Groups and programming

Counseling Groups

Short-term, small group counseling is an opportunity for students to enhance their academic, social and/or emotional skills.  Groups are offered twice per school year.  The first session of groups begin late fall and the second session of groups begin in early spring.  Groups typically run for 6-8 sessions and are based upon student need and availability.

Your child's classroom teacher or counselor will contact you if they are recommending your child participates in a group.  Participation is voluntary and requires parent approval.  Parents are encouraged to contact their child's counselor if they feel their child would benefit from any of the following groups:

Social Skills

Divorce/Separation/Family Changes

Self Esteem 

Emotion Management 

Relaxation  & Mindfulness 

Self Regulation and Listening Skills 

Classroom lessons

Counselors visit the classrooms throughout the school year infusing the counseling and character education programs into one!  Classroom lessons support the OHES Core Values (Safe Spaces, Kind Words, and Friendly Faces) through the following objectives...