Facing challenges. Finding Solutions. Fostering Community.


The Main Street Revitalization Program is organized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and administered by the Pennsylvania Downtown Center (PDC). The Main Street program is a comprehensive, community-based approach to revitalizing downtowns and central business districts. The Main Street Revitalization Program has a “Four-Point Approach” revitalization that has worked in more than 45 states and Puerto Rico since the 1980s. PDC reports that communities following the Main Street Revitalization Program’s approach see a 5-year return on investment of $7.87 for every $1 invested in the program.


Design • Promotion • Economic Restructuring • Organization


Design takes advantage of the visual opportunities inherent in a downtown by directing attention to all of its physical elements: public and private buildings, storefronts, signs, public spaces, landscaping, merchandising, displays, and promotional materials. Its aim is to stress the importance of design quality in all of these areas, to educate people about design quality, and to expedite improvements downtown.


Promotion takes many forms, but the goal is to create a positive image of main street in order to rekindle community pride. Promotion seeks to improve retail sales events and festivals and to create a positive public image of downtown in order to attract investors, developers and new businesses.


Economic restructuring strengthens a downtown's existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base. This is accomplished by retaining and expanding existing businesses to provide a balanced commercial mix, converting unused or underutilized space into productive property, sharpening the competitiveness and merchandising skills of downtown businesspeople, and attracting new businesses that the market can support.


Organization establishes consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in main street. This will allow the Main Street Revitalization Program to provide effective, ongoing management and advocacy of downtown. Diverse groups from the public and private sectors (city and county governments, local bankers, merchants, the chamber of commerce, property owners, community leaders, and others) must work together to create and maintain a successful program.


While the Main Street Four-Point Approach provides the format for successful revitalization, implementing it is based on eight principles that pertain to all areas of the revitalization effort.

1. Comprehensive. Downtown revitalization is a complex process that cannot be accomplished through a single project. For successful, long-term revitalization, a comprehensive approach must be used.

2. Incremental. Small projects and simple activities lead to a more sophisticated understanding of the revitalization process and help to develop skills so that more complex problems can be addressed; and more ambitious projects undertaken.

3. Self-Help. Local leaders must have the desire and will to make the project successful. The PA Downtown Center provides direction, ideas and training, but continued and long-term success depends upon the involvement and commitment of the community.

4. Public-Private Partnership. Both the public and private sectors have a vital interest in the economic health and physical viability of downtown. Each sector has a role to play, and each must understand the other's strengths and limitations so that an effective partnership can be forged.

5. Identifying and Capitalizing on Existing Assets. Business districts must capitalize on the assets that make them unique. Every district has unique qualities, like distinctive buildings and scale, that give people a sense of place. These local assets must serve as the foundation for all aspects of the revitalization program.

6. Quality. Quality must be emphasized in every aspect of the revitalization program. This applies equally to each element of the program, from storefront design to promotional campaigns to educational programs.

7. Change. Changes in attitude and practice are necessary to improve current economic conditions. Public support for change will build as the program grows.

8. Implementation-Oriented. Activity creates confidence in the program and even greater levels of participation. Frequent, visible changes are a reminder that the revitalization effort is underway. Small projects at the beginning pave the way for larger activities as the program matures.

The Myerstown Vitality Partnership will be working to establish Main Street designation for the Borough of Myerstown. Securing this designation will allow us to seek funding for necessary improvements and provide us with the support we need as we work to rebuild Myerstown. Meanwhile, we will be working to establish the structure needed to access this program, and we will be accessing the needs in our community so we have a clear plan of action once the designation is received.

Examples of some of the funding opportunities that will become available to MVP through the Main Street Program are planning grants, implementation grants, facade grants, development grants, public improvement grants, and accessible housing grants. The receipt of these funds will help MVP make the necessary changes in Myerstown, while lessening the burden on Borough government and resident tax payers.