Teacher and Advisor Resources

The Murray State Model UN team is here to help you and your team prepare for the MSU HSMUN Conference!  Below we have outlined resources designed by our team to assist you in helping your students get ready for their MUN experience.  

Week 1: Introduction to the UN and Country Research Start your MUN journey by watching this introduction video.  This outlines the UN system, gives an overview of common MUN terminology, outlines the best delegate award, and starts students on country research!  

After students select their countries, it's time to begin researching the basics of the country.  Click here to visit the delegate information page for resources designed for students to use to learn about their member state!  Murray State MUN has developed a worksheet to help students do in-depth research by asking questions designed to point students in the right direction.  To check out this document, click here.

HSMUN Intro Video.mp4

Week 2: Writing a Position Paper

In Week 2, students begin to apply their country research to the topic guides!  This video outlines how to prepare a position paper, which is an essay that students use to establish how their country believes that the UN should address a topic.  

After students complete their country research, they can begin to apply their knowledge to the topic guides, listed here.  These topic guides outline an issue the Security Council is to address alongside its background and the current situation.  When students begin to write their position papers, be sure they use this template to ensure proper formatting!  The delegate resources page, listed here, will connect students with resources tailored to assisting them in their position paper!

HSMUN Position Papers.mp4

Week 3: Rules of Procedure

In Week 3, students learn how to utilize parliamentary procedure during Model UN meetings.  This video outlines important rules of procedure that a delegate can expect to use during the conference!

Students will be provided a copy of the Rules of Procedure guide during the conference to reference as needed.  If they are interested in learning more about rules of procedure or would like further practice, they can use the Quizlets found here and here.

Rules of procedure.mp4

Week 4: Writing a Resolution

In Week 4, students learn about the importance of resolutions and how to write them. This video outlines how to work together to write a resolution during the conference and what a resolution looks like.

Students will have the opportunity to collaborate to formulate their own resolutions during the conference, tying in all of the information they have learned over the course of these 4 weeks to establish their countries' position.  You can find the template used for resolution writing during the conference here.

Resolution writing.mp4