Always ask questions and always reach out for more help if needed.

- GT Class of '24

Don't screw around in class and use your time wisely because as soon you think about it the year could be almost over and you can't get those valuable points back.

- TM Class of '24

Be prepared to memorize a lot of vocab, bio is a lot of vocab .

- LP Class of '24

Don't be afraid to express your thoughts and ideas. ALWAYS come to class prepared and do the homework given to you the night before. ALWAYS do the study points because you never know if your going to have a funk. And lastly, go into your tests and quizzes with confidence. ohhhh and, ask the teacher questions when you have the chance because sometimes your peers won't know the answer.

- AS Class of '24

pay attention, and to try your best in class especially during the bellringers

- HH Class of '24

It's not as hard as you think it will be, just do your work and listen, and you'll be fine.

- NC Class of 2024

if you dont understand something ask for help!

- NM Class of '24

Don’t take you’re time catching up with late work. In general, it’s a pain in the butt. Take all of the practice you can get and don’t take it for granted because of all the hard work you put into it is worth it. [You] will start to realize how beneficial it is.

- EH Class of '24

pay attention. TAKE THE NOTES. fill out the vocab in each unit. do the study points.

- AS Class of '24

Do your homework, it will be very useful on upcoming quizzes and tests. It takes no more than 30 minutes each night and can alone make or break your grade.

- BL Class of '24

Try your best, Ask questions, And pay attention and everything will be ok :)

- GB Class of '24

study, study, study! reviewing your notes and bellringers will help you so much more than you think. ask questions when you don't understand because it might be the missing piece you need to understand the "big picture". don't wait till the last minute to get all your stuff done because you will regret it later.

- KM Class of '24

Biology is only fun if you make it fun by giving your best effort and doing your work.

- MR Class of '24