Mission, Vision, &

Collective Commitments

Summit's Mission and Vision were developed through a collaborative process. The Collective Commitments represent what each and every staff member pledges to do to bring our Mission and Vision to life.


To Prepare Children to Excel and Lead in the 21st Century


To be an excelling school that empowers changemakers to positively impact the world through their legacy.

Collective Commitments

At Summit Elementary School our staff is committed to:

Valuing relationships

“We will trust and respect our staff, students, and parents. We will build a culture that cultivates safety and happiness.”

Empowering the whole child

“We will give them a voice and choice.”

Working collaboratively and interdependently

“We will benefit our Bison family through teamwork and building off of one another’s strengths.”

Excellence in learning and behavior

“We will set and hold kids accountable to high academic standards. We will challenge students to set & work towards their own personal goals. We will merge Conscious Discipline, Leader in Me, & MTSS to promote social and emotional skills & growth.

Living the seven habits

“We will educate, model, integrate and reflect on how to be highly effective people with our Bison students and families.”

Fostering empathetic changemakers

“We will model, teach, and practice with Bison families so they can make a difference in the world, and see the world through other people’s eyes.”

Providing a safe, engaging community

“We will follow Natrona County Health Department guidelines and model healthy practices while developing our school family."

Lifelong learning

“We will continue fostering the pursuit of knowledge and growth of students and staff personally and professionally.”


“we will maintain an environment of encouragement and positive energy in a genuine and caring way.”


“We will be open and available as time allows to all stakeholders about Summit’s policies and procedures.”

Shared ownership

“We will foster a community of synergy. Every student belongs to every staff member - we will all take responsibility for the school as a whole.”

Collective decision making

“We will seek input from all stakeholders regarding changes before taking a course of action."