
Curriculum Development

Minor in Forensic Studies – developed multidisciplinary collaborative minor across Science, Advanced Specialty Health Studies, Justice Studies, Education and Arts. Approved May 2013. Suspended due to budget cuts.

Forensic Studies Certificate- 6 course (18 credit) multidisciplinary post-baccalaureate certificate (nursing, police, social work, science, arts)

Advanced Studies in Emergency Nursing (ACCN-ER) – level 1 four theory courses and a clinical; level 2 clinical and one approved option.

Classes Developed and Taught

Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Courses

INTS 2301- Violence across the Lifespan – adapted FORE 2301 for use as an interdisciplinary onsite course for Social Work and Child Studies. Taught since 2015 -current

FORE 2301- Violence across the lifespan – online interdisciplinary course for undergraduates. Taught twice a year 2012-2013

Specialty Post-Baccalaureate Courses- Forensic

2014-now Enhanced Emergency Sexual Assault Services (EESAS) – developed and teach online and in person – a 4-hour certificate multidisciplinary program for professionals working with recent victims of sexual assault (police, healthcare, social work). Ongoing registration.

1998-2014 Developed and taught courses to graduate and 4th year undergraduate students in Forensic Studies courses, including Nursing, Justice Studies, Science and Psychology. Approximately 30% of online students were undergraduates.

FORE 5501 "Forensic Issues, History and Risk Populations" (Rewrote original online course and updated yearly. Teach one distance section per year with 1223 students per section). Level: Graduate. 3 credit (48 hrs) Online delivery (20072013). Taught approximately twice.

FORE 5503 Forensic Mental Health and Corrections. Rewrote online course and updated yearly. Taught approximately twice.

FORE 5505 "Victims of Violence" (Wrote online course & updated yearly. Taught at least 2 distance sections per year (fall & winter) with 12-23 students/term). Level: Graduate. 3 credit (48 hrs) Online delivery (1998-2013). Taught at least twice a year.

FORE 5507 Forensic Science. Wrote online class and collaborated with another instructor on labs built for course. Taught approximately 4 times.

FORE 5509: Expert Witness Testimony. Edited online course written by another faculty member. Did not teach.

FORE 5511: Crime Scene Investigation. Edited online course written by another faculty member. Did not teach.

FORE 5513 "Sexual Assault Evaluation & Intervention Theory (SANE course)" (Wrote online course & updated yearly, Teach at least 1 distance section per year. Level: Graduate. 3 credit (48 hrs) Online delivery. (2006-2013). Now offered as non-credit through Continuing Education.

FORE 5515 “Sexual Assault evaluation & instruction Clinical – wrote clinical manual for this optional SANE practical component. Level Graduate. 1.5 credits. Taught once.


1995-2007: Developed and taught courses in Emergency Advanced Critical Care Nursing (ACCN) program. Offered mostly by distance but offered all courses at least three terms in a condensed onsite format in Calgary and Edmonton. Also, offered modified onsite version in Kimberly B.C.

ACCN 4451 "Emergency Nursing Pathophysiology" (Previously ACCN 1351. Wrote course text & taught 1-1.5 sections each fall & winter except fall 2006 & winter 2007, 12-20 students per section) at Mount Royal College. Level: Graduate. 5 Credits: Both distance and lecture formats delivered. (1996- 2007)

ACCN 4453 "Emergency nursing theory Part 1" (Wrote course text & updated yearly. Taught at least 1 section each fall/winter term with 12-20 students per section) at Mount Royal College. Level: Graduate. 3 Credits: Both distance and lecture formats delivered. (1996- 2006)

ACCN 4455 "Emergency nursing theory Part II" (Wrote course text and updated yearly. Taught 1 section per fall/winter term with 12-20 students per section) at Mount Royal College. Level: Graduate. 3 Credits. Both distance and lecture formats delivered (1998 – 2006)

ACCN 4491 "Emergency clinical level 1". Wrote course manual and Taught at least 1 section per year with 4-6 students per section in clinical ER placements at Mount Royal College. Level: Graduate. 6 Credits. Clinical (1997-2006)

ACCN 4493 "Emergency nursing clinical level II" Wrote course manual and taught this advanced ER clinical placement course approximately once every two years (1-2 students) at Mount Royal College. Level: Graduate. 4 Credits (Clinical) 1998, September - 2006, April

ACCN Preceptor training manual and workshops

Classes Taught but Not Developed (Bachelor of Nursing)

NURS 5114 Final clinical practicum, faculty mentor

HLTH 2250- Introduction to research literacy and evidence informed practice.

NURS 3102 – Adult Health. Focus on application of pathophysiology, pharmacology and medical-surgical principles to complex patient cases.

NURS 4111- Nursing leadership issues

NURS 2112- Alterations in Health I. First introduction to pathophysiology, pharmacology and application of care planning to medical-surgical patients.

Guest speaker for midwifery- screening for domestic violence, research methods

Certification Exam Development

HESI/NCLEX support- provide ongoing training to faculty and students related to item construction in the RN preparation examinations, proctor a series of practice examinations for students twice a year since 2015

Item writer –received training and collaboratively developed test items for the Emergency nursing certification examinations for nurses on behalf of the Canadian Nurses’ Association (1994, 2005)

Board member/Exam reviewer – reviewed and finalized Emergency nursing certification examinations and set pass marks for the Canadian Nurses’ Association (2009-2015)

Conference Planning

Coordinator and student supervisor: Stephanson Cooke Violence Prevention Event. 2016-2017 and 2017-2018

Challenging Violence Conference Planning Committee (Committee Type: University). Role: Member. (2009, June - 2010, June)

Signature Event Committee member, School of Nursing and Midwifery. Helped plan and deliver “Strengths Based Nursing” conference (2016)

Coordinator: Violence and Victims multidisciplinary conferences (Apr 22-23, 2005; May 30-31, 2003)

Conference Presentations

Frequent guest speaker locally, nationally and internationally.

Education topics- digital natives, effectiveness of education programs, blueprinting of courses for effective learning, rubric development, effective exam question development.

Forensic topics- presented nationally and internationally on forensic nursing, sexual assault, disaster and dating/domestic violence topics. Venues include: Scotland (International Congress of Nurses (Scotland), Clute Institute (Maui) and the International Association of Law and Mental Health (Vienna, Prague and Rome)

Emergency topics- present nationally and internationally on various topics including critical incident stress, pathophysiology, pharmacology, cardiovascular/coronary care nursing, Emergency assessment and intervention, triage, toxicology.