Grading will be based on the following learning objectives:

Students will learn how to play different genres or styles of music on a stringed instrument with others. They will also demonstrate understanding of music history, music theory, and will create music according to the national and state music standards for their grade level. Students will be able to listen objectively to music, to self-monitor, to self-assess their own playing, to apply problem solving skills to find musical solutions, to respond to deeper questions regarding the culture of music, to analyze music to appreciate, to create and improvise music based on different genres, and to perform high quality music. Learning is based upon district and common core standards for students to meet proficiency goals. In addition, students will learn lifelong skills necessary for success in life such as teamwork, communication, leadership, tenacity, endurance, time management, and responsibility.


1. Tests and Quizzes

2. Participation. Click here to see the MVWSD rubric

3. Independent Practice

4. In- Class performances/assignments.

5. Virtual Concerts

Practice Logs- Students are expected to practice for quality rather than quantity and to record practice strategies when requested. Practice logs demonstrating students goals and progress through practice must be returned once each week for 100% credit. Late assignments will have missing point deductions.

Quizzes and Playing Tests - All quizzes are graded out of 100%. Quizzes and playing tests will be completed in class weekly either solo (by oneself) or in groups. Tests can be retaken after school at certain lesson times.

Expectations for Engagement- Student engagement and participation will be based on the following rubric.

Distance Learning Norms:

  • Be on Time

  • Be Prepared and Presentable

  1. Find a quiet place

  2. Make sure your chromebook is fully charged.

  3. Wear appropriate clothing

  4. Be in camera view.

  5. Keep your nails on left hand cut short

  6. Have your instrument, rosin, music, practice log, supplies ready and within reach.

  • Be Respectful

  1. Wear headphones or wireless earphones a

  2. Mute yourself.

  • Be Responsible

  1. Raise your hand to speak.

  2. No side conversations.

  3. Remember that chats can may be printed out.