Using Post-its

Ways to Use Post-Its and Flags with Second Grade Readers

Second graders love to use materials they consider to be more for grown-ups, which is why they enjoy marking places in the books they read with Post-Its and colored sticky flags. Here are some of the ways teachers have found to use them:

★ Where you have a question

★ A part you would like to come back to and talk about

★ A favorite line

★ A part you could really get a good picture (Visualizing)

★ Where it reminds you of another book (Text – Text connection)

★ Where it reminds you something in your life (T­ext to Self Connection)

★ Where you could really feel​ the story

★ A very important part

★ A trait you notice the character has

★ A place that helps you predict

★ A part that makes you wonder (Questioning)

★ A special part with interesting language

★ Vocabulary that you don‛t understand

★ A part you don't like or believe

★ A part that you thought was funny

Beginning of the year Post it Chart

We begin with simple symbols for different kinds of thoughts and throughout the year move toward longer thoughts supported with Reasons and Evidence.

October = "?"

January = "I wonder why Mary wouldn't share her ice cream."

May = "I wonder why Mary wouldn't share her ice cream. I think it's because she's still mad at her brother for not sharing his trucks."


Every time students book shop they take out their old post its and return their books. Each week they choose a book that they have done their best thinking about and stick the four best ones onto a sheet to keep in their binder.