1. Unprecedented Miracles of Naju Shrine

The Blessed Mother's Tears

It was about 11:55 p.m. on June 30, 1985, when the Blessed Mother shed Tears for the first time through Her statue in Naju. While the little soul was praying the rosary, she saw Tears on the Blessed Mother's cheek. She was very surprised and told her husband about the Tears. The next morning, they still saw tears flowing on the Blessed Mother's face. The Blessed Mother wept for a total of 700 days, calling us anxiously.

The Blessed Mother's Tears of Blood

On October 19, 1986, the Blessed Mother shed Bloody Tears and, then, thick Tears of Blood. Theresa, the little soul's 3rd child who was thirteen at that time, found the Tears of Blood. The little soul was surprised and ran to the statue of the Blessed Mother and witnessed very thick Tears of Blood flowing from the Blessed Mother's eyes. After that, thick Tears mixed with Bloody Tears were shed about 20 times, and it continued even after Her statue was brought to the Blessed Mother's Chapel (former one).

Fragrant Oil of the Blessed Mother

On November 24, 1992, Fr. Spies visited Naju, finished praying the rosary with the little soul and her husband, and a volunteer. When Fr. Spies took down the statue of the Blessed Mother and hugged it, he witnessed the Oil with Fragrance was exuding from the tip of the statue's head. Fragrant Oil continued flowing for the next 700 consecutive days until October 23, 1994. To this day, the Blessed Mother's statue continues to exude Fragrant Oil and emit the Scent of roses.

The Precious Blood of Jesus

On Nov. 9, 2001, Jesus shed His Precious Blood on the Stations of the Cross at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church and He continues to shed His Blood to this day. To conduct a DNA test, the nine samples of Our Lord’s Precious Blood which descended on different places in Naju Shrine, were collected with utmost care and awe. The samples were sent to a national DNA test institute and its result turned out to originate from one and the same human male species with blood type AB Rh (+). The Average Probability of Identity is the probability that any two people could have the exact same DNA profile. The general API(Average Probability of Identity) is less than one over 10 billion."

Eucharistic Miracles

Jesus performed notable 33 Eucharistic miracles through the little soul. The most notable among them are the miracles during the Mass celebrated by the Holy Father in his private chapel (October 31, 1995), the visit by Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis, the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Korea (November 24, 1994), the Mass celebrated by Bishop Roman Danylak from Toronto, Canada (September 22, 1995), and the visit by a monsignor from the Holy See (July 13, 1997). 

Miraculous Spring Water (Heavenly Life-Giving Water)

The place where the large statue of the Blessed Mother is currently enshrined in the Blessed Mother's Mountain is the very spot where the Blessed Mother stood, Whom the little soul saw in her vision, and that is the place where the Naju Miraculous Spring Water originated (August 27, 1992). Later, the little soul made seven faucets, remembering there were seven spots from where water gushed out. From the third faucet, a lot of the Blessed Mother's Thick Milk comes out.

2. The Messages Of Love

Since July 18, 1985, and up to the present day, the Lord and the Blessed Mother have conveyed the Messages of the Combined Love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the little soul, Julia Kim, whom God considers His most trustworthy and valuable subject(股肱之臣).

"My messages of love are the refreshing rain of love that falls upon the world that has become dark and dry. If you only practice the messages that the Lord and I give you, your dry souls will become wet and bountiful with graces; you will live a life of reparation for the ingratitude of others; and you will obtain Heaven."

The Message of Love From the Blessed Mother, Oct. 19, 1996

3. The Little Soul’s Suffering as a Victim Soul

The little soul responded to the call of the Lord and the Blessed Mother with "Amen" and lived a life of making atonement for the repentance and salvation of sinners. 

Since Lent in 1982, the little soul has participated in the suffering of Jesus in order to make amends the torn Sacred Hearts of the Lord and the Blessed Mother whenever many people in the world commit sins.

Among the countless pains that the little soul offered were the Stigmata, the crown of thorns, the pain of sharp dagger and spear piercing the heart, the pain of being torn and burning of the Sacred Heart, the pain of having seven arrows lodged and burning in the heart:

the pain in the fire of purgatory and hell, the excruciating pain caused by the attack of the devil, the pain of being beheaded of Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon, the various pains the Lord suffered on the Way to the Calvary carrying the Cross, the pains of the martyrs, the pains in reparation for the sacrilegious communion, for the sins of obscenity and abortion which are committed by many people, and also unfathomable internal and spiritual sufferings, etc.

She has been beautifully offering up those terrible sufferings that continue even now for the repentance of sinners and the salvation of the world.

Jesus and the Blessed Mother said, “Because love has been destroyed, there is no unity among people. As a result, the outcries of the human beings in the midst of their sins are turning into noises of wars, which, in turn, are painfully piercing Heaven and provoking God's anger.”

And They also said, through the pains of the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, the burning pains of Sacred Heart of Jesus which the little soul have suffered and also the pains of Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon martyrdom and through the little soul’s suffering in reparation for abortions, etc, sinners will repent and clergy and religious will unite in love.

Pains of Crucifixion

Pains from the crown of thorns

Pains of reparation for sin of abortion

Stigmata on the little soul’s hands 

Pains in reparation for the sins of obscenity

Pains of reparation for sacrilegious communion

Stigmata on the little soul’feet

Devils’ attack

 The pains of her tongue burning (in reparation for the sins of judging and slandering)

4. The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju 

The Altar of the Blessed Mother

he altar was modeled after the Ark of the Blessed Mother, that is, "Mary's Ark of Salvation," which the little soul saw in her vision on September 24, 1994. On both sides of the altar are the flagpoles; M the initial of 'Mary' on the right, and the image of the Sacred Host on the left.

The Signs on the Altar of the Blessed Mother

1.   Miraculous Eucharist that remains in Its original shape even  in flames exceeding 1200 degrees

The Eucharist that descended when the Pope's Nuncio visited on November 24, 1994; the Eucharist that descended while the little soul and the volunteers were doing the Liturgy of the Word on January 6, 2002; His Precious Blood flowed out from Them.

These two hosts were placed in the pyx and enshrined in the tabernacle next to the Blessed Mother in the Chapel. During the fire at the old Chapel, the volunteers thought that the Eucharist would have been burnt down as it was in the center of the flame of over 1200 degrees, but miraculously the shape remained intact and is enshrined in the monstrance to preserve it.

2.  St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon’s Relic

The Relic of St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon who is the first Korean priest and martyr, is enshrined on the right side of the Blessed Mother's statue. On May 22, 1986, during the unveiling ceremony of the statue of St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon in Lolomboi in the Philippines, St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon appeared to the little soul, and gave her a blessing. The hot energy transmitted through his hand soon spread to every corner of the little soul's body. In this way, St. Kim Tae-gon appeared to the little soul and revealed his special friendship with her.

3.  Jesus’ garment, which turned into powder from Heaven soaked in His Precious Blood

What is enshrined in this monstrance is fine cotton cloth from 2,000 years ago, stained with the Lord's Holy Blood, which Jesus personally placed in the little soul's hands.

This is the powder of His garment made of cotton, which has been soaked in His Blood and torn apart again and again during scourging because of the sins of numerous children. These pieces of the cotton garment have been cut apart with sharp scissors of the greed and selfishness with which people only want to receive without giving to others for their own satisfaction instead of loving others as themselves and also with the scissors of cold-hearted betrayals.

4.  The Burning and Bleeding Sacred Heart of Jesus Pierced by the Crown of Thorns

This is the pattern on the Miraculous Eucharist which descended in the Blessed Mother's Chapel on August 27. It has been engraved on each side of the pews.

5.  The Spanish Words above the altar

During the Mass at the former Chapel on February 4, 1988, pictures were taken. When they were developed, Spanish words were found miraculously above the statue of the Blessed Mother: "SEÑOR, DAME DE ESA AGUA! (Lord, give me this water! John 4:15)." This is engraved because it is a precious words given by the Lord so that everyone can read it carefully and receive the grace.

6.  The Cross-shaped Precious Blood

The Cross-shaped Precious Blood descended on the rock at the 12th station, on January 18, 2002 at the Blessed Mother's Mountain. When the picture was enlarged, the image of Our Lady of Naju’s face with Tears of Blood was found in the middle of the Precious Blood.

7.  Preservation of the Ashes of Holy Items From the Burnt Former Chapel

The miraculous signs given by the Lord and the Blessed Mother and Relics of the Saints in the former altar which had been burnt down are preserved under the present altar.

Altar in the Chapel

The letters Alpha (A) and Omega (Ω) which are the patterns of the Eucharist that came down when the Apostolic Nuncio visited the Chapel on November 24, 1994, were engraved on the Mass altar, and they are also engraved on both sides of the pews.

Between the letters of (A) and (Ω), an image of the Eucharist that miraculously came down in the Chapel on August 27, 1997 with the pattern of the bleeding Sacred Heart stabbed by the Crown of Thorn is engraved.

Our Lord’s Precious Blood, Relics of three Saints: St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon’s Relic, St. John the Baptist and St. Maria Goretti are enshrined in the small square boxed space inside the upper part of the altar.

The Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory

Thus far, Our Lord Jesus has appeared to the little soul five times as Divine Mercy Jesus; twice in the chapel, twice at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, and once in her residence. She saw Jesus has an extremely merciful and benevolent look beyond description. She then felt a strong desire to paint Him exactly as He appeared to her.

Back then, the little soul tried to paint the Divine Mercy Jesus, Who first appeared in the Chapel on December 8, 1997. Yet, she could not achieve her wish as it was an artwork beyond her field, so she gave up at the end.

On February 2, 2021, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, while she was praying, the image of Jesus of Mercy kept appearing in her mind. She was

thinking to herself “Ah, this must be the will of Jesus to reproduce the image of Jesus of Mercy as merciful as He is.” So, she began painting Jesus of Mercy Who appeared to her at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, using her computer.

She had to paint thousands of times just in order to draw the Light of Mercy alone. The colors of red rays of light flowing forth from the Sacred Heart were extracted from the numerous pictures of the Precious Blood that was shed miraculously from the Holy Eucharist and the Precious Blood that descended on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, inside the Chapel, and inside her residence, and from the pictures of the Blessed Mother’s Tears of Blood. 

With those colors she has extracted, she started to draw and paint the red rays of light stroke-by-stroke on the computer. The colors of white rays of light from His Sacred Heart were extracted from pictures taken from the Holy Eucharist that descended from Heaven, from the background to the bottom and cloud, even every stroke used was extracted from the numerous pictures of the various miraculous signs from Naju. After extracting every color, she drew the whole scene and painted with them.

As the little soul has seen, the light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was golden. She extracted those colors from the pictures of the golden Fragrant Oil that were exuded from the statue of the Blessed Mother by squeezing Her whole body, and the golden Fragrant Oil from Baby Jesus.

She painted the golden-colors on the image, but she was astonished to see blood-colored lights that suddenly appeared and were painted together over the Sacred Heart Image. The little soul wanted to express the light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a more realistic way, but Jesus Himself granted the bloodied-colored hues. So she did not retouch them.

And the more the devil tormented her, the little soul thought, “Oh, how great that grace must be! The devil of division is now making me unbearable invisibly through people.” Taking it as her fault, she went to confession, offered up her night's sleep, and continued her work.

After countless of hours of dedication and suffering, she did her best to depict the Holy Face of Jesus exactly as she had seen, she completed the Holy Image over several months. Later, she found out that the performance of her computer was 4 times slower than a normal one.

Our Lord was so pleased with this Holy image, which the little soul completed through sacrificial prayers and entreaty filled love even amidst all her excruciating and dreadful sufferings with few sleep and non-rest for such pains. He said that He will be called by all as “Jesus of Mercy in Glory.”

So, Jesus made the promise of bestowing grace to all the people who would pray in front of the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory by keeping It in the center of their families and practice the Five Spiritualities.

“My beloved daughter, My little soul!

As the sins of the world committed against God have reached the extremities, the world is now on the brink of destruction. In order to make reparation for those sins that are violating the infinite dignity of God, offer the Prayer at 3:00 which My Mother Mary has taught you. Even if you fail to pray at the exact time, do not worry about it but offer the prayer not only at 3:00 but often.

If all the children in the world practice the Five Spiritualities and offer this Prayer by keeping the Holy Image of My Mercy in Glory at the center of each family, the Cup of Blessing will descend instead of the cup of wrath and they will be saved and brought up to Heaven, escorted by angels on the last day and enjoy eternal bliss.”

Message of Love from Jesus on July 9, 2021

♡ For the purchase of the Holy Image, please go to the Holy Articles shop.

The Holy Image of the Crucifix on Mt. Calvary

On January 1, 2002, the Precious Blood formed on the toe of His Crucifix on Mt. Calvary penetrated the face mask that the little soul was wearing, changed into the Eucharist and descended on her tongue. It was very cold and windy day, but the Eucharist stood vertically on the tongue and did not fall off even though It was just stuck on it very lightly. Also, through Jesus on the Cross of Mt. Calvary, Our Lord's Precious Blood, His tears, His body fluid, golden Fragrant Oil, and Streams of Water of Mercy and so on... many Signs of love were granted.

October 19, 2006, the Precious Blood flowed out of His feet and flowed down unto the little soul's elbow. So volunteers were getting the drops of His Precious Blood with the bottle of holy water. The image of the rainbow, a sign of love and salvation that Jesus gave to the little soul's residence, was added to the Holy Image of Crucifix at Mt. Calvary, and was completed.

“My most beloved children! In these end times, I called you to be My apostles and placed you in the refuge of the Mary's Ark of Salvation which I prepared for you, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. Keep this in mind and do not look back or get off the Ark. I clearly tell you that, in this age of purification, I love not only your soul but also your body and walk with you holding your hands on the perilous road. This place is the shortcut to Heaven where you can fully participate in the glory of My Son Jesus.” 

The Message of Love from the Blessed Mother on September 24, 1994

Dome Statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju

The 12 stars inside the dome represent the laurel crown of the 12 stars which the Blessed Mother wears, and the background of the dome represents the whole view of the Mountain of the Blessed Mother. The Ark in the dome is Mary's

Ark of Salvation that the little soul saw in her vision when she received the Message from the Blessed Mother on September 24, 1994.Many miracles took place through the large statue in the present dome, which used to be enshrined in the front yard

of the previous Chapel. On July 1, 1995, seven Eucharist descended to the old Chapel of the Blessed Mother in Naju, and on July 2, seven people received the Eucharist. And at dawn on July 3, 1995, the Blessed Mother shed Tears in the courtyard of the Chapel.

Jesus’ Bench

If you look to the left of the statue of the Blessed Mother outside the Chapel, there is a bench, which is very significant. This bench, named “The Bench of Jesus” takes its origin from the time when Jesus appeared as a crippled beggar to the little soul around 3 p.m. on June 15, 1990. And he stayed at the Chapel for 15 days under the care of the little soul. He shared many pleasant times through His love, with her on this bench during His stay at the Blessed Mother’s House. It is the very place where He used to sit.

Exhibition Room

The Signs of Love from the Lord and the Blessed Mother Who have appeared in Naju Shrine: The displayed panels are below: about Tears, Tears of Blood, the Fragrant Oil, the Golden Fragrant Oil, the  Eucharistic Miracles, the  Miraculous Water, the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Result of the Blood Test on the Precious Blood of Jesus, the Blessed Mother's Mountain, the Way of the Cross, the Testimonies of the Priests who love and support Our Lady of Naju, Our Lady of Naju Who are known around the world, the Five Spiritualities, and the Fruits of Love (the Testimony of the faithful). The panel on the little soul's life is also displayed, who is a humble instrument of love for the Lord, offering up her suffering in reparation and saying that she has nothing to offer to the Lord but her shamefulness.

Holy Articles Shop


The rainbows given at the Chapel of the Blessed Mother  

5. The Blessed Mother’s Mountain

1.  The Station of the Cross

2.  Mt. Calvary

3.  Our Lady of Naju Statue at the Site of the Miraculous Spring

4.  Site of the Miraculous Spring

5.  The Statue of St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon

6.  The Statue of St. Joseph

7.  The Adoration Chapel of Our Lord’s Precious Blood

8.  The Statue of Jesus in Gethsemane

9.  Washing Facility

10.  The Statue of St. Michael the Archangel

11.  Dining Hall

12.  Place for Drinking Naju Water of Graces

13.  Bathhouse for souls (Shower with Naju Water of Graces)

14.  Vinyl tented Chapel in the Blessed Mother’s Mountain

15.  Flower stall

The Miraculous Spring Water (Its Origin)

In January, 1990, while the little soul was in hospital, due to the fact that her 5th vertebrae had collapsed, she heard that Bishop Daniel Hak-Soon Chi of the Wonju Diocese in Korea, wanted some good water. She looked for it in everywhere and went to Mt. Biseul where there was the best water as she heard.

She climbed 1,080 meters up the steep and dangerous mountain. While climbing with a 20L bucket, she offered up with joy even after falling numerous times. She could finally reach the mineral spring and filled the 20L container with water.

When she was barely arriving the flat road, all of a sudden, the little soul had a bad fall as if she stumbled over some stone. The water container was completely smashed on the road and the water poured out of it and wet all her body and the road in the extreme cold weather. The little soul’s body became frozen immediately with the water. However, she did not give up, went to the downtown to buy a new container, climbed up the mountain, drew water again and gave it to the bishop.

Jesus, who saw the little soul's unconditional love and sacrifice, promised, “In the not-too-distant future, through My Mother, I will give you a Miraculous Spring close to your place, which will overflow with love and grace and through which souls and bodies can be healed.”

In the dawn of August 27, 1992, the Blessed Mother showed a vision to the little soul: the Blessed Mother walking up the steep mountain with laundry on Her head, but the laundry was so voluminous that She had to hold them in both of Her hands and also push a basket of laundry forward by Her foot. The Blessed Mother started doing the laundry there. (The place where the Blessed Mother’s statue is enshrined)

The little soul began digging the ground following the Messages, each time she dug with her bare hands, the water gushed up spouting, for the 8th time, all the water merged into one and flowed down forming into a stream. Thus, the promise of Jesus on January 18, 1990 has been fulfilled. If there had not been for the little soul's sacrificial love accompanied by such pains, there would not have been the Miraculous Water we have today.

The Miraculous Water of Naju turned into Mother's Milk

Fragrant Oil appeared in The Miraculous Water of Naju

Fragrant Oil appeared in The Miraculous Water of Naju

The Miraculous Water of Naju moved by itself, exhibiting signs of life. 

The Way of the Cross

For the sanctification of the clergy and the repentance of sinners, the little soul began to pray the Way of the Cross, completely offering up even the three hours of her regular sleep (which means she didn’t sleep at all) for a year since July 5, 2001. Then, on November 9, 2001, Jesus and the Blessed Mother shed the Precious Blood and Tears of Blood for the first time from the 3rd to the 15th stations while THEY accompanied her on the Way of the Cross. Since then, continuously He has been shedding a lot of His Precious Blood. When we pray the Stations of the Cross, Jesus, Blessed Mother, martyrs, All Saints and angels pray together with us.

Our Lord's Precious Blood and Our Lady's Tears of Blood descended

Marks of the descent of the Precious Blood of Jesus along the Way of the Cross  

The Precious Blood of Jesus descended on a branch

Sign of Light during the Prayer Meeting

Mt. Calvary

This place is a replica of Golgotha Hill where Jesus died 2,000 years ago, where an unprecedented miracle occurred on January 1, 2002; Our Lord's Precious Blood formed on the right foot of Jesus on the cross and it fell Julia's mouth penetrating her flu mask and landed on her tongue after changing into the Eucharist on January 1, 2002. Also, on October 19, 2006, when the little soul touched the feet of Jesus on the Cross, three lines of His Blood flowed down along her arms toward the shoulder.

The Blessed Mother's Milk descended on Mt. Calvary 

The Blessed Mother's Milk descended  on Mt. Calvary 

Sign of Rainbow

Jesus exuded thick Body Liquid on the Cross at the Mt. Carvary

Adoration Chapel of Our Lord’s Precious Blood

This place is where the Eucharistic that the little soul received miraculously changed into visible flesh and blood in her mouth during the Mass celebrated by Bishop Dominic Su of Malaysia, on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain in Naju, on August 24, 1995, and also during the Mass celebrated by Bishop Roman Danylak in the same place, on September 22, 1995. Also Our Lord opened His Sacred Heart and poured out His Precious Blood and Water to the last drop. The stones stained with Our Lord’s Precious Blood descended in the Blessed Mother’s Mountain were placed in three Monstrances each and enshrined them in this Adoration Chapel of Our Lord’s Precious Blood.

And to this day, not only His Precious Blood, but also the Blessed Mother's Milk and Fragrant Oil, and streams of Water of Mercy, and so on are constantly granted. And in 2021, according to the will of Jesus, we enshrined the Holy Image of Jesus of Mercy in Glory here. All these miraculous Signs are the infinite love of Jesus and the Blessed Mother who arranged for pilgrims to receive more grace.

The Precious Blood of Jesus descended in the Adoration Chapel

The Blessed Mother's Milk descended in the Adoration Chapel 

The Precious Blood of Jesus descended on the rocks

 Fragrant Oil descended on rocks

Jesus at Gethsemane 

The resurrection of Jesus at the 15th station 

Source of the Miraculous Water of Our Lady of Naju 

Statue of St. Andrew Kim Dae-gun 

Statue of St. Joseph with Baby Jesus 

Vinyl tented Chapel 

More Pictures of Miraculous Signs 

The Blessed Mother's Milk descended during the Prayer Meeting

The Precious Blood of Jesus descended on a pilgrim' cloth during the Prayer Meeting

The Miracle of the Sun with the Blessed Mother

The Miracle of the Sun

Sign of Rainbow

Sign of Rainbow

Streams of the Water of Mercy

Sign of Light

6. The Little Soul prepared by the Lord

Julia, Youn Hong-Sun (born on March 3, 1947), who is widely known abroad as Julia Kim is an ordinary housewife with two sons and two daughters with Julio, Kim Man-bok, her husband.

Julia was originally a Protestant, converted to Catholicism when she was on the verge of death due to complications from cancer. While preparing for the end of her life, she went to a nearby Caholic church in Naju. 

She heard the Lord's calling, “Draw near to the Bible, for the Bible is indeed my living word.” Accepting the words of the Bible with a sincere 'Amen,' she experienced healing throughout her entire body. 

Even in the midst of painful and challenging circumstances, Julia had  looked after those less fortunate – the marginalized and abandoned individuals in society.  God, in His divine plan for the salvation of humanity, has chosen to use her as an instrument for this significant purpose.

She humbly expresses herself as 'a sinner who has nothing to offer to God but shamefulness', and even the Blessed Mother calls Julia 'My little soul.' She began receiving Messages from the Blessed Mother on July 18, 1985.

“My little soul whom I love! Since from the time when you were growing up to maturity, your life has been interspersed with tough and extreme pains in which you have had to plow through a rough and thorny path barefooted. It was, however, the path that I prepared with My Mother for these current times.”

Message of Love from Jesus, May 3, 1984

Little Soul's Life Prepared  by the Lord :  

7. The Five Spiritualities of Naju

1.  Turning Our Daily Lives Into Prayers (“The Prayers of Life”)

“Turning Our Daily Lives Into Prayers” are the prayers that we offer up graciously from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night, not ignoring even the most trivial and menial matters; turning them into prayers, conforming earnestly to God’s Will. Whenever we remember something that happened in the past, we can also turn them into prayers. Such prayers can quicken the sanctification of our souls and enable us to do the penance that we need to undergo in purgatory for sins committed while on earth. The Prayers of Life helps us reach the perfection of virtues.

If we only try to endure and put up with the wounds that we receive, our resentment and bitterness will remain. This makes impossible for us to reach true love. On the other hand, if we totally believe and trust God, turning all our joys, sorrows, and weaknesses into gracious prayers to be offered up on the altar of God, we will never blame or resent others nor become depressed even when we are faced with trials and pain.

2. The Spirituality of “Semchigo” 

“Semchigo” is refraining and/or failing to do something you really wanted to, and instead, truly believing “As If You Did It,” and offering it up graciously. For example, when you desire to do something, but there also may be a situation that prevents you from doing it, you can regard it as if you already accomplished it by offering up all your resignations, and then surrendering it to the Lord: when you crave delicious food, you can give it up as if you had already eaten it; when you desire fancy clothes but cannot afford it, say “Semchigo,” and accept it in a positive manner as though you made the purchase by offering it up; when there is work that everyone avoids doing, do it willingly as if you really enjoy doing it saying “Semchigo.” This is a form of sacrificial prayer, whereby you wish and seek out peace and well-being for the people around you even though you yourself may be put in an uncomfortable situation.

3. The Life of Offering Up

If we only try to endure and put up with the wounds that we receive, our resentment and bitterness will remain. This makes impossible for us to reach true love. On the other hand, if we totally believe and trust God, turning all our joys, sorrows, and weaknesses into gracious prayers to be offered up on the altar of God, we will never blame or resent others nor become depressed even when we are faced with trials and pain. If we always make an effort to start anew by offering up our life, we will reach the true love of God. “Life of Offering Up” is closely related to “Semchigo,” as if they were two sides of the same coin. Therefore, when we practice the spirituality of “Semchigo” well, we also practice the Life of Offering Up better.

4. Amen

“Be it done unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38). The Spirituality of “Amen” illustrates the humility of the Blessed Mother. It is a profession of total faith made without calculating any inconveniences or losses. It is made without questioning the consequences and without any hesitation, and is made in total willingness and joyfulness. However, it is necessary that we carefully discern with the help of the Holy Spirit whether the calling is really coming from Our Lord and Lady before we accept and follow it.

The spirituality of Amen was born when Julia Kim was completely healed of her terminal cancer.

One day, Jesus called Julia to Naju Catholic Church through her husband. She said to the priest,  “If there is a God, He is too harsh and cruel. What did I do wrong, Father, to deserve drinking from this bitter cup (that is, death)?” She said this because she lived only hoping that other people would be happy, even though she herself lived an uncomfortable life.

Then the priest said, “Ma’am, you are receiving grace with your whole body.” Actually, at that time, she was even sentenced to death at the hospital and was on the verge of death at the time, but she answered immediately with “Amen!” At that very moment, the spirituality of “Amen,” which had developed in her mind and soul since childhood, was completed and burst out like a volcano. Her cold body then heated up like a fireball.

The third day after, she heard Jesus’ voice: “Remain close to the Bible. The Bible is My living word.” Immediately, she opened the Bible and found those words in Luke 8:40 to 53. After reading these words, Julia accepted them with “Amen!” as the words were given to her. At that moment, the cancer lumps protruding between her toes and outside her anus disappeared in a flash and her blood pressure went back to 120/70 mm Hg. She completely recovered from death, being healed from all other accompanying illnesses as well as her terminal cancer and became a child of God.

5. “It’s My Fault”

Even if you are hit bloody by a rock while standing still or walking in the street, you do not blame the person who threw the rock, but practice charity towards them by realizing that it was “My Fault” because you were in that area. When you are injured, you offer it up graciously, even the pains of bleeding.

During a vigil, Julia Kim received a vision from the Lord, showing her a panorama of all the incidents she had experienced since childhood. Julia Kim's life was characterized by selfless acts of kindness and enduring immense suffering. Despite experiencing severe abuse and betrayal, she lived out her painful experiences with the mindset of Semchigo, as if she was loved. Julia always had lived her life wishing for everyone to live in peace. But when she realized others were harmed because of her, despite her own good intentions, she could not bear it. Julia cried while beating her chest saying, “If I had not been there, they would not have sinned, but because I was there, they sinned. It’s all my fault.” “O Lord, it was not me, but it was they who were the victims, because they were the instruments for me to be tempered. Everything happened because of me, they would not have sinned if not for me. O Lord, have mercy on them; bless them.”

Julia cried out, “O Lord, please forgive this sinner!” She began to wail with a contrite heart, beating her breast. She saw a black curtain being swept away, and the Gate of Heaven opened, with a bright light radiating down on her. She heard the words repeated three times: “The gate of Heaven is open.” Julia cried out, “O Lord, open my heart more widely! More widely!” This was the moment the spirituality of “It’s My Fault” was completed. Among the Five Spiritualities, the spirituality of “It’s My Fault” is probably the most difficult to reach. When Julia repented by accepting everything as “It’s My Fault,” the Gate of Heaven opened. It is also open to all the souls who make an effort to practice the Five Spiritualities. God’s Mercy will be bestowed upon those who completely trust and follow this little soul’s way of life.

 👉🏻 Please watch more about the Five Spiritualities!

"Propagate and widely spread the Five Spiritualities for all that you have been exclaiming in Naju so that all the children of this world may be perfectly armed with it. That alone is the Last Weapon with which they can be saved."

Message of Love from God the Father on April 18, 2014