Pride Tickets

What are Cyclone Pride Tickets?

Pride Tickets are given out by CYMS staff for positive behaviors that are safe, respectful, and responsible!

What do I do when I get Cyclone Pride Tickets?

You can use your Pride tickets redeemed in your core and around the school.

How do I get a Pride Ticket?

When a staff member sees you doing something positive in any part of the school they may encourage and reward you with a Pride Ticket.

In the Lunch Room

Redeem with Mr. Ready or Lunch Supervision

  • Front of the Lunch Line Pass (2 Tickets)

  • VIP lounge for one lunch period with a friend on a Friday (6 Tickets)

Bell Song Choice

Redeem with Mr. Ruiz by filling out THIS FORM.

For 10 Pride Tickets, you can change one of next month's bell songs to a school-appropriate choice (subject to administrator approval).

After filling out the form, Mr. Ruiz will contact you the next day during 1st period to collect payment.

School Store

Redeem when you purchase something.

  • Cash in your ticket at the school store (1 ticket = $0.25)

Your Core

Redeem with your teachers.

  • Check with the teachers in your core. Often, cores have specific items.