Research Projects



Current Projects

2022 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [Partnership Grant]. Mobilizing Partnerships to Advance a National Intersectoral Network on Trans-Affirming Practice to Support Survivors of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence: the trans-LINK Canada Network, 2022,. J. Du Mont, Project Director with C. Carter-Snell, S. Early, S. Giwa, B. Jakubiec, H. Kia, S. Macdonald, J. MacIssac, R. Mason, A. Pullen-Sanfaçon, J. Pyne, R. van Bruggen, A. Yakubovich (co-Applicants).

2022 Sexual assault services in a pandemic: Impact, innovations and lessons learned Role: Principal investigator.

2020- Understanding stress coping and resilience in undergraduate nursing students and new graduates. In progress. Role: Principal investigator. Co-investigators- G. Harvey, M. Quance, M. Ferguson, D. Bosyy.

2020- Impact of CASPer on nursing student selection and outcomes. HREB in progress. Role: Principal investigator. Co-investigator: D. Bosyy.

2020 - Understanding critical incident stress in nursing students during clinical. In progress. Role: Co-investigator. PI G. Harvey.

2018-now Co-investigator- "Men's Experiences of dating and domestic violence on a post-secondary campus. In progress. Co-investigators: D.G. Warthe, P. Choate.

2018-now “Exploring student NCLEX-RN Outcomes and role of Supporting Materials”. Status: Data collection in progress. Role: PI. Co-investigators: M Olfert, J Bouma, M. Quance

2017 Principal investigator – “Sexual assault prevention and intervention in natural disasters”. Status: Completed Co-investigators: A. Troy, N. Waters.

2016-now Principal investigator “Systematic comparative review of consensual versus non-consensual intercourse injuries” Co-investigators: C. Peplinski, C. Merkley, M. Sommers. Funded by Mount Royal University. Status: update in progress. Lecture presented (international), publication in progress

2016-now Principal investigator “Systematic review of consensual injuries” Coinvestigators: C. Peplinksi, C. Merkley. Funded by Mount Royal University. Status: data collection complete, analysis in progress.

2016-now Principal investigator “Systematic review of non-consensual injuries” Coinvestigators: C. Peplinksi, C. Merkley. Funded by Mount Royal University. Status: data collection complete, analysis in progress.

2014- now Principal investigator – “Evaluating graduate nurses’ preparedness for NCLEX and the nursing curriculum”. Co-investigators: Dr. P. Nordstrom, Dr. M. Quance, Ms. J. Bouma. Status: first phase completed (2014-2018), data collection continuing to 2020 but phase 1 complete. Lecture presented

2010-now. Stepping Up Dating
Violence prevention. Yearly program delivery and research 2022 study in progress
mtroyal/steppingup )

Completed Projects

Grants & Scholarships

Key grants and scholarships received to date

2022 SSHRC -Mobilizing partnerships to advance a national intersectoral network on trans-affirming practice to support survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence-the transLINK Canada Network. Phase 1 grant, $20,000. Role: CoInvestigator Project Director: Dr. J. DuMont, U of T

2022 Government of Alberta Human Services- Family Violence Prevention "Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention". Role: Co-investigator. PI D.G. Warthe. $90,000

2021 Canadian Women's Foundation "Pandemic impact on sexual violence services" $23,000

2021 Government of Alberta Human Services- Family Violence Prevention "Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention". Role: Co-investigator. PI D.G. Warthe. $100,000

2020 Government of Alberta Human Services- Family Violence Prevention "Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention". Role: Co-investigator. PI D.G. Warthe. $100,000

2020 Mount Royal University, Internal Research Grant Fund "Understanding stress, coping and resilience in nursing students and new graduates:. Grant 10,000 received. Role: Principal investigator. Co-investigators: G. Harvey, M. Quance, M. Ferguson

2020 Mount Royal University, HCE Innovation Grant "Understanding critical incident stress in nursing students during clinical". Grant 10,000 received. Role: Co-investigator. PI Dr. G. Harvey.

2019 TD Ready Challenge. Type- project grant ""Impact of a multidisciplinary sexual assault program on underserved rural and remote communities". Grant application submitted $879,220 .

2018 CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research). Type-project grant. “Pilot Evaluation of Therapy Outcome Measures for Adult Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse” (Role: Principal applicant, co-applicants M.J. Gill, M. Uzoka, W. Belt). Grant application $310,000. (not funded). July 2018.

2018 Alberta Human Services “Stepping Up” (Role: Co-principal investigator, Co-investigators G. Warthe, P. Kostouros, C. Brownell). Grant received $100,000.

2017 Mount Royal University Innovations Grant (Role: Principal investigator, Co-researchers C. Peplinski, C. Merkley, C. Snell). Grant received $6300. Oct 2017-June 2018.

2017 Mount Royal University, Student Dissemination Grant “Sexual assault prevention and intervention in natural disasters” (Role: Principal investigator. Co-researchers: A. Troy, C. Creller). Grant received $1500. (not used- student unable to attend)

2017 Alberta Human Services “Stepping Up” (Role: Co-principal investigator, Co-investigators G. Warthe, P. Kostouros, C. Brownell). Grant received 100,000. May 2017-April 2018.

2017 SSHRC/Centre for Community Disaster Research. “Sexual assault prevention and intervention in natural disasters”. Grant $7500 (Funded). February 2017-May 2017.

2016 Government of Alberta Department of Human Services. “Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention project”. (Role: Co-principal investigator, Co-investigators G. Warthe, P. Kostouros, C. Brownell). Grant received $100,000. May 2016-May 2017

2015 CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) “Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in HIV/AIDS:Prevalence, Determinants, Health Outcomes and Targeted Interventions”. Competitive-Transitional Operating grant. (Role: Co-applicant. Principal applicant: A. Carvalhal, M. J. Gill. Other co-applicants: A. Burchell, C. Classen, M.B. Klein, H. Krentz, P. O’Campo, A. Rachlis, J. Ristock, M. Robinson, S. Rourke, R. Semeniuk, A. Wong). Grant application $1,218,885. (Not funded).

2015 Government of Alberta Department of Human Services. “Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention project”. (Role: Co-principal investigator, Co-investigators G. Warthe, P. Kostouros, C. Brownell). Grant received $100,000. May 2015-May 2016

2014 Government of Alberta Department of Human Services. “Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention project”. (Role: Co-principal investigator, Co-investigators G. Warthe, P. Kostouros, L. Tutty). Grant received $114,000. May 2014-May 2015.

2013 Status of Women Canada & Association of Sexual Assault Services (AASAS). “Western Sexual Assault Services: Improving sexual assault services for women in Western Canada”. Role: Principal investigator. Collaborative project between Sexual Assault Centres across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Grant received $250,000. Donation $20,000 Pyramid Productions to complete updated sexual assault evidence video. Jun 2014-Jun 2016.

2013 Government of Alberta Department of Human Services. “Stepping Up Dating Violence Prevention project”. (Role: Co-investigator with Dr. D.G. Warthe, Dr. P. Kostouros & Dr. L. Tutty). Grant received $45,000. Completed Jun 2014.

2013 National Victims of Crime Awareness. “Enhanced Emergency Model for Sexual aSsault Services” Role: Principal investigator. Grant requested: 10,000. (not funded). 2013 Alberta Civil Forfeiture Fund. “Bringing healing”. Principal investigator. Co-applicant: F. Wright. Grant application $497,000. (Not funded).

2012 Alberta Rural Development Network. Rural Sexual Assault Multimedia Project (Sexual assault evidence video). (Role: Principal investigator; Co-investigator Jakubec, S.). Grant received $10,000. Donation of 30,000 by Pyramid Productions to complete video of project. Completed May 2013.

2012 SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council). Type-Insight development grant. “Exploring Aboriginal cultural approaches that may promote resilience to sexual assault or its’ psychological effects” (Role: Principal applicant. Co-principal: S. Jakubec). Grant application $74,901 (not funded).

2012 HQCA – Health Quality Council of Alberta Studentship, " Identifying Resources to Integrate Aboriginal Healing Approaches into Acute Sexual Assault Services". Type: Fellowship-Competitive (Role: Principal Investigator. Co-Principal: S. Jakubec). Student: Glenna Cardinal. Grant received $6,400. Completed Sept 2012

2011 HQCA-Health Quality Council of Alberta: HQCA Studentship, "Improving rural sexual assault services in southern Alberta". Type: Fellowship-Competitive (Role: Co-principal Investigator). Student: Morgan Brown. Co-Investigators: Jakubec, S., Lang, E., Mackay, A., McDonagh, M., Ofrim, J., Grant received $6,400. Completed Sept 2011.

2011 Mount Royal University: STEP funding with matching funds supplied from department, STEP Funding to assist with FORE Course Revisions. Grant received $2,940 (Non-Competitive) (Role: Principal Investigator).

2011 Mount Royal University: Internal grant, "Injuries with consensual vs. non-consensual intercourse". Type: Grant-Competitive (Role: Co-principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Crane, P., Wiebe, N., Merkley, C.) Grant received $4000

2011 ARDN- Alberta Rural Development Network: Rural Projects, "Improving rural sexual assault services in southern Alberta". Type: Grant-Competitive (Role: Co-principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Jakubec, S., Lang, E., Mackay, A., McDonagh, M., Rechner, R., Ofrim, J., Head, P. Grant received $10,000. (donation of 20,000 from Pyramid Productions for secondary victimization video and PSA).

2011 United Way of Calgary and Area, "Dating violence prevention project Phase 2 (Stepping Up at MRU)”. Type: Grant-Non-Competitive (Role: Co-principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Warthe, G., Kostouros, P., Tutty, L. Grant received $22,357.

2011 CCJR- Centre for Criminology & Justice Research & Alberta Dept of Justice, "Dating violence prevention program for post-secondary students Phase 2". Type: Grant-Competitive (Role: Co-principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Warthe, G., Kostouros, P., Tutty, L. Grant received $10,958

2010 Centre for Justice and Criminology Research & Alberta Department of Justice, "Factors affecting women's risks for mental illness". (Role: Co-principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Jakubec, S., Jackson, F. Grant received $7914.

2010 Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research: Investigator driven grant, "Reducing dating violence and its impact on postsecondary students".Type: Grant-Competitive (Role: Principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Warthe, G., Tutty, L., Kostouros, P. Grant application $119,626 (not funded)

2010 CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research). Competitive Team Grant, Violence, Gender, and Health - proposal development funding, "Preventing sexual assault and health related consequences (Role: Principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Voaklander, D., Stermac, L., Lang, E., Sommers, M. Grant application $9,983. (Not Funded)

2009 Alberta Association of Colleges & Technical Institutes (AACTI), "Facilitation grant received $40,000 (Role: Principal Investigator).

2001 University of Alberta, "U of A Graduate Fellowship - PhD Research". Type: Scholarship-Competitive (Role: Principal Investigator). Grant received $10,000.

2000 Canadian Nurses Foundation: Helen Glass Scholarship, "Patient Controlled Analgesia vs Intramuscular Analgesia". Type: Scholarship-Competitive. Other Investigators: Fothergill-Bourbonnais, F. Grant received $3000.

1987 Alberta Foundation for Nursing Research (AFNR) Student research bursary $500.

1986 Government of Alberta Graduate Research Scholarship. Grant received $8000.

1986 Holy Cross Hospital scholarship. Received $500

Completed Projects

2014-2016 Principal investigator ““Western Sexual Assault Services: Improving sexual assault services for women in Western Canada”. Co-investigator: B. Hagan. Funded by Status of Women Canada, Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services ($260,000 total), Status: Completed. Lecture presented (international), publication submitted and in revision. Updated professional video produced on evidence collection, cofounded $20,000 by Pyramid productions.

2011-2014 Principal investigator “Improving rural sexual assault services in southern Alberta”. Co-investigators: E. Lang (U of C), S. Jakubec (MRU), P. Head (Alberta Health Services), A. Mackay (Alberta Health Services), M. McDonagh (U of C), R. Regehr (RCMP), A. Tocher (AASAC), D. Smit (Tsuu Tina), M. Fernquist (CHR). In progress. Funded by Alberta Rural Development Network Phase 1 complete, Phase 2 complete. Status: Phase 1 complete. Lecture presented (international, national), 1 publication and 2nd in development, educational program/website, videos and checklists developed. Professional evidence collection video developed, co-funded for $10,000 by Pyramid productions.

2010-2011 Principal investigator “Women’s risk factors for mental health disorders following intimate forms of violence: A systematic review”. Co-investigators: S. Jakubec (MRU), F. Jackson (MRU). Funded by Alberta Justice/Centre for Criminology & Justice Research. Status: Complete. Lecture (international), publication complete.

2010 Principal investigator – “Health services required by women following sexual assault”. Funded by AACTI. Status: Complete (updated in 2017). Lecture presented (international), publication in progress.

2007 Principal investigator – PhD research “Understanding women’s risks of injury from sexual assault, U of A Edmonton. Funded by University of Alberta Graduate Fellowship. Status: Complete. Lectures presented nationally, locally and internationally, dissertation posted to website, updated systematic review and model 2017, publication in progress, injury BALD STEP rulers developed.

2005 Principal investigator: “Forensic ultraviolet lights in clinical practice”. Coinvestigator: K. Soltys (Alberta Health Services). Complete. Lecture (international), publication.

2000 Principal investigator: “Hemolysis with venipuncture techniques”. Complete. Lecture (international).

1997 Principal investigator: “Effectiveness of PCA vs IM Analgesia in post-abdominal surgery patients”. Co-investigator: F. Fothergill-Bourbonnai. Complete. Lecture (international), publication.

1997 Co-investigator: “Impact of a ventilator protocol on care of ventilated patients”. Co-investigators: H. Dunedin, P. Cardinal, G. Graffe-Laliberte, G. Jones. Complete. Published.

1996 Co-investigator: “Comparison of duration of mechanical ventilation and cost associated with midazolam and lorazepam infusions in critically ill patients”. Coinvestigators: M. Tierney, P. Cardinal, A. Baxter. Complete. Published..

1993 Co-investigator: “contribution of water condensation in endotracheal tubes to contamination of the lungs”. Co-investigators- P. Cardinal, P. Jessamine, S. Morrison, G. Jones. Complete. Published.

1993 Co-investigator: “Sudden unexpected death in the Emergency Department: Caring for the survivors”. Co-investigators: K. Adamowski, G. Dickinson, B. Weitzman, C. Roessler. Complete. Published.

1993 Co-investigator. “Triage nurse use of decision rules for radiography in ankle injuries. Co-investigators: I.A. Stiell, R.D. McKnight. I McDowell, R.C Nair, R. Aubin, A. Cwinn. Complete. Abstract published.

1989 Principal investigator. “Comparison of two suction techniques for nosocomial pneumonia” (Master’s thesis). Complete. Abstract published. International presentation.