Fun Games and Songs

Providing Choice

If you want to provide your child a choice between 2 or 3 games listed on this page, follow these steps. 

Choosing a video provides your child a sense of ownership and responsibility. Having choices also decreases non-desired behaviors.   

Monster Mash

Bubble Pop

Run - Deliver - Retrieve 


Net Fish


Colors don't matter. You place rolled sock into cups .

Stuck on the Tape

Balloon Feet

Elephant Trunk

Pong Ball Bounce

Paper Plate and Balloon Striking


Obstacle Course

3 Balloon Activities

Bowling with Dannio Bottles

Body Bowling
Use Plastic Bottles

Body Bowling


Cannon Kicks

Sausage Roll

Steam Roller

Move-Up Toss

Balloon Challenges

Sensory Pathway

Tug of War

10 Gross Motor Skills at Home

Upside Down Bowling


Shake Your Sillies Out

Freeze Dance

Action Songs


Just Dance

Wind the Bobbin Up 

Happy Hands (Washing)

Let's Be Superheroes