep more than 1 hour.  I also asked her to massage my parents and 1 close friend . She invited us to her house and gave us food and drinks.

After 2 weeks I  started to feel a horrible movement under my skin like there was something moving mostly at night. I started to see many demons going in and out of my home! I was so scared as my husband had to work overseas very often leaving my baby and myself at home. I couldn't sleep feeling I was being choked ! I was sleeping and jerking awake very often. My body felt it was poked by needles . My baby was constantly crying. I was seeing demons everywhere . I was so scared as this was my very first experience like this!

I started to pray hard as before I was a lukewarm Catholic. My mother was told of a holy place in KL, Malaysia where the Infant Jesus appeared , we went there a holy brother prayed over me. Over there when I lit a candle for my intentions , my candle started a fire !

Brother prayed over me and my child and told me the lady was a witch and cast a spell on me and my child . After that I increased my prayer life, in the meantime I sometimes felt something heavy on my head like a large snake which then slithered down my back . It was a terrible time but the Lord and the Blessed Mother protected us . My mother later heard of Naju from someone . At that time all kinds of horrible things were happening to us.

My mother went to Naju and brought a statue of Mama Mary home for me  that eveming when my husband , myself and my child were in the taxi carrying Mama Mary's statue I saw a large demon sitting on the railing of the expressway , infront several metres away was a bad accident !

I made up my mind to go to Naju with my son . It was 4 years later ! We went to Naju learnt how to pray and met Mama Julia ! We went for the Miraculous bath and were hugged by Mama Julia , my son smelt of Mama Julia for a whole day ! After that I have no more of that feeling of something moving beneath my skin and no more seeing any demons Praise Jesus and the Blessed Mother ! My son was able to sleep well ! Praise Jesus ! Praise the Blessed Mother !

Thanks to Mama Julia and Naju I changed my life  💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Actually dear my first Naju pilgrimage I had many miracles and I smelt wine , lilies and when we prayed the rosary in our hotel room there was a floral fragrance when people passed our room . I also saw a live size 'statue ' of Mama Mary which no one seemed to have seen . I felt so loved by Jesus , Mama Mary and Mama Julia !Even though I am unworthy sinner! 

I have never felt so much love, holiness and peace eve though I have been to Lourdes  🙏🏼🥰

Mary Ann's Signature : 

March 15, 2023 

Lucy's Testimony

"Naju Miraculous Water turned to Mother Mary's Milk three times at the Blessed Mother's Mountain! "  

I am Lucy from Singapore. Our Singapore group went to the Blessed Mother's Mountain. Behind the adoration chapel, there is Naju Miraculous Spring Water. We knelt down and prayed before the adoration chapel and a sister called us. “Lucy Lucy! Mother Mary’s Milk!” We witnessed the Miraculous Water turn to milk three times. We took the water three times. We thank God and praise God. We are truly truly blessed in Naju. The Blessed Mother of Naju teaches me How to love, How to care for others. How to console and more understand others. Thank you Mama Julia for your suffering for my transformation. I receive a lot of healing emotionally and spiritually. Our Lord is truly present in Naju. I can feel Mother Mary's love so much in Naju. Truly thank you Lord for inviting me to Naju over 20 times!    👉🏻https://youtu.be/3x2zhPG3rL4

Anne's Testimony

"Through the kiss of Mama Julia, I was healed from my colorectal cancer"

Hello. I’m Anne from Semarang, Indonesia. Suddenly I felt pain in my stomach. When I touched it and I was surprised there was a lump. When the pain started, I couldn't stand up but had no bow. It was very very painful.  The doctor said I had a tumor in my colon with a 3cm diameter. they said I can not have an operation anymore, because I had operations on my stomach 6 times. I felt so very down. It seemed my life was near the end. The tumor has enlarged rapidly. I had made a farewell letter to all my relatives.

So I went to Naju seeking healing. In Naju at the time of the individual meeting with Mama Julia, I explained to her about my illness, she simply asked me to open the abdomen scar and she kissed it 3 times.

I had faith that I would be healed. Suddenly, after Mama Julia came, and kissed my scar, I felt my stomach stinging as if it was cut by a cold knife. "What's happening to me?" My friend Irene said "Anne! You have to be grateful! It is a healing process!"  

I felt that something like menstruation was coming out very intensively. I checked and it was not blood but there was a strong fragrance.  The next morning, I felt very fresh like a newborn baby with new stamina and my body feels very very light. I touched my stomach anxiously. Amazing! The cancer lump was gone and there was no pain anymore.

When I arrived in Semarang, Indonesia, I got a medical check-up in a laboratory I checked up before, and the result was perfect healing!!! I was very happy. The Lord gave me a new life. I went back to Naju to give thanks for the grace that I received through Mama Julia. For me, it is a great miracle that has changed my life. I sincerely hope that people of the world believe the truth about Naju through my testimony.

 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/uoNyK1hVcV4 

Rev. Fr. Jerry Orbos' Testimony

“I witnessed the Eucharistic Miracle through Julia, and Our Lord tested me in such a special way!” 

Testimony by Rev. Jerry Orbos from the Philippines

I have visited Naju many times together with other pilgrims. Among the numerous miracles and healings that I have witnessed, the most important one is that I always become more aware of the Blessed Mother's love through Julia.

I feel that the Blessed Mother is willingly and unsparingly giving her unconditional love to us through Julia. Despite the enormous pains and fatigue that she experiences, as she has been chosen as a victim soul for the reparation for the sins in the world, Julia generously gives her time and attention to so many people.

As I am also busily involved in pastoral work and in the work of spreading the Faith, I understand how hard and tiring it is to look after other people and their souls. I am amazed whenever I see Julia, who is so simple, gentle, and filled with love no matter how severe her pains and fatigue may be.

Not only I but also numerous other pilgrims also see and feel the unconditional and overflowing love of the Blessed Mother that comes through Julia. Truly, coming to Naju is coming home where the Blessed Mother is present through Julia.

On May 16, 1991, I celebrated Mass and gave Communion to Julia in the Naju parish church. During that Mass, more than thirty pilgrims from the Philippines and I witnessed a Eucharistic miracle.

We saw that the appearance of the Eucharist was changing into those of flesh and blood in Julia's mouth. Because of this experience, a major change has occurred in my life. My love for the Eucharist has especially increased, and I am giving thanks to the Blessed Mother who has drawn me closer to her Son.

Sometime afterwards, the Lord tested me. I was celebrating a Mass at Ripa in the Philippines. When I finished consecrating bread and wine, I saw three flies floating in the Precious Blood (in the form of wine) in the chalice. I was surprised and did not know what to do.

I thought that if I removed the three flies, Our Lord's Precious Blood would be removed also, as the flies were wet with the Precious Blood. Our Lord was asking me, "Do you love me? Do you believe that this is My Blood?" When the time for Communion came, I said, "Lord, I love You and believe that this is Your Blood," and drank the Precious Blood in the chalice together with three flies in it. At that moment, I smelled an intense fragrance of roses.

In the past, I had thought that the fragrance only came through Julia, but realized that the Lord is with us whenever we respond to Him saying, "Amen," like a child. I was able to do this because I had love for the Lord and believed that the Lord was truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. As I recall this experience, I again give thanks to the Lord for allowing me to experience Him in such a special way.

In June 1993, I again came to Naju together with pilgrims from the Philippines. I asked Julia to pray for my younger brother, Tim, and his wife, Ditas, as they had been praying for a baby for five years. 

About one month after Julia began praying for them, Ditas became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy, good-looking boy. I praise God and give thanks to the Blessed Mother who gave us graces through Julia.

Tim and Ditas later told me that, when Julia was praying for them with her hands on them, they felt a warmth and peace in their whole bodies. Indeed, nothing is impossible in the Name of Jesus and through the powerful intercession by Our Mother Mary! 

Elvira's Testimony

"After drinking Mama Mary's Milk and bathing with it, I am healed completely!"

My name is Maria Elvira. I am an orphan at age of 4. Since then, I consider Jesus my father and Mama Mary my mother. I had an amazing experience during my first visit to Naju. The Miraculous water turned into Mother's Milk. I also had an opportunity to bathe with miraculous water which also turned into Mother's Milk. For 20 years, I have been suffering bone pains all over my body esp my knees. I had a hard time walking. I consulted with many doctors and nothing happened. I am grateful to God and Mama Mary for the wonderful experience I had in Naju because, after the miraculous experience, I was healed! I can walk properly. I have no longer excruciating pains all over my body. I am completely healed! I thank Jesus and the Blessed Mother of Naju for my healing. I wish the first-timers will also receive the wonderful blessings God has prepared in Naju. To God be all the Glory!  👉🏻 https://youtu.be/gvMLatu6uuY

Archbishop Bumbun's Testimony

"Dear pilgrims! Indeed, what is happening here in Naju is truly God’s work.”

Our Lord and the Blessed Mother, indeed, appeared here in Naju in order to lead all the children in the world to Heaven. I met Julia Kim, a little soul of God and His instrument for the salvation of this world for the first time in the Diocese of Ruteng in March 2007.

My close friend, Bishop Sangsun of Ruteng diocese, invited Julia Kim to his diocese and proclaimed a 3 day holiday during her visit.

He celebrated the Marian Conference and Solemn Mass in honor of the Blessed Mother of Naju. The cathedral overfilled not only inside and out, but also into every street, with 50 thousand of the faithful praising the Blessed Mother of Naju.

At the end of the Prayer Meeting, Julia began to pray over countless people one by one, by hugging them in her bosom. At the time, I witnessed wondrous miracles.

When Julia prayed over deaf and blind children, putting Miraculous Water into their eyes and ears, they began to see and to speak. The miracles that I only could read in the Bible or the book of Saints’ lives unfolded right before my eyes.

What’s more, I could see a greater miracle than just the healing. That is the love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Julia Kim warmly and joyfully hugged all the children there, as if they were her own. Observing the scene, I saw the deep, motherly love of the Blessed Mother through her.

Therefore, I made my first pilgrimage to Naju on August 15, 2007. Our Lord and Supreme Priest, granted me, an unworthy servant, His Precious Blood which descended on my chasuble. Since then, I’ve made constant pilgrimage to Naju for the past 13 years, and I have seen many people experience profound repentance and healing graces, transforming their lives to follow the Gospel.

Dear pilgrims! Indeed, what is happening here in Naju is truly God’s work.  👉🏻 https://youtu.be/nzE91wZLD1Q

Archbishop Bumbun 

Peter Kim's Testimony

"A Conversion like St. Paul"

I am Peter Kim, Jae-Seok who served as a chairman of the Liturgy Department and a chief volunteer of an Organization for “Cursillo - A Little Course” in the Dae-gu archdiocese of South Korea. And I was also a persecutor of Naju pilgrims for 10 years.

Despite my persecution, they persevered by going continuously to Naju for the past 10 years. Like the saying goes, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” I, myself, made a visit to the Prayer Meeting of Naju just in order to source more reasons and errors to persecute the pilgrims.

During the Prayer Meeting in Naju, as I saw the Blessed Mother shedding Tears of Blood on her image, I felt something penetrate me and I burst out crying and began to repent profoundly.

I fully realized that it was actually I who caused the Blessed Mother to shed Her Tears of Blood. I promised the Blessed Mother ‘If You want, I will work for You to wipe away Your Tears of Blood!’ Since then, I began to work for the Blessed Mother of Naju by leaving my position in my diocese. While making the regular pilgrimage to Naju every 1st Saturday, my wife and I were healed of incurable illnesses in Naju.

Now I am working as a volunteer at the Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju as I promised Her 26 years ago. I have witnessed numerous miracles since I began making pilgrimages to Naju in 1997. After I settled down in Naju in 2002, I am still witnessing greater miracles ever since.

The most impressive occurrence is the Eucharistic Miracle I witnessed. When I was praying with Mama Julia and six volunteer helpers on Calvary Hill at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain on Jan 1, 2002, I saw a drop of Precious Blood formed on the middle toe of the right foot of Jesus who was nailed to the crucifix dripping down at the moment and It penetrated the flue mask that Julia was wearing, changed into a Eucharist and landed on the tongue of her mouth.

I heard the voice of the Lord speaking through my heart, “Have you come to believe because you have seen it?” As I was touched by this miracle which I saw unfolding before me, I was speechless and wept while witnessing the amazing mystery of God. I prayed ardently that Our Lord may forgive me who is of little faith. Some may even ask how such a thing could happen, yet it is the truth as I saw the phenomenon clearly with my own eyes.

As it was winter and the wind was bitterly cold and very strong, I was afraid the Eucharist would fall off from her tongue. But it didn’t fall because it was firmly and vertically attached onto the edge of Mama Julia’s tongue.

Left: The Precious Blood that dripped down from Jesus on the crucifix that changed into a Eucharist, penetrated Julia’s flue mask and landed on her tongue.

Right: The Holy Eucharist remained on Julia's tongue despite the strong wind.

As Mama Julia couldn't attend any Catholic church at the time due to her parish priest's persecution, she alternatively worshiped God by devoting herself to the Liturgy of the Word and dedicated her suffering to the Lord by offering up her desire to receive Holy Communion for the conversion of sinners and for the sanctification of the clergy in the world. Then Jesus personally came to her as a Eucharist and gave her a Message like this.

"Oh, Oh, My beloved little soul! This is the heavenly food that I give you in order to completely pour down the totality of My Love upon you. Make haste to receive and consume It."

I observed that those unprecedented signs, miracles and miraculous healing that were granted in Naju are from the response of the Lord to this little soul(Julia)'s utmost offering and sacrifices. To God be the Glory! Amen!

Peter Kim, Jae-Seok

March 24, 2023

A pilgrim's Testimony

"God sent His Angels to the pilgrims who are coming to pay homage to Him and His Mother in Naju!"

On March 23, (Yesterday) two ladies from the Philippines came to Naju Shrine. And they stayed here until today. They shared with us how God sent an angel to them :

"On our way to Naju by train, we were a little bit anxious if we are on the right way or the right train station. Suddenly a man whom we asked about how we can reach the Yongsan stations, was very kind and brought us to the place where we can buy a train ticket for Naju and guided us to which track of the train we are supposed to depart. He was so soft in his speaking. After that, we wanted to say thank you and tried to buy some coffee for him but he was gone!!! We couldn't find him anywhere!

Thanks to him, we arrived in Naju earlier than we expected. It is truly Divine Intervention."  

It reminds us of one of the stories we heard a long time ago. A small group of pilgrims came to Naju city but didn't know the direction to go to the Blessed Mother's House (Chapel) There was seldom a taxi at the time. Suddenly a very handsome man in a suit with a black luxurious car approached them, saying "Are you going to the Blessed Mother's House in Naju?" They said "Yes!"  He offered them a ride in his car. He took them to the Blessed Mother's House safely and when they turned back to say "Thank you" He had disappeared. He was an angel God had sent! 

"Everything we experienced here is heavenly and lovingly. The Blessed Mother's Mountain is a place of Heaven on earth. Thank you Mama Julia for sharing in the passion and pains of Jesus!" - A pilgrim from the Philippines who visited Naju Shrine today on March 24, 2023 

Mae's Testimony

"I was healed of polycystic ovarian syndrome, an incurable illness and...”

I am Mae from the Philippines. On my first trip to Naju, it was with Fr. Jerry Orbos for the pilgrimage. I asked Lord for a baby boy who looked exactly like me. But that time, I could not get pregnant after two years of trying because I had the condition. It was polycystic ovarian syndrome. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an incurable disease. But after going here in Naju, when I got back from our trip when the doctors checked my ovaries, there were no more cysts and I never had any trace of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Healed completely. 🥰❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻     👉🏻https://youtu.be/cgd0RFapSyw

* Mae is now the mom of 5. 🥰☺️😊😉😇

Carmencita P. Garcia's Testimony

"Jesus healed me on the Way of the Cross in Naju!"

I am so happy and blessed. I had pain in my right shoulder and it was so painful that I couldn't handle it anymore. I always cried and asked Mama Mary, "Please Mama Mary, help me," and prayed to Jesus, "Jesus, I trust in You. Please heal my pain."

Today while I was praying on the Way of the Cross at the Blessed Mother's Mountain in Naju, I cried loudly. At that time, I was healed already. Jesus healed me! I'm so happy because now I can move my right shoulder! It is a great blessing to me. Thank you so much! - Carmencita P. Garcia from the Philippines  Video 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/86l7uXS6xRI

Theresa's Testimony

"I was healed through the response with 'AMEN' during Mama Julia's talk!"

I got hurt on my back. As I felt unbearable pain, I went for an X-ray. The orthopedist said: "The 12th spine is dislocated.” As the pain spread to my knee, I went to the clinic for further consultation to which the doctor said: "You have scratches on your cartilage, but there is no available cure because there is neither medicine nor treatment for this kind of injury." So I just left the clinic with my injury untreated.

And then, I came to the prayer meeting of the 30th anniversary of Our Lady's weeping tears in Naju for the first time. My younger sister(Sr. Madeline of Naju) advised me, “Sister, when Mama Julia speaks, you respond Amen! Amen! Amen! loudly and repeatedly, ok? Then the grace will flow to you through her suffering.” I, first-timer, just followed her advice and responded "Amen! Amen!", "Amen!" loudly and repeatedly during her talk. Then suddenly I heard a popping sound. 'What sound is this?' But soon I found out that the popping sound came from my spine! After the prayer meeting was over, I went to the orthopedic surgery again and took an x-ray. The doctor explained after comparing the two X-rays between the previous one, and the new one and exclaimed: "Oh, you are cured completely!”

I am thankful to Mama Julia because as she offered up her suffering and sacrifices for our sake, I received the healing grace. So I could see and am convinced that she is the one who undergoes reparations for our sins, suffers our physical and mental illness, including our sick feelings, and offers them all up as sacrifices of love to God so that we are healed. My healing experience gave me the opportunity to learn precisely who Julia Kim is."

Theresa Byeon Jeong-hyo, Donghae City, Kangwon Province, South Korea 

Paul Sohn's Testimony

Through Julia’s life and words, I forgave those who tried to kill me!"

"I made a lot of money by working in the construction industry, but my company was bankrupt because it acted as guarantor for other companies that also went into financial crisis from the aftereffects by IMF.

I transferred all my properties (value : 10 million dollars) to my wife and did a fake divorce to keep all the properties and stop the chain bankruptcy.  

One day, 6 drunkards came to me and hit my head with baseball bats and strangled me to death. Fortunately, I was carried in time to the hospital that saved my life, but my wife and children had gone away with all my properties.

The hospital could not perform surgery on me because I had no money and as a result, I was left alone in a plastic green house in winter. I couldn't help thinking, "I would kill all of them and myself also in suicide.”

However, after I read the book, “The way of love toward the Lord (Julia’s conversation with Our Lord)" given by a Naju pilgrim, I was so amazed. So I came to Naju on June 30 and was deeply impressed.

When Julia embraced me, saying "I love you." during the meeting with her, I felt really cozy and my tears flowed. After I took a shower, drank Miraculous Water and met Julia in the Blessed Mother's Mountain, my cracked body was totally healed.

Julia said that we should forgive the people whom we hated previously to death. Why? Because of them we could come to Naju, repent and receive the grace. So they are our benefactors. Before I used to be vengeful, but I listened to the good words by Julia and forgave all, and now I feel free."

Rebecca Santos' Testimony

I can't live without the Naju Blessed Items!!!"

Good afternoon Sister ! 

Last 2 weeks ago I was coughing w/colds & had difficulty breathing. Doctor gave me antibiotics & antihistamine for 7 days & doctor told me to have chest X-ray after but I always take Naju Holy water and offered my sickness for the conversion of sinners.

This morning, I prayed & wore my Naju Heart Protector during my Chest X-ray in the hospital. In the afternoon, I brought my old X-Ray that says I had pneumonia & the latest X-ray film at my pulmonologist doctor & said my left upper lobe lungs phlegm is now clear.  Praise Jesus of Mercy in Glory, Blessed Mother Mary of Naju, Mama Julia and all your prayers. Everytime, I have chest CT -scan or chest X-ray I wear my Naju Heart Protector. Again, Thank you so much !

I have many blessings from Jesus & Our Lady of Naju that’s why wherever I go Naju Holy water is always in my bag and if I’m out of town I always have my Naju hanky, Card images of Jesus of Mercy, Naju eye protector and beanie too. I even use the Naju eye cover if I have difficulty sleeping. Really works. I even use the eye protector cover for both of my cataract eyes whenever my eyes are so tired.

So countless miracles which I always receive from Naju blessed items. I think I have them all he he. I can’t live without them. Everyday, I wear my Naju Amethyst rosary  because it cools my warm body too & I feel protected. I thank you all for your patience in sending everyday the retreat articles of Mama Julia. It really changed me reading Mama Julia’s life. I have  learned to forgive my husband because when the scroll image of Jesus of Mercy  In Glory arrived in my house I fragrance of roses was so strong & made me cry. I said so sorry for all my sins. I felt Jesus presence, love & mercy.  Thank you Mama Julia! God bless you all.

Rebecca Santos

Juliana's Testimony

“My three malignant tumors already disappeared!!!"

"After incurring debts up to 300 million KRW, my husband ran away from home and even left his children behind. My sorrow intensified when I was diagnosed with three malignant tumors: two 3cm and one 2cm in my colon and mesoileum at Jeon-nam and Seoul National University Hospital. I prepared myself for death and sustained my frail life by taking painkillers.

Meanwhile, I came to Naju to pray and listened to Mama Julia who reminded me of all my wrongdoing in my past life like recorded films.

When I started crying with tears of repentance, I smelled of Fragrance of roses. As soon as I answered with 'Amen', all my pains went away.

On the day of my surgery at Seoul National University Hospital, three malignant tumors already disappeared. The doctors couldn't keep their mouths closed by this wondrous miracle and they call me even now asking "Are you fine?"

Since then, while practicing the spirituality of Mama Julia, I worked hard in my workplace and cleared off all my husband's debts, and my children grew up brightly and healthily.

With a heart of making reparation for sick families, I even took care of my mother-in-law joyfully in my house and forgave my husband, and prayed to God to bless him. 

David Lee Moon-hee's Testimony (Julia Kim's middle school teacher)

“I was healed of my Terminal stage colorectal cancer thanks to Julia's prayer!!!"

It was three years ago. I had gas in my stomach and felt bloated from some moment, so I couldn't even eat properly. Unlike usual, my symptoms were getting worse and worse, and in the fall of that year, for the first time in my life, I had both a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy.

“Terminal stage colorectal cancer!” A death sentence was imposed on me, like the sky is falling, such a kind of a bolt out of the blue that I could not even imagine.

On November 16, 2015, until the moment I was headed to the operating room at 8:00 in the early morning, even though I had no faith in God, I only prayed to God for saving my life.

After a lengthy four-hour operation in which my large intestine was cut by 30cm, I was moved to the ward that evening without dying, thanks to God's protection.

The very next day, unexpectedly, Julia and her companions visited me in the hospital. Julia immediately told me to untie the belly bandage that was tying up my surgical site.

When I took off the bandage, the discharge from the surgery scars on my stomach, which had not healed, were oozing out. Without a single hesitation, Julia immediately put her lips on my surgical scar and began to blow 33 breaths with a big breath on the spot where the surgery was performed.

As soon as Julia's lips touched the scars of surgery, I felt as if I was touching a blazing fireball, and I felt my whole body was being heated from the tip of my toes to the tip of my hair.

Then, as my whole body was enveloped in the scent of roses, the thoughts of endless gratitude and grace rose up within my heart fully and densely like the fog with rainbow colors. “I am healed. I am now being healed."

Julia said to me, “Teacher, as you don’t know about faith yet, when I pray, please just say, "Amen! Amen! Amen!" All you need to do is earnestly respond with ‘Amen!’” I said. While she was praying wholeheartedly, I earnestly responded loudly, “Amen! Amen! Amen!” (At that time, David Lee Mun hee-didn’t know God.)

And Julia gathered great strength with all her might, and gave me 33 times of hot breath. When I returned to the ward, my heart continued to burn with infinite heat and began to fill with the conviction that ‘I will surely be healed!’

During my stay in the ward, I lived almost every night in a dream filled with joy. Julia was not the human Julia to me, but the Virgin Mary standing right in front of me, came to me as an angel in white clothes just like Mother Mary, and touched my painful surgical scars and washed them away. I felt the new white flesh filling up from my scars.

When I was discharged 15 days after surgery, the attending physician tilted his head from side to side and said, "I can't believe it." Obviously, all of the professors involved saw the results together, but it was clear that I was terminal cancer patient before, but he said that I am currently undergoing rapid healing, which he could not even imagine, as around early stage 2 colorectal cancer.

And as you all can see today, on my 3rd year, I am recovering my health day by day. Julia and I met during her middle school days through a relationship between a teacher and student.

In the 1960s, when countless children died of starvation throughout the country from disease and deprivation, I built a middle school with my bare hands every year as a 22-year-old vigorous young man in Bonghwang-myeon, Naju City, my hometown.

When finishing the school classes, I rented a handcart from the local village, and prepared the ground for the school with the students, built up the mud wall to build the school.

When I was busy with doing it, Julia, as a young girl, helped me while carrying an A-frame on her back to the point where her back got blisters and building up the wall with mud blocks by putting her full effort. She took a lead in all this work helping me.

I had to hurry it before winter came. She was a model student with a strong sense of responsibility who helped with the work by applying the soil on the wall until late at night, with light a torch and putting up the hunger.

From that time on, she was already an excellent student who had matured and was the most cherished, receiving considerable attention and expectation from me.  She had a great devotion and consideration, sensitive to the needs of others, doing her best to take care of the difficulties of others around her before her own difficulties.

I think that she was the one who was open to the channel of the Holy Spirit with such a great devotion character. That's why she was enough to be chosen as the representative of the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

She has embraced all kinds of trials for the past 33 years. She has led countless souls in this barren world who have been deeply ill in body and spirit and in despair and frustration to the way of healing grace. She has become a torch light that instills new hope and motivation to them.

I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to Julia on this occasion and pray ardently that Naju shrine may be fully honored with the glory of the official recognition. I return all this overwhelming glory and praise to the Lord and Blessed Mother. Amen!!!

Gertrudis' Testimony

"My husband, whom I hated, has now become an essential being like air." (This world has changed like heaven to me.) 

Hello, my name is Gertrudis from Tokyo, Japan.

My husband turned 62 years old and retired. He got his severance pay, which is a lot of money because he was a civil servant. But he invested all in his stock and lost everything.

My husband lost all his retirement pay, so what would happen to my family? Every day I had a fight with my husband. I was living such a dark life, but One of the Naju volunteers and his wife came to Japan and taught me and everyone around me the Spiritualities of Naju.

So I was able to come to Naju six years ago. I realized and made up my mind, “I have to love my husband with a sincere heart. I should help him to be awake through the Five Spiritualities. It is my fault. I offer up everything to the Lord with Semchigo as if I was loved by him.” 

Then this world has changed like heaven to me. My husband, whom I hated, has now become an essential being like air. Now he is a very, very good man to me, like Jesus. My heart and mind have changed like that through the Five Spiritualities.

And one of my changes is that I miss Naju Shrine so much! My life is meaningless if I don’t come here for the 1st Saturday prayer meeting. I really yearn for coming to Naju. Only Naju is my everything and Naju is the place where my Lord is present.

When I think how much Mama Julia has offered up her pains in reparation for my sins and even now, she is suffering countless moments for my sins and for all the past that I’ve lied wrong, I have nothing but to think, “How can I take even one more soul to Naju? How can I let Naju known to even one more soul?”

My job is dishwashing. I work for it from 2 p.m. to 3 a.m. the next morning every day. My senior is very strict and has worked in that kitchen for almost 50 years. Whenever I wash each cup and bowl, I pray, "Lord, please soften that person's evil heart and wash clean his wounded heart." Then he became a meek lamb now.

I offer all the praise, glory, gratitude, and adoration to the Lord and Blessed Mother, and I sincerely appreciate Mama Julia who offers up the pains in reparation for our sins. Amen!!! 

Maria's Testimony

After my pilgrimage to Naju, the atmosphere of my family changed!

I made my first pilgrimage to Naju on the 1st Sat of November, 2019. From one year before my first pilgrimage to Naju, I often felt my heart beating faster and I was out of breath even though I moved a little to the point where I felt the fear of death. Due to my poor health condition, I went to the hospital and was examined, but the doctor said I was normal. So I ardently prayed to the Lord and Blessed Mother to heal me.

One day, I came to watch the testimony video of Naju on the graces via YouTube. I felt the authenticity from it and thought, “Oh, I also might be healed there!” I decided to make pilgrimage to Naju with the heart to clutch at straws. 

So, we five people including my children came to Naju for our first time. During Mama Julia’s talk, when she claimed, “Now your heart diseases are being healed!”, I said loudly, “Amen!”

The next day after pilgrimage to Naju, I didn’t feel the heart pain anymore. Even after 1 week and 15 days passed, I had no more pain. So I was sure that I was totally healed! Even now I’m living in a very good health.

Before coming to know about Naju, I didn’t know share my love with others, but only lived a self-centered life. I was not kind to my husband and my children and was nagging them a lot.

After I came to know about the Five Spiritualities of Naju, I could offer up everything with “My fault”, “Semchigo”, “Amen”, and “Turning my lives into prayers.”

Then one day, my husband said to me in smile, “Honey! you are changed! The atmosphere of my family has changed!”

Not only the physical healing, I received the spiritual healing graces! Coming to know about the truth of Naju, I’ve been spreading Naju to others through Facebook to Korean and foreigners. Last year, I received a Naju rosary as a gift for Naju volunteers, even though I was unworthy.

When I prayed with it right away, I smelt strong rose fragrance and witnessed that the Precious Blood was spreading in the transparent color beads of that rosary.

The Precious Blood came down on the beads and the ties connecting the beads. I was so surprised and overwhelmed, so I cried loud. I will accept it as the Lord’s Will for me to make the Blessed Mother of Naju known harder and will do my best for the conversion of sinners by become a grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies.

I give praise and glory to the Lord and Blessed Mother for all the graces bestowed upon me. Mama Julia, I deeply appreciate you and love you. 

Agatha's Testimony

My clogged cardiovascular system was broken through, and the tumors that had spread countlessly throughout my lymph nodes disappeared!"

Praise be to Jesus! Praise be to the Blessed Mother! I am Agatha.

Since the spring of last year, my health has deteriorated rapidly, and I have lost weight to the extent that I became just skin and bones.

I couldn’t stop my coughing and I couldn’t take a rest due to the severe pains on my whole body even when I lied down on the bed. I was hardly able to eat anything.

While offering up such a painful time, the prayer meeting in Naju Shrine, which had been suspended due to the pandemic, was reopened from June of last year. Since I have attended the first Saturday pilgrimage in June, I have been continuously healed.

After making an appointment for an examination at Seoul National University Hospital, I came down to Naju and prayed at the Blessed Mother's Mountain and Chapel for a week, but when I woke up every morning, my back pain was so severe that I couldn't move my body.

When I applied the Miraculous Holy water of Naju on my back and prayed, "Jesus, please allow me to go to prayer," I was able to move my body again and again, so I was able to go to Naju Shrine to pray.

And my older sister bought the clothes with All Signs of Grace of Naju for me to wear. After wearing them, my right upper chest part which was always sore and painful was totally healed on that day!

In early August, the test results came out, and there was a large tumor spread to my left lung, so one of my cardiovascular was blocked. It had also spread to the head, so there were three tumors, and the largest one was about 1 cm.

In addition, it was a serious situation with metastases to various parts of the bones and lymph nodes, but I refused radiation treatment and was prescribed only oral medicine.

And I would surely take the medicine at 3 p.m. while offering up the prayer to Jesus of Mercy in Glory and three times of ‘Our Father’ and ‘Hail Mary.’

During the individual meeting with Mama Julia on the 1st Saturday of August of last year, she blew her breath to my lung. Since that day, I have eaten well and my aching back gradually got better.

My sister asked Mama Julia, “Please blow your breath onto my younger sister (me), please touch her.” during the individual meeting with her, then Mama Julia prayed over me with ardent love.

Two months later, I had a test, and the three brain tumors became smaller in size, and the number of tumors that had spread countlessly throughout the lymph nodes was clearly reduced, and the cancer level went down from 70 to 17.

And the results of the second test that came out a few days ago showed that the brain tumor was not visible, the blocked cardiovascular was broken through, and so many tumors were terribly spread in my lungs before, but now it became clean and only about 3 cm of it left. And the cancer level dropped to 1.6!

Thank You, Jesus and Blessed Mother for this great grace! All the glory to the Lord! Mama Julia, thank you so much and I love you. 

Barnaba's Testimony

Our Lady appeared to my son who was terminally ill."

I write this testimony in thanksgiving for the graces and love that the Blessed Mother of Naju has bestowed upon us. I came to realize how sinful my life had been only when I found the love of the Blessed Mother of Naju.

I was a seminarian who had big hopes to become a priest, but I gave up in the middle. Then, I began living a worldly life, believing in the power of money.

One day, my son, Leo, who in the second grade, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. He was expected to live only two to three more months. I was totally shaken up. Money was not important any more.

I had my son examined at six different hospitals, but the diagnosis was the same. His cancer was so widely spread that doctors would not even recommend surgery.

How can one describe how parents feel when there is nothing they can do to help their son who is dying? He was losing weight day after day. He weighed only 14 to 15 kilograms (31 to 33 pounds). He was so thin that it seemed as if he could be blown away by wind. He was not able to walk and had to be carried.

Doctors would not even admit him to their hospitals. It meant that there was no hope.

A woman, who was passing by, gave me a booklet. She said, “Please read it.” it was about the Blessed Mother of Naju.

There were photographs of the Blessed Mother shedding tears and tears of blood to convert numerous souls. She was crying like myself. In order to offer up Leo's soul and body to the Blessed Mother, my wife, my first son, and I went to Naju with Leo for the first time.

When we arrived at the Chapel, I felt an unusual sense of peace from the moment we stepped into the Chapel.The Blessed Mother's statue looked so merciful. She was welcoming us with the fragrance of roses and her love.

From that night, I kept praying and crying. “Mother, if you would take this boy, that is fine with me. However, let me suffer the physical pains that he is suffering. Let him go to your bosom with a peaceful mind.”

On the third night, there were many people in the Blessed Mother's House (the Chapel). I carried him to an inn, because there were so many people in and around the Chapel. When I woke up at about 11:30 p.m., I found my son missing. He was not in the inn. It was raining heavily. I went to Naju Hospital three times and Naju Railroad Station three times, but could not find him there.

Several hours passed. While I was walking in the dark, I twisted my ankle, but could not pay attention to the pain because I was anxious to find my son. My anxiety was growing. Suddenly I thought that he might be in the Blessed Mother's House.

When I entered the Chapel, I saw my son talking before the altar. I could not believe that Leo was able to come to the Chapel, because he was not familiar with the streets in Naju. I ran to him and hugged him. I could not control my tears. “How did you come here??” “Daddy, I came here a while ago. You are late.”

I asked him again how he came here. He said, “I came with Mommy who had white wings (mantle).” “What??”

It was raining heavily outside, but he was not wet at all. I thought to myself, “This is a lie. He is just imagining.” I asked Maria Chang who was nearby, “Did you see anyone who brought him here?”

She answered, “I did not see anybody, but I heard the boy saying ‘Mommy, Goodbye!’ ‘Mommy, Goodbye!’ before he stepped into the Chapel. At the moment he came into the Chapel, I smelled a strong fragrance of roses.” She thought that Leo came with his mother.

I thought that the boy was approaching his last moments; he might soon go to his Mother; I began praying the rosary before the Blessed Mother's statue. The boy began sleeping; I also fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, the sun was already high and the boy was missing again. I rushed outside and saw my son vomiting blood in front of the larger statue of the Blessed Mother.

I brought some water and washed my son before others could see his blood. Then, I tried to carry Leo on my back as usual to take a walk. But Leo said, “Why carry me? Am I a baby?” I said, “Why? I always carry you on my back!” But he only said, “Daddy, I want to eat a roasted chicken! Buy me one, will you?” I was surprised to see Leo eating a whole chicken! I could not believe my eyes.

Two years have passed since then. Leo is now in the fourth grade now and weighs 54 kilograms (119 pounds). He is taller than I and is healthy. A recent MRI scan at Seoul National University Hospital showed that all the cancer cells disappeared, but the tumor was still there.

Some people ask, “Why is he not healed completely at once?” But I am more grateful to the Blessed Mother for healing him gradually.* If healing is sudden, I may become proud again and may forget to rely totally on the Blessed Mother.* The Blessed Mother has called us from a sinful life through our son.

I don’t know how we can thank Julia who prays so ardently for my son during the overnight prayer meeting on First Saturdays. We only promise to wipe away the Mother's tears with our tears of repentance and to offer up sacrifices. Leo waits for the First Saturday prayer meetings anxiously. I, his father, feel ashamed.

I will live a consecrated life by repenting my sins and by loving others and praying for others.

Glory to the Lord and praise to the Blessed Mother! Amen.

Peter Noh's Testimony

I saw the miracle of the Eucharist and the blind gaining her eye sight.”

I am Peter. I live in Seattle, Washington, USA.

In 1994, my younger sister who was living in Hawaii told me that Julia was coming to Hawaii for the “Marian Conference,” as she was invited as the most important speaker. I am still in the United States as a federal civil servant.

At that time, I couldn't really make time, but the Blessed Mother led me to spare time. Julia was supposed to arrive the next day. When I looked for a flight, there was no flight available from Seattle to Hawaii.

Even then, only one plane was going to Hawaii at 5 in the morning, but when I called to check, I was told, “There is a plane leaving tomorrow, but it is full. it has no seat available.” I was really frustrated. So, I prayed that I can meet her. And when I called again after a while, they said, “One person cancelled.” So, by the grace of Our Lady, I could go to Hawaii where Julia was going.

As Julia was going to arrive at the airport, I went to the arrival area to meet her and greeted her with great emotion. When I got to my sister’s house in Hawaii where Julia stayed, I smelled an intense fragrance of roses, it was as if the scent was coming from thousands of roses and sprinkled all over the place and filling the place with fragrance.

In 1994, when Julia delivered messages at Waikiki Beach, about 5,000 people came. Julia emphasized the issue of abortion the most. As Julia was on podium while she was talking, such a flashing light came down from the sky, and when Julia spoke with a stormy sound, a shower of rain (streams of water of mercy) poured out.

Then, when Julia finished her speech, everyone was amazed and said, “Look at that,” and looked up at the sky. So, I saw the floating sun spinning round and round. So many of them took pictures of it. Later, when I developed it, the two gates of heaven were shown on the pictures. So many people have experienced that miracle.

The day after the speech, my sister Anna invited Julia to her house, and offered her house as Julia’s lodging. Countless people flocked to the house. Because they fully packed the house, when Julia spoke, the people behind far away from her couldn't hear her. So we set up a microphone for Julia to speak into. As you may know, it's quiet from 8:30pm in the ordinary residential area there. You can never make a fuss or play loud bangs or other music there.

Because such noise would bother the neighbours, it is strictly forbidden to make noise. That evening, Julia poured out her enthusiasm through the microphone. 

Many people were impressed. I heard other people say that it was raining all around that area. However, it didn't rain in the garden of my sister Anna's house, where Julia was speaking to the people.

After her speech, a blind woman came to Julia guided by another. Julia came up to her and prayed with sincerity for a while pressing the blind woman’s eyes with her two thumbs. And when she took her hands off, this blind woman said, “I can see! I can see! I can see this world!” she jumped for joy. The blind woman who had longed for so long to see the world, opened her eyes. Such a miracle happened.

The next day, when the news that the miracle occurred through Julia Kim spread, then Father Martin Lucia, a world-renowned spiritual priest, came to my sister's house to see if miracles would be performed through Julia.

Julia asked him, “Could you celebrate Mass for us?” The priest said, “Okay! Let's go to St. Anthony Church and celebrate Mass." So we went there and attended the Mass. Julia received Holy Eucharist. What I saw clearly was that the Sacred Host in Julia's mouth suddenly turned into a lump of blood.

Then the lump of the Blood turned into the Flesh, and then It swelled up, became alive and was moving. So, the priest was surprised and did not know what to do, and ordered Julia to swallow It later. So, Julia swallowed It. I have experienced such a miracle. This is what I have clearly seen with my own eyes and I am telling you what I experienced on the spot of this miracle.

I really love and respect Julia. I always thought “Someday, I have to go to Naju.” But I couldn’t make it. Today finally I am here for the first time in 21 years, and Julia was very happy when we met. Indeed, I am so much blessed with happy experiences today. Thank you! 

 Video 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/Lpi_VQqTcPc

Maria's Testimony

I, who thought I was the most unlucky person in the world, became the happiest and most peaceful person by watching Mama Julia's spiritual talk video and living according to her teachings."

I saw various wrong and false news on Naju, and I thought that the Naju Shrine was not true.

However, when I saw a video of Mama Julia's suffering from the crown of thorns on the Naju Mary YouTube channel, I was shocked and searched for all the videos about Naju. And while watching those videos, I was convinced that the Naju Shrine is genuine.

I've been a Catholic for decades, but I've never felt such a strong grace in Naju. Where else is the Lord personally present and personally performing miracles?

I repented of my life. I was selfish and said I was a Catholic, but I did not realize it even though I committed countless sins.

I, who thought I was the most unlucky person in the world, became the happiest and most peaceful person by watching Mama Julia's spiritual talk video and living according to her teachings.

I love Naju so much. It is certain that Naju is truly a Holy City of God and the Marian Shrine that transformed me. The place that led me to get closer to the Lord is the Naju Shrine.

The selfish way of treating people disappeared, and I came to have a heart wishing for my neighbors' peace even if I was to have a hard time, just like Mama Julia said.

While watching the Naju Online Mass, I saw Jesus of Glory in Mercy moving in His Holy Image in my house. I was very surprised! The moment I wondered if my eyes were wrong, Jesus showed me His face shining brightly and spinning, shaking the hem of His clothes, and even the round Eucharist spinning round and round.

I have received so many graces, I believe that all people in the world must come to know the Naju Holy of God and receive grace. I am telling people around me about Naju bravely. 

Pauline's Testimony

“I forgave everyone who hurt me through the Five Spiritualities"

My name is Pauline from Hong Kong.

I was an irritable and impatient person before. However, after learning the Five Spiritualities fulfilled through Mama Julia’s life, I felt that I was being transformed into a person who was more patient and listened to people's hearts.

Even if I fail countless times, I'm striving to practice the Five Spiritualities. I realized that every person I met in my life, even those who hurt me and whom I considered like an enemy, was also in God's plan. I forgave everyone who hurt me and whom I considered as my enemy.

Now I can pray for them with the spirituality of 'My fault'. Mama Julia has changed me, and I'm doing my best to make the Five Spiritualities, Our Lady of Naju, and Mama Julia known to others. Amen. 

Brother Andrew Kim Dae-geon's Testimony

"My short leg bone came to be normal!"

Hello. My name is Kim Han-gil, the religious Brother in Naju Shrine. My Catholic name is Andrew Kim Dae-geon. 

Our family has made the pilgrimage to Naju since 1992 and has received tremendous graces. My sister and I especially were deeply touched. So we decided to join the religious Community of Naju Shrine in 2011.

I was crushed under a car when I was six years old in 1993. My right leg was completely broken, and my shin bone was divided into three pieces.

As I was growing up, my right leg was just getting taller than the left after the broken bones were knit together. 

 The gap between both legs measured about 3cm long. I could not stand up straightly due to the gap. Because of it, I suffered from a backache that kept my body bent to one side. However, my mother and father wondered what was wrong with my back at this young age. I told them about the backache but they didn't understand. So many wounds I kept in my heart.

On Feb 12, 2004, when Mama Julia prayed for me, her hand just came to my chest at the moment. I felt like stroking my pains and aches, and that warm feeling nearly made me cry.

Then her hand continued to move up to my right knee. At a certain moment, Mama Julia began to suffer from back pains while praying over my knees. 

Despite that, she continued to pray for me, offering up her tremendous pains, and I felt something beating hard, something stronger, than the pulse on my knee. It was so marvelous, and only on my right knee! The beating sounded like cracking.

After about 10 minutes of fervent prayers by Mama Julia, my parents also touched my knee and heard the sound. My legs came to be exactly the same length at the moment! Even my back pain was also healed! Although I was a crooked-minded youth at that time, even such a wounded heart was healed! 

The amazing miracle of love and the excitement of the day when my leg became normal, the healing of my broken heart thanks to Mama Julia's devoted love and prayer will beat forever in my heart and in my family's Amen!!!

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/DoiUp1mej9k

Testimony by Lyz Barawid, USA

“My asthma also went away!”

My name is Lyz Barawid and I’m from San Diego California USA. I have been coming to Naju since 2004. I have come here many times. I have started to love Naju that I have experienced so many miracles. So I came here in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2013, 2016. I have started to come to Naju in 2004. And I thought it was an easy ride. But it was difficult. It was challenging because I got sick packing my clothes the night before my flight. So finally I was able to pack my clothes. And I made my trip and boarded my plane from San Francisco to Seoul. And the moment I’ve on my seat all my aches and pains were gone.

I arrived Naju. And as I did my first step to come to the Chapel, I smelled a beautiful smell that even any expensive perfume that I smelled surpassed them. The only thing that I could think of was Mama Mary was there and She greeted me, maybe "Welcome Lyz!" Okay when I got inside I noticed the splatter of baby milk on the ground. And I saw also the statue of Mama Mary's head oozing with oil very very fragrant. By that time I thought I really like to meet Mama Julia. So I had the opportunity to be walking with her side by side as we prayed the rosary going through the Station of the Cross. 

And then we got to Mountain Calvary. So when I saw her on the ground I saw a splatter of blood from her chest. And she got conscious and she raised both of her hands. I was just there and I held her left hand. The other woman lifted the other hand and we stood her up. And I realized then that God made that possibility for me to touch her. So when I held her up my hands got healed because they were very painful and they got healed. And then my asthma also went away and everybody continued to walk.

We got into the place where she was to evangelize and I heard her say like Jesus, "Daughter, you came here full of remorse and I forgive you." And then that time an electricity came in my body and then I got light and I felt very very good.  I was loving Naju. I said I want to go again. So I came here the next year. When I came here I felt the Presence very strong. I was having goose bombs the whole day. I saw the sun pulsating and smelled the fragrance again all over the Mountain. And I was full of joy because I know God healed me, and forgave me for my sins. Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus, Mama Mary and Mama Julia.    👉🏻 https://youtu.be/7Ou_2WSAPIA

Testimony by Maria Rosa

I don't feel the pain anymore!"

"My legs pain was so painful that I woke up during my sleep. My legs pain and numb, the pain is unbearable.

I prayed earnestly at Naju online Mass yesterday, applied Naju Holy Water, and slept being covered with the Naju blanket, but last night, I didn't wake up from my legs pain!!!

When I had legs pain, the pain was severe up to the pelvis, but now I don't feel the pain anymore. Thank you Mama Julia. Thank you, Mama Maria of Naju!"

Testimony by Leni from the USA

“My husband had open heart surgery and even collapsed from a stroke, but he can walk now thanks to Mama Julia's prayer!"

My husband had open heart surgery in September of 2019. Then in December of that year 2019, he had a stroke.

I did not know what to do and asked my brother, Father Restie. He gave me a small Naju (Holy) Water and a big Naju Water in a bottle. 

This is what he told me. “Bring that Water, massage him morning and evening while praying and let him take three sips of that Water.” And after three weeks at the rehab he did not go home in a wheelchair. He was walking!!!

Mama Julia, through your intercession, through your prayers, I was able to survive those three weeks that my husband was in rehab. Thank you very much! My husband was able to walk. Thank you!

Testimony by Sr. Veronica of Naju Shrine

I feel Jesus is truly alive in His Holy Image on this bedding."

Due to my past lifestyle, I had difficulty falling asleep at bedtime and had anxiety. Also, when I went to the bedroom, it was more difficult because I remembered the wounds of the past.

I recently received the latest bedding of All Signs of Grace (which also has images of Jesus of Mercy in Glory and Mama Julia's breaths) as a gift from one of my friends. How great the grace of Mama Julia's breath spread across the back of the bedding, the moment I saw the image, I was convinced that the devils that had harassed me were completely blown away by the breaths and kisses of Mama Julia's love. Amen!

I earnestly prayed to Jesus of Mercy in Glory to heal my head while on this bedding. Since then, I have never had a bad thought and am filled with only thoughts of Jesus of Mercy in Glory.

As I kissed Jesus and placed my hands on His Sacred Heart, I suddenly felt a pulse. I feel Jesus is truly alive in His Holy Image on this bedding.

I sincerely thank and give glory to the Lord for healing me at once through the latest bedding of All Signs of Grace which also has images of Jesus of Mercy in Glory and Mama Julia's breaths.

Testimony by Rhodora from the Philippines

“After I responded with 'Amen' to Mama Julia's talk, my chronic shoulder pain was healed!”

I’m Rhodora from the Philippines. And this is my 23rd time here in Naju since March 2012. I’ve been visiting since March 2012, for twice, or thrice, or five times a year. So, I missed Naju during the pandemic years 2020 and 2021.

I visited last year October 2022. The first miracle last year for me was actually the lifting of the travel restrictions, days before I travel to Korea, and days before I travel back to the Philippines. These restrictions were lifted, the quarantine, the forms that we have to accomplish. All this were lifted, thank you for Mary’s Ark of Salvation community, Mama Julia, everybody, they prayed really hard. and it happened just two days before.

The second one, when I came here in October, I was suffering from a chronic right shoulder pain. It started during the pandemic and I was just taking painkillers. They were saying it was because of stress, anxiety, etc. It was terrible, you know how terrible it is? I cannot even take off my clothes using my arms. And I have to learn how to use my left to take a shower, to shampoo, to do everything. Because I cannot really move this without feeling any pain.

So, when I came here, last October and Mama Julia was meeting all of us and hugging each and every one, she hugged me tightly and I said, “Ouch!” And then she learned that I have this chronic shoulder pain. She kissed it and also my stomach pains.

And she said and during her talk, she said all those with shoulder pains will be healed, and my friend said, “That’s you, Rhodora!” “Amen! Amen! Amen!”, I said. Then next morning, when I woke up, there was a very, very sharp pain and in the split second, it was gone, here in the particular shoulder. And since then, I haven’t experience it again.

Thank You, Lord, Blessed Mother, Mama Julia and everyone for all the prayers! Thank you!


Testimony by Clara Lee

"I realized that I have no phlegm, no reflux, and nothing was wrong!!!"

When I was standing, I had a symptom like a road shaking up and down and I had sickness in my stomach. It was always painful when I slept at night. One day, I was praying the rosary in front of the Blessed Mother's statue in the Naju Chapel for three days.

I was in the 5th decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries while kneeling, and suddenly I felt as if something like a hook plunged into my stomach and stabbed me. The pain was so bad that I screamed. But I kept praying the rosary and I felt like the lump stuck in my stomach went down while in the 1st decade of the Glorious Mysteries. From that point on, my stomach started to unclench, and I had no sickness in my stomach anymore.

When my body was tired, the symptoms of reflux esophagitis were repeated, and it even appeared like a cold. My throat, bronchus, nose, and head were very sore. It seemed it had been almost 20 years. When I coughed, it accompanied phlegm which was too painful and difficult for me to endure. And I constantly went to the hospital.

While going on a pilgrimage to Naju, I had this in my mind: "I will live with a heart of gratitude even if I'm healed or not. I will live to do the reparation."

By faithfully dedicating my life each day to the Blessed Mother of Naju, I tried to bring joy to the Blessed Mother and become a strength for Mama Julia. I'm unworthy but I tried my best.

However, after going on a pilgrimage to Naju on the first Saturday of August 2022, I realized that I have no phlegm, no reflux, and nothing was wrong. Reflux esophagitis, which gave me hard times for nearly 20 years, was healed. Praise the Lord!

Testimony by Magdalene Jeong

I said loudly, “Amen!” And amazingly, my heart has been healed."

One day, my husband said, “I think I have a heart problem.” He went to a hospital. The doctor told him to prepare to be admitted to the hospital saying, “You have a serious problem in your heart, so you need an operation right tomorrow.”

The next morning, I prayed to Jesus of Mercy in Glory at home, “Please protect my husband during the surgery today.” I just prayed like this. But around noon time, my phone rang and it was my husband. I asked him, “Oh it's you! Are you now after surgery?” He replied, “No, the doctor told me that I would be discharged without surgery. This is really strange, because yesterday, he was in such a hurry and told me that I had to have surgery right away. But now I don't need surgery!"

Oh, how thankful I was! And my husband was discharged the very next day. I am convinced that it is Jesus of Mercy in Glory Who healed my husband.

When I look at the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory, I can see His face gets bigger and also smaller and then wider too in the Holy Image. So I feel His presence thinking, "Oh, Jesus is truly alive in His Holy Image."

And my heart area felt very tight and painful. But during the First Saturday prayer meeting in February 2023, Mama Julia said, "Those who have a heart problem will be healed today!" I said loudly, “Amen!” And amazingly, my heart has been healed. Thank You, Jesus, and Blessed Mother! Thank you, Mama Julia. 

Testimony by Clara Lee Young-hwa

I received a lot of graces through Mama Julia’s inspiring spiritual messages."

During my pilgrimage to Naju, I received a lot of graces through Mama Julia’s inspiring spiritual messages. I felt God speaks to me through her. Whenever I saw her, I always shed tears with feeling heartache, because I felt her suffering is because of us, because of me, because of my sins.

Then I decided, “Oh, I have to ask forgiveness to my daughter-in-law. Only when I live following the Spiritualities of Naju according to Mama Julia’s words, I can be a true child of God and true daughter of the Blessed Mother!”

So I called my daughter-in-law and took off her socks and washed her feet in the water basin. I cried and said to her, “I was wrong dear. Please forgive me. I’ve done wrong to you so many times so far. I’m so sorry.” Then my daughter-in-law also cried.

I asked forgiveness to my son as well. When he was five years old, I felt so hard to live because my husband ran away from my family leaving debts, so I filled a big bucket with water and tried to put my son’s head in it saying, “Let us die together, we cannot survive anymore. You die first, and then I will die.” After I washed his feet, my son also cried and said to me, “How hard your life might have been to the point where you tried to kill your son…!”

After I kept the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory in my home, my husband repented his sins one day and from that day, he always prays for over 1 hour every day. He changes every day and becomes gentle and mild. He totally changed! Praise and Glory be to Jesus of Mercy in Glory! Thank you Mama Julia! Amen!

Testimony by Elizabeth Levine from America

Healing through the latest Duvet of All Signs of Grace in Naju

My name is Elizabeth and I am from America. My eldest daughter was ill, and at that time, when I heard Sister Michaela’s testimony about the latest all signs of grace duvet I bought it with the thought, “If my daughter uses this, she will get healed.” 

When I came back from work at that time, my back always hurt and my legs and my body ached. But since I bought it for my daughter, I felt sorry to receive that grace for myself by using it. 

When my daughter used it for the first time, I was lying next to her.  But I put my foot inside the duvet for a second or two and took it out. When I woke up, however, my aching back, knee, and thumb were completely healed. It was so amazing. 

Also, after living as a housewife, I started working a part time job because I wanted to make pilgrimages to Naju Shrine by saving money on my own. When I started working, my body became strained. 

After I bought the all signs of grace bed pad and used it, I didn’t feel pain anymore. But I didn't notice it for a while.

One day, I went to bed without using the all signs of grace bed pad. I worked the next day, and when I was at work, my body ached a lot.  I used to work quickly but I couldn’t that day. 

When I got home, I thought, “Oh, I slept without the all signs of grace pad the night before!” It just came to mind. So I realized that my body has been healing without my awareness.  I thought, “Ah, the grace from this latest all signs of grace duvet and pad are tremendous!”

As you know, Mama Julia creates all the holy items and prays for each one of the items for us.  So I was really, really grateful.  I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me the grace to purchase them despite my difficult situation. Because the grace is so amazing, I hope everyone can buy all signs of grace duvet. 

Thank you, Mama Julia. Thank You, Lord and Blessed Mother.


Testimony by Joseph Park from Seoul

"Enjoying a happy youth at the age of 80 thanks to the grace from Naju Shrine!"

I am Joseph Park from Seoul. While I was praying at the Stations of the Cross in the Blessed Mother's Mountain, as I looked closely at the Our Lord’s Bloodstains shed for our salvation, my heart became solemn. I knelt down and deeply repented for all the wrong things I had done in my life. And I realized the pain on my wife's back is because of my fault and my sin. So, I repented my sins by shedding tears continuously while ardently asking for my wife’s healing of her back pain all the way on the Stations of the Cross. 

During the Sacrament of Confession, I sincerely apologized to the Lord for my sins. I received the grace from Jesus on the Crucifix at Mt. Calvary.  While I was standing under the Crucifix at Mt. Calvary to pray, the Crucifix was shaking hard to the left and right, and back and forth.  I was so surprised and cried out, “The Crucifix is shaking!” 

When I returned home from Naju pilgrimage after praying for the healing of my wife’s back pain, I asked my wife how her back pain was, then she answered, “My back recovered a lot!” Praise the Lord! After I kept the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory at the center of my house, my wife has changed a lot. She expresses her thank toward Jesus in the Holy Image, responds with Amen and says to me “Thank you!” After we kept His Holy Image at our home, the atmosphere of my home became brightened! One more grace that I received from the Lord is that the relationship between my wife and me improved!  Everything is thanks to the grace that I received from Naju Shrine.  

Thanks to these various kinds of graces, now I am enjoying my happy youth the age of 80! I cannot help but give praise, glory and thanks to the Lord and Blessed Mother. I believe all of these graces are thanks to Mama Julia who offers up all the suffering, lays down even her life and always leads us to the Lord and Blessed Mother with her prayers and encouragement.

Testimony by Veronica Yoon Yeo Jung

"I defeat the shamans with Naju Water and received Naju Mask miraculously descending from Heaven!"

I’m Veronica Yoon Yeo Jung, one of the Kitchen volunteers of Naju Shrine. Three shamans are living in the houses in front of, next to, and behind my house.  When I sprinkled the Naju Miraculous Holy Water towards those houses, there were no more customers coming there. I sprinkled the Naju Holy Water toward their houses and it dropped on the shaman, then she suddenly screamed with an oinking sound and rampaged even in the whole yard. She moved to another place.

The shaman's house in front of my house kept burning incense. This shaman attacked spiritually in one accord my house even at night and day. I couldn't win them with my ability. So I took out the cassette to the outside and played the Message of Love from the Blessed Mother through Mama Julia, saying, "Beloved children, be saved!" The Messages of Love burst out from the cassette and I continuously did so even day and night. By doing so, I could defeat those three shamans' houses through Mama Julia's messages.

While making the pilgrimages to Naju, I smelled the herbal medicine at the Stations of the Cross, and the ginseng at the Vinyl tented Chapel. My life changed a lot thanks to Mama Julia's teaching, "Arm yourselves with the Five Spiritualities and live the life of 'It's My fault."

On December 8 of last year, when I hugged Mama Mary's statue at Mt. Calvary and looked above, from the near place, a round shape was being formed in a white color as if it was drawn by crayon. I got the feeling that something was touching my left arm. When I looked down, I found out a Naju Mask descended. Someone asked me to take it, so I smelled the roses three times while carrying it with me.

When I showed the mask to Mama Julia, she gave it to me saying, "This Mask came down from Heaven! Congratulations!" Now I'm wearing that Mask given by the Lord. The lady volunteer working in the kitchen was healed of her sick part by putting this Mask on her and I also felt something clogged in my heart broken through!

I think this mask was given for me to live according to the Will of God, so I will make more effort accordingly! Amen!

Testimony by John Song Ha-yeong

My wife was diagnosed as, "Her physical condition has totally deteriorated enough to say that her body has been all used up!" but was healed in Naju.

One day my wife went to the hospital because she was not feeling well, and a doctor told her "Your physical condition has totally deteriorated enough to say that your body has been all used up!" The moment I heard that, I thought, 'I've been living so wrong all this time. 

I have committed so many great sins against the Lord and Blessed Mother!" I made my first pilgrimage to Naju with my wife on June 30, 2015, the 30th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first weeping Tears. After the prayer on the Stations of the Cross at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, I entered the vinyl Chapel and could smell the very strong lily scent. My wife recovered her health from the next day of our pilgrimage to Naju and could go to work normally. All kinds of her diseases were also totally healed!

During the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, Mama Julia said, “Those who have pain in shoulders, be healed!” So I responded with “Amen!” and at that very moment, my aching shoulder was healed right away, even though I had made a lot of efforts to cure it for two years by spending a lot of time and money.

On October 19th, the 36th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's weeping Tears of Blood, Mama Julia said, “All those present who have a problem with their prostate diseases and pollakiuria, you will be healed!" 

Then I responded with "Amen!" and was healed! Mama Julia, thank you so much! I love you! All the glory to the Lord through the Blessed Mother! Amen!

Testimony by Monica Lee

“My Husband’s Broken ribs were healed after Mama Julia kissed them!”

Let me share with you the grace that my husband stopped smoking. He had smoked for 30 years. One day, during the retreat for the volunteers, Mama Julia said to my husband, “Shouldn’t you stop smoking from now on?” Since my husband had no mind to do so, he just answered inattentively, “Amen.” 

Then since then his desire to smoke decreased day by day and finally, he has no more desire to smoke. It has been already 10 years since he stopped smoking.

Next, let me share about the grace that he was healed of rib bones. My husband enjoys drinking so much. One day after drinking, his ribs were broken. He might have fallen down somewhere. On the anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s weeping Tears of Blood, he made a pilgrimage to Naju amidst his pain. 

During the meeting with Mama Julia, she kissed his ribs. After that, he didn’t complain of his pain anymore and naturally got into his routine. My husband served as one of the volunteers to carry the palanquin of the Blessed Mother of Naju. 

When he carried it, the eyes of the Blessed Mother’s statue really looked alive in his eyes. He was so astonished and felt the Blessed Mother is alive.

Testimony by Regina Jo 

“Corpus Luteum Burst in A Pool of Blood Turn Normal Through a Video of Mama Julia's Blowing of Breath!”

Last Monday, I got the news that my daughter was sent to the emergency room. Her medical examination took an entire day. A corpus luteum is formed during a woman's ovulation cycle, and I was told that her corpus luteum burst. 

It caused blood to pool in her abdomen. Unless the blood could be drained off within 1 or 2 days, she would need surgery. Suddenly the video of Mama Julia’s breathing occurred to me. You know, as she is offering up her life, she gives us the breath and kisses. 

I quickly played the video and with my arms opened like this, I received her breath and I was praying earnestly, ‘Please send this breath to my daughter who is lonely in the emergency room.’ Imagining my daughter’s blood flies away whenever Mama Julia blew her breath, I thought continuously, ‘Mama! Please send it to her. 

Your sacrifices and pains will never be in vain.’ So I blew it on my daughter (spiritually). I kept praying so that the blood flies away from her abdomen. After a while, I became convinced of my answered prayer. 

The next day, the doctor came and x-rayed my daughter again, and he said that there was no bleeding seen and it’s completely clean. I was astonished and was very grateful for it. Thank You Jesus, Mama Mary! Thank you Mama Julia!


Testimony by Maria Kim 

“Amazing Healing From Uterine Myomas!”

My name is Maria Kim Sun-deok. I had a health checkup about 15 years ago, and the doctor said I had a myoma in my uterus.

And because of hyperthyroidism, I had a fever and suffered from a lot of fever together with menopause to the point where I couldn’t wear the Korean dress (Hanbok). Because of that, I couldn't do the volunteer service for the liturgy at Naju during the prayer meeting, and couldn’t join the retreat.

I felt so sorry, but I resolved, “With Semchigo as if I joined the retreat in Naju, and as if I were there together, I will pray with that mind.” As soon as I sat before the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory to pray to Him, I felt the hard uterine myoma go in!

So, I thought, “Oh, what’s this? I heard that Mama Julia’s lump of cancer cells protruding from her anus, which prevented her from being able to sit, began to retreat, like sounding ssook! ssook! ssook! And she was healed. Then am I in a similar situation now?” I was so amazed and realized, “Oh, the Lord healed me, the sinner, despite my unworthiness and being inadequate, when I practiced the Five Spiritualities with Semchigo, even at my home!”

Mama Julia always prays, “Please grant the healing grace even to Your children who wanted to come here (Naju) but couldn’t,” as you know.

When I stand all day long because of my work, the pain comes down from my knee to my ankle, and have fluid in my ankle bone in the size of an egg. Then I feel severe pain in my knees. Whenever it happens, I put the bracelet made with All Signs of Grace of Naju on my knees.

There is much grace even in the small things in Naju. All the Holy Articles of Naju are truly effective, as I experienced it. After a few days, then the pain was truly gone!

Through the Miraculous Water of Naju and the Holy Articles made with All Signs of Grace of Naju, I live in such miracles every day!

Testimony by Sr. Gabriela Kang's

Sr. Gabriela Kang's amazing testimony

Sr. Gabriela Kang's amazing testimony

I am Gabriela Kang from the “Prayers of Life Group” (the religious group) in Naju Shrine. 

Before I came to Naju, one day, suddenly, like a burn patient, atopic skin disease broke out on my face. So, I came to Naju with a feeling of desperately grasping at straws. At that time, when people saw me, they even said “Is your face burned?” The atopic skin disease was serious to that extent.

However, when I came to Naju, I applied the Naju Miraculous Water on my face, washed myself with it and drank it every day. Then the skin on my face changed day by day, and the new skin really grew and my face was completely healed.

One day when I was admitted to the hospital, because of the side effects of the medicine, I developed hives all over my body from my face to my toes. At that time, I was wearing a T-shirt made with All Signs of Grace of Naju. Then, amazingly, only the part of my skin that was covered by the T-shirt did not have any hives. It was a really amazing moment because I could see with my eyes and experience it myself how great the graces are in these Holy Articles made with All Signs of Grace and how powerful Mama Julia’s prayers are!

Testimony by Florence's

Florence's amazing testimony!!! 💖💖💖

It's with overwhelming joy for my family to know my sister Foona have experienced a miraculous healing from her dire symptoms.

She started to feel her back bone bend forward without standing straight for more than 5 months already . In these 2 weeks it deteriorated into difficulties of waking up n felt very heavy on her abdomen with fluid inside.

Also her heart suddenly have attack of severe contraction. The alarm is so horrible. So I offered masses for her in Naju Shrine. We then send her into the hospital n have a thorough body check up.

To our astonishment, everything is fine. She can even stand straight again. Only in the lower hip joint there's a bit degenerative.

My sister knows I have offered masses for her in Naju Shine n they put her picture in front of MaMa Mary's Statue. She strongly believes this miraculous healing is from MaMa Mary. Also with my request to MaMa Julia to blow air into her, her body becomes so light now.

In before she still hesitates of not coming to the philgrimage trip in the 38 years Anniversay of MaMa Mary's weeping of tears n blood.

Now she told me she must join us to Naju for THANKSGIVING ALLELUIA.


PRAISE OUR LORD JESUS n OUR LADY OF NAJU. Also deep thx for MaMa Julia's fervent prayers. Amen.

Testimony by Francis

"With the help of Our Lady of Naju, so many amazing things happened to me."

My name is Francis. In 1987, I heard that Our Lady was weeping in Naju, and when I came to Naju, I witnessed with my own eyes that the cotton pedestal upon which the statue of Our Lady stood in the chapel was soaked thoroughly with tears, and I led my mother and my wife to Naju.

Around 1990, while working diligently in the Charismatic Renewal service, the volunteer team of the Charismatic Renewal approached to the parish Father and organized a one-day retreat with Mama Julia, who was very slim and beautiful at the time. The retreat was a great success. The church, the yard, and even the streets were filled with the faithful, to the point that neighbors couldn't pass by without asking, "Is there a happy event happening in the church?"

At that time, many of the neighbors who heard Mama Julia's words even joined the Catholic Church. After attending the night vigil at the Naju gymnasium with my wife, I came home and was sleeping.

I felt Our Lady of Naju speaking to me, and I said to her, "I don't have a job, and I'm just sitting around, day after day." Three days later, my wife told me about a job opening in a private psychiatric hospital. It was small and looked poor. Anyhow I submitted my resume, and they told me to come and start the work the next day.

The responsible one for boiler maintenance who worked there suddenly quit his job. So, I had to repair the boiler for the first time in my life, and when I got it up and running, it worked okay. The hospital director was happy, saying, “Nice to have a technician in the hospital.”

Since then, whenever there was an opportunity for training, he gave me the chance. And he suggested that we continue working together, so I had been working with him. Suddenly, Yonsei University Severance Hospital took over the hospital. So, I became an employee of Yonsei Severance Hospital, a position I never thought I would hold. All of this was done for me by the Lord and Our Lady, who were appeared and present in Naju.

I was in the facilities management office at Severance Hospital for 18 years and attended the Naju vigil on the first Saturday of every month. During that time, with the help of Our Lady of Naju, so many amazing things happened to me.

The hospital director saw me in a good light. Hospital employees start at the lowest level, the ninth-grade, but he allowed me to take an examination, so I passed it and was hired as a seventh-grader. Then, I was preparing to take the exam for sixth-grade again, but the director told me that I already passed a sixth grade, so I took the fifth-grade exam again and passed it again.

Finally, I retired as a second-level department head(educational officer of hospital), which I had never imagined. How could this have happened to me? Later I even received a commendation from the president  of Yonsei University, as well as appreciation awards and a model employee award from the hospital director. All of this is the grace of the Lord and Our Lady who appeared in Naju. All of this was possible because whenever I came to the first Saturday vigil prayer meeting, Mama Julia always hugged me, kissed me, held my hand, and gave me courage.

Here is another grace for me. My family lived in a house. We hired a builder to rebuild our house, but unfortunately, we made the wrong choice as the builder took the money and ran away without building the house. The debt owed to the loan shark became my share, and our family of six was on the verge of homelessness. But with the help of Our Lady of Naju, we cleared all that debt and are living well now.

Testimony by Florence's

Amazing Healing Graces through the LATEST BLANKET with All Signs of Grace of Naju

I have received many graces from the Lord and the Blessed Mother from this Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju. So, I came out to testify. My husband had an abscess the size of an egg on his hip. He said it was too painful to sit down. Someone recommended having a resin acupuncture treatment. Upon placing the needle, dark blood oozed out. So, on the first Saturday in November, I posted a Mass dedication for my husband. My husband went to the hospital and consulted a doctor, and the doctor said that if there was no improvement after three days, he would have to go to a major hospital and undergo a surgical operation to reveal it.

So, I said, “We have faith. If you go to Naju and receive prayers from Mama Julia, you will get better.” I told him that the Lord and the Blessed Mother would definitely heal him. So, after the pilgrimage to Naju, he applied miraculous holy water to the wound and slept covered in the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju. After 2-3 days, he went to the hospital and the doctor said, “You don’t need to go to a big hospital. It has healed. Everything is okay.”

I was so happy and overjoyed that I came forward to testify of the grace. It's this Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju. And my eldest son had suffered from spinal stenosis. Any medicine or hospital treatment would not get him better. He says it's too difficult to run a business alone due to pain. I prayed for him and offered mass for him. “Son, try covering yourself with this Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Najuwe brought for you.” After sleeping under the blanket for three days, he said, “Mom, I feel good.” I said, “I think you need this Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju.” So, I bought another Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju for my son. After using that Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, my son was completely cured of his gout and spinal stenosis.

And my son, who smokes, often made choking sounds because of it, so I said, “If you sleep with this scarf wrapped around your neck, you’ll feel better.” After sleeping with it around his neck for three days, the chocking sounds no longer came out of his throat.

And I have had diabetes for about 40 years. My blood sugar level rose to 650. My blood pressure used to be high, but now it has dropped below 200.

And the ligament around my left ankle bone was torn like a crab meat, so I was heard that it couldn't be sutured or operate. The doctor said, “You have no choice but to live like that for the rest of your life. Surgical cure is also impossible.” So, I kept on a pilgrimage to Naju wearing a cast and using crutches for more than two years.

Moreover, I fell and injured my ligament and the bone went wrong again, so I suffered for a long time wearing a cast. After that, I walked, supporting myself with an umbrella, but, after covering myself with the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, the pain in both legs completely healed. Now I walk freely without crutches.

And my daughter came home and said, “Mom, my hands and feet are so cold. “I guess it’s because I am alike you, Mom.” She got annoyed with me. My husband said to her, “Do you want to try covering yourself with this blanket?” I covered her with the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, and she lay there for a long time without complaining. So, we bought her the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju for her. After using that for a while, her attitude toward us became very gentle and kind.

So, I said, “Oh, her heart has changed since she used the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju.” Now my daughter's family is living happily ever after. Her cold hands and feet were all cured. Her personality became softer and kinder.

And my niece said, “Aunt, my mother-in-law is 94 years old and has dementia and freely indulges in urination and bowel movements. It's hard for me to care due to her size...” So, I bought her a book ˹The Five Spiritualities˼. "If you just read it and follow what Mama Julia does, everything will be fine. It would be good for you to regard your mother-in-law as the Blessed Mother.” She chose to regard her mother-in-law as the Blessed Mother. However, Her husband had an affair and squandered all his wealth.

She developed a mental illness and took medication for more than 10 years. I told her that whenever her husband came home from work, she should greet him with a warm “Jesus, welcome home.” She's been doing well according to my suggestions.

But one day she said, “Aunt, I can’t even change my mother-in-law’s diaper because my back hurts. I am in so much difficulty” She had to crawl because of pain in both her knees. So, I bought her the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju for her. She had no relief from acupuncture, medication, or hospital treatment, but when she covered herself with the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, her back pain and pain in her limbs were all cured. 

She said she only gave miraculous water to her husband and mother-in-law and did not drink it herself at all. So, I said, “You drink too. I will send it to you again.” Later she called me and said, “Aunt, I used to feel suspicious whenever my husband was out of sight even for a short while, but those feelings have completely disappeared, I don't know where the feeling went. My knees no longer hurt, and my back no longer hurts. There is no disease in my body. I think it would be really nice to have one of these blankets with All Signs of Grace of Naju in each home.”

And my sister's husband was in poor health. He had a pacemaker implanted in his heart and had stents in three places. When he heard me talking about the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, he got angry. He said he was going to destroy everything in the house, and he said, "What's the use of the blanket for the one who would die soon?" He threatened his wife that he would divorce her if she brought him the blanket. So, I said. “Oh, it looks like he has a devil inside him that needs to be put away. Let's pray. Recite the exorcism prayer.” One day my husband said, “Let’s get them the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju on the way to her house to make kimchi.”

I bought him the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju and gave it to him, saying, “Now, try covering yourself with this nice blanket.” And “I also got healed from using that Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju.” He readily accepted and loved it. He said, “Now I don’t need all the other blankets at home!” He now covers himself with this blanket only. My family makes one hundred heads of kimchi, and if we're tired, we cover ourselves with the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, and then the next morning we feel light.

My sister's husband had a comprehensive examination on January 3rd. The hospital where he had the operation stated that everything was normal. Now, the couple's relationship is good, they work hard and are healthy.

I was so blessed with this Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju that I thought, ‘I wish everyone had one for each.’

I injured my head in a car accident, so my head frequently hurts. I couldn't raise my right arm, and I couldn't turn the arm backward, but after I sleep with this blanket on, I can raise my hand. I couldn't cut garlic with a knife because my hand was uncomfortable, but now my hand can bend like this.

And I had shoulder surgery for two million won, but it recurred repeatedly. However, since using the Blanket with All Signs of Grace of Naju, my symptoms have not recurred, and I am no longer in pain. Until the day I die, I will make a pilgrimage to Naju as long as I can walk. Even though I get sick, I stop getting sick when it comes time to come to Naju. So, I am living well so far. Everyone in our family is happy. I return all these graces to the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Mama Julia, thank you so much.