Mrs. C's Schedule and School Calendar


Calendar of events for Meadows Valley 

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Daily schedule

8:00-8;30                              5th Grade Circle


8:30-9:25                                  5th Grade ELA


9:25-10:50 am    A/B       Plan   A

                                                   MS Integrated ELA   B

10:50-11:20                           5th Grade    

                                                     Band (Mon. and Tue.)          

11:20-12:00                            Lunch             

12:00-2:20                           5th Grade: Social Studies, Science, Music,

                                                    Keyboarding, Projects.     

12:50-1:35                              Band on Wednesdays   

2:20-3:45                                    Plan/Projects  Mrs. C

                                                          Study Hall  5th   A days\

                                                         (the students who do not play bb, or track 

                                                           stay with me and work.)

                                                         P.E. 5th Grade  B days