Facing challenges. Finding Solutions. Fostering Community.

The Myerstown Vitality Partnership (MVP) will serve as a catalyst in preserving Myerstown’s rich heritage and culture and ensuring its future as a vibrant center of commerce, economic development, And community activity.


The Myerstown Vitality Partnership (MVP) is an independent non-profit established in 2019.  It is a partnership between the Myerstown Borough, the local business community, local agencies, and individuals from throughout the community.  MVP exists to preserve Myerstown's rich heritage and culture and ensure its future as a vibrant center of commerce, development, and community activity.

The need for an organization such as MVP has risen out of significant disinvestment and substantial needs identified by local government and the community alike.  MVP will work to enhance economic development in Myerstown's primary corridors, source funding for the revitalization of our collective infrastructure, and provide leadership for vital community growth.


GOAL:  Preserve our heritage and culture

MVP will ascertain, research, and review the history and culture of Myerstown.  We will communicate with residents who have lived here and listen to their stories about what it was like growing up in Myerstown.  We will have an understanding of the culture in our community and an awareness of the different lifestyles that are such a rich aspect of Myerstown. We will keep this valuable heritage and culture at the forefront of decisions we make, events we plan and revitalization and restoration projects in our community.

GOAL:  Increase our local commerce and support our local businesses

MVP will get to know our local businesses and industries and build relationships with them to determine how we can best support them.  We will promote, advertise and patronize our local businesses.  We will encourage and drive business to our community businesses, engage them in events and activities that garner interest and awareness of the unique offerings in Myerstown, and will encourage the start-up of new businesses in our community.  We will offer support and resources that help potential new businesses start off and address concerns and needs within our existing business network.

GOAL: Restore and Revitalize the downtown area

MVP exists because a need for revitalization and restoration was identified in Myerstown Borough.  MVP intends to implement a Main Street Program to revitalize Myerstown Borough.  The Main Street Program is a comprehensive approach to revitalizing communities.  MVP must show evidence of a sustainable organization prior to application for Main Street Designation.  Once approved, MVP will have access to and will apply for Planning Grants, Implementation Grants, Facade Improvement Grants, Development Grants, Public Improvement Grants, and Accessible Housing Grants.  As our organization builds support and accesses funds we will generate a plan to make the necessary revitalization and restoration in our community!  This may look like many small projects to start, but every small project we complete is one step closer to our end goal- A restored community and a thriving small town!

GOAL:  Build a deeper sense of community

MVP will create opportunities for the community to get out and connect.  We will create events, offer promotions, develop volunteer opportunities, create collaborative projects that the community can build together, and constantly seek to involve the community in our efforts.  We will work to get to know Myerstown residents and businesses and we will determine where there is a lack and we will work to fill that void, thereby creating a more fulfilling experience for those that call Myerstown home.