

Vehicle access to the site: Since development will start in the summer

         Proposed area for library building

Site parking is available: Vehicle access to the site will be via Ringing glow Road. These cars are available any time between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM every day.

Parking for cars and bicycles is available on the northwest-facing rear side of the structure.

To restrict access for vehicles to the construction site, a barrier will be erected at the south entrance.Contractors, project managers, engineers, and school officials have been assigned preferential parking, with a limited number of spaces available.

Site Security: Site security is critical to safeguarding the safety of the project's materials, personnel, and, most importantly, the public. Because the site is located within an existing school, specific efforts will be taken to maintain safety and security both within and outside the building.

A security cabin will be installed between the car and pedestrian entry points to ensure that both are monitored and that no unwanted entrance happens. If necessary, a gatekeeper or security guard will watch over the security cabin around the clock to ensure safe delivery and dissuade trespassers.

A pedestrian route will be built, and only approved individuals will be allowed to walk through the site. In addition, sign boards will be installed across the site to enable easy access.

Temporary fence panels 

• 24-hour CCTV surveillance 

• Lockable gates

Use polythene covers to reduce dust nuisance for pedestrians.