Facing challenges. Finding Solutions. Fostering Community.


MVP is always looking for passionate individuals who share our desire to create a better tomorrow for our community!  MVP will be developing committees to plan and execute events, facilitate programs and assist in the process of re-building Myerstown.  If you would like to be a part of building a better future for Myerstown, please fill out the Volunteer Application.



Board members are local business men and women, individuals or organizations who are passionate about restoring Myerstown and building the community.  Board members must commit to an annual financial contribution, and must remain active by attending meetings and helping to facilitate the oversight of the organization.  Interested persons should fill out the application below and we will contact you to arrange a time to meet and discuss Board membership.


As with any non-profit, donations are critical to our organization.  Without support from the community, we would not exist.  If you would like to make a one-time donation, or recurring monthly donation to MVP, you can do so using the link below or send your check made payable to the Myerstown Vitality Partnership, 101 South Railroad Street, Suite 106, Myerstown, PA 17067.  Please note that all donations are tax deductible, and we appreciate every donation, big or small!