August Class Recap

Welcome our newest 3rd grader, Isabella R. to Room 6!

Below, our lions learned Media Art lesson #2, with Ms. Marlene, using camera and Sketchbook App to draw a character to a real photo sets.

Meet our new librarian and author of her first book, Ms. Amber! 

Lions listened to Ms. Amber's read aloud, "Book, Book, Book" and designed their own "book cover!"

Success in Saving Sam!

Welcome back lions and families!

Our First Day of 3rd Grade!

Monday, August 14, 2023 

Valencia Park Playground

Hello classmates, from Mrs. Boehm's 2nd-grade class!

Hello classmates, from Mrs. Rezvani's 2nd-grade class!

Hello classmate, from Ms. Chavez's 2nd-grade class!

Welcome our new lions (back from DL or another school) to Valencia Park School! 

Sharing an All-About-Me Activity with classmates

Sharing about ME MUSEUM project.

Thank you for sharing your Me Museum projects! Love learning more about yourself, lions!

Thank you for sharing your Me Museum projects! Love learning more about yourself, lions!

Thank you for sharing your Me Museum projects! Love learning more about yourself, lions!

Let's meet all our 3rd grade lions!

Lions celebrated "kindness & friendship" with a Capri Sun Roarin' strawberry waters, after reading "The First Strawberry" and "The First Jitters" on our first day of school! 

We also had fun with "brain and elliptical pedal breaks" between lessons!

TEAM STEM Challenge activity, to save SAM, the gummy worm from the river! How do we put Sam into the Life Saver? To be continued...