Community Partners
All services at the Gateway Center begin with a phone call:
To explore options, call us at 503-988-6400
Gateway Center Onsite Partners
YWCA of Greater Portland
YWCA partners with the Gateway Center to provide Advocacy / Navigation services.
NAYA (Native American Youth & Family Center)
NAYA partners with the Gateway Center to provide Advocacy / Navigation services.
IRCO (Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization)
IRCO partners with the Gateway Center to provide Advocacy / Navigation services.
El Programma Hispano Catolico
El Programma Hispano Catolico partners with the Gateway Center to provide Advocacy / Navigation services.
Oregon Department of Human Services Self Sufficiency (DHS)
Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO)
The Oregon Crime Victims Law Center (OCVLC)
We provide free legal assistance to crime victims to help them assert their rights in the criminal justice system. We also may provide free representation in contested restraining order hearings to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
An OCVLC attorney is available at the Gateway Center, twice a week, to meet with survivors in person. Contact the Gateway Center for more information on how to be connected with the OCVLC attorney.
How do I get a referral?
Survivors can call our main number (503) 208-8160 to do an intake. We can also consult with advocates regarding whether our services are a good fit for a particular case/survivor and provide additional resources.
Survivors working with a Gateway navigator, may also ask their Gateway navigator to provide a referral to OCVLC on behalf of the survivor.
What can I expect?
A survivor calling our office will have an intake conducted by an advocate, who will be able to safety plan and provide referrals as necessary. The intake will then be staffed by an attorney and someone will contact the survivor within 24-48 hours to discuss whether we can provide representation or to make further referrals.
Lifeworks NW - Counseling & Support Groups
Domestic Violence specific Mental health counseling and support groups for survivors of Intimate partner violence. We offer individual counselling and group counselling. These counseling and group services are open to all populations and all genders. We also offer counselling services for clients living at DV shelters in Portland. Counseling services focus on cognitive behavioral, motivational interviewing and cognitive process therapy and sometimes EMDR.
Curriculum based support groups occur Thursdays 1-2:30pm. Open discussion, resource sharing, supporting each other and different topic discussion groups occur on Monday nights 6-7:30pm. To learn more and inquire about accessing these services, contact the Gateway Center main number (503-988-6400)
Impact NW
Impact NW offers case management and parent-child counseling options through our DV Parent-Child Supportive Services program. Our parent-child specialist meets with survivors regularly to provide support for the child and the family. Services are intended to strengthen the parent-child relationship, reduce emotional and behavioral issues caused by domestic violence, help survivors access community resources, and provide psycho-education about the impacts of DV. Sessions can be held at the family’s home or in the community. They may be joint sessions with the parent and child, or individual child sessions with parent consultation, or even individual parent sessions without the child. Through participating in our PCSS program, survivors also have access to case management services. Our case manager meets with PCSS clients regularly to provide financial support and connections to other resources as needed. Bilingual (English/Spanish) services are available. To learn more and inquire about accessing these services, contact the Gateway Center main number (503-988-6400).
Disability Awareness & Resources Team (DART)
DART is a team of peer advocates and volunteers with disabilities. We provide peer-based advocacy to navigate complex systems, safety planning, emotional support, community resources and referrals to survivors living with disabilities in the Portland Metropolitan area who are, or have, experienced domestic violence, partner abuse, sexual assault, and other crimes. DART offers encouragement and empowerment skills through active listening, and recognizes life challenges learned from disability, trauma, and loss. Support groups are also offered, along with volunteer opportunities.
Raphael House of Portland’s Domestic Violence Recovery Mentor (DVRM)
The first of its kind in Oregon, the DVRM program supports the unique needs of survivors at the intersection of domestic violence and addiction. All 3 advocates on this team share the lived experience of having survived abuse and being in recovery themselves. They know firsthand how addiction is utilized as a tactic by abusers, who use substances to control and isolate survivors, limit access to treatment, and sabotage recovery.
DVRM advocates prioritize survivors’ safety and privacy while helping them regain power and choice in their lives. Our program is inclusive of all survivors, culturally responsive, and fully confidential!
YWCA Diversion
YWCA Diversion program serves survivors who need housing resources due to IPV, DV, and SA. The most recent incident needs to be within the last 6 months. The Diversion program provides move in costs or eviction prevention. They must have income or a plan to have income to support their own housing within 30 days. The Diversion program also works with survivors who have a Home Forward voucher and need support relocating with their voucher. All services depend on availability of funding which can be determined through the Gateway Centers main line.
Gateway Center Community Partners
The Gateway Center can sometimes provide free bus tickets to survivors seeking our services; This service is made possible by donations from Tri-met.
Through a network of volunteer pilots and airline partners, Angel Flights West arranges free relocation flights for survivors across the 12 Western states. Utilizes volunteer pilots in private planes.
Provides faith based domestic & sexual violence prevention in congregations. Founders Ron and Lori Clark also can be contacted for service/ project support for community-based organizations that serve domestic and sexual violence survivors.