Dr. Cathy Carter-Snell PhD RN SANE-A

Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mount Royal University, Calgary Alberta Canada


Research Program

  • my program of research is primarily on prevention of violence or trauma, and early effective intervention to reduce its' psychological or physical consequences. Projects include identifying sources of stress and resilience for nursing students to prevent PTSD, evaluating effectiveness of education for strategies for comprehensive sexual assault care in rural areas (Enhanced Emergency Sexual Assault Services- EESAS), impact of education on dating violence prevention with postsecondary populations (Stepping Up, Male DV), and injury assessment.

  • Other areas of research interest include preparedness of BN students for registration, student selection and learning strategies.

Teaching Focus

  • taught post-baccalaureate programs until 2013 including rural Emergency & cardiovascular nursing, Emergency nursing certification and Forensic Studies (police, social work, science, healthcare professionals)

  • moved to School of Nursing and Midwifery in 2013, teaching undergraduate students

  • Teaching focus is on adult health case management, research methods, violence across the lifespan, curriculum design.

Clinical Background

  • provided direct care, teaching and administration for trauma patients in a variety of settings including Intensive Care, Emergency, flight nursing, and disaster settings (ER and evacuation centres) since 1977.

  • Specialized in forensic nursing assessment and intervention (sexual assault and dating/domestic violence) since 1995 - first Canadian to be certified internationally as a sexual assault nurse examiner of adults/adolescents (SANE-A)