Our Vision:
Our Vision:
CYMS is committed to building a community of excellence in academics and character
CYMS is committed to building a community of excellence in academics and character
PARENTS: Schedules and Locker Information can be found on Infinite Campus!
PARENTS: Schedules and Locker Information can be found on Infinite Campus!
10/08/24 : Bus Evacuation Drill
10/14/24 : Picture Retake Day
10/15/24 3:30-6:00PM : Parent/Teacher Conferences A-K
10/17/24 4:30-7:00PM : Parent/Teacher Conferences L-Z
10/25/24 : 1st Quarter Ends
10/28/24 : NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day for Teachers
11/01/24 3:00-4:30PM : Monster Bash - All grades dance - no referrals in October to attend
11/03/24 : Daylight Savings Time ends - FALL BACK ONE HOUR!