Apresentações dos Projetos de I&D

1 B Apresentação seminário 18042023.pptx

Hybrid Energy Systems
(WP1 – B1.1)

2 - PackRat_Pitch_18_Abril.pptx

PackRat - Data acquisition within the vine & wine production chain: a comprehensive approach  (WP2 – B2.1)

4 apresentaB23.pdf

AgRob - Novel robots for Monitoring, Fertilization and selective harvesting
(WP2 - B2.3)

7 - VW_PPT_Apresentacao_SOLVIT.sg02.pptx

SOLVIT- Solutions to restore degraded Soils in mediterranean vineyards via Organic muLch and biochar derived from VITiculture industry waste
(WP3 – B3.2)


Ze-Wave - Zero waste value chain in the Portuguese wine industry
(WP4 – B4.1)


BFF_Bioprocessed Fertilizers - an ecoFriendly technology for nutrient recycling and environmental sustainability (WP4 – B4.2)


VineAdapt2Climate: Modeling and projection of several Climatic events (Climate Changes)  (WP6 – B6.5)

17-VW_MiKS + ZEONI final.pdf

Climate changes: Modeling and projection of several Climatic events (WP6 – B6.6)