
What is Self-care?

In preparation for the in-class discussion, please do the following:

  1. Consider these two definitions of self-care:

  • “Self-care [is] the deliberate effort to take part in activities and behaviors that enhance one’s well-being.” (Martin, 2021)

  • “Self-care practices are self-initiated activities that maintain and promote physical and emotional health.” (Moses, Bradley, & O’Callaghan, 2016)

  1. Read or listen to the Speaking of Psychology's episode “Why We’re burned out and what to do about it, with Christina Maslach, PhD” (July, 2021)

  2. Read one of the two articles:

In-class Discussion Questions

  1. How would you define self-care? How has your understanding of self-care changed after reading the definitions of self-care and the materials for this discussion? Discuss the differences.

  2. Do you actively practice self-care, and if so, how? Why or why not?

  3. When you think of an excellent professional within your future field, what words come to mind?

  4. Using your answer(s) from question #3, do any of the words relate to well-being? How are some of the descriptions in opposition to well-being and self-care?

  5. Reflect on the podcast episode and the readings, what was one thing that interested or surprised you? Was there anything you didn't know or never thought about?

  6. Discussion how your professional self would benefit from self-care.