Sub Contractor 

The Project's success depends on the selection of qualified and experienced subcontractors. A stringent tendering process will be conducted to shortlist subcontractors who meet the following criteria. 

Subcontractors with a track record of delivering high-quality work on school construction projects will be prioritised. Experience developing similar learning environments with integrated technology is advantageous.

A strong commitment to health and safety will be an important selection factor, ensuring that all workers follow the project's safety protocols established in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the United Kingdom.

Subcontractors' financial health will be assessed to reduce risks of project delays or non-completion due to financial difficulties. 

Subcontractors who demonstrate a commitment to sustainable construction methods will be preferred, as they align with the project's overall sustainability objectives. This could include using recycled materials, reducing waste generation, and implementing energy-efficient construction practices.