
2024/04/22 Oral examination timetable for the "Doctoral Course in Tourism and Leisure Management" for the 113th academic year

Oral examination schedule for the "Doctoral Course in Tourism and Leisure Management" for the 113th academic year

Date: April 27, 113 (Saturday)

Time: From 09:00 am

Registration office: Room D02-312, third floor, Building B, School of Management, Xinmin Campus

Candidates are asked to check in 30 minutes in advance.

 Map of Sinmin Campus  ( JPG )

2023/12/05 The list of 112-1升揚 approved scholarship recipients 

The list of recipients who have been officially accepted for the 升揚 Scholarship is as follows: 

1. 行銷所碩二 洪浚祐

2. 行銷系大三 黃知勤

3. 行銷所碩一 白惠凱

4. 行銷所碩二 李雨軒

5. 行銷系大三 曾庭萱

6. 行銷系大二 黃紫凌

Congratulations to the six students listed above. Each of them will receive a scholarship of five thousand New Taiwan Dollars.

2023/11/27 Our Department of Marketing and Tourism Management is recruiting one full-time Assistant Professor or higher for the first semester of the 113th academic year 


Four senior students from the Department of Marketing and Tourism Management of Chiayi University, including Cai Minjia, Li Ziying, Huang Qianyun and Xu Yubin, participated in the "2023 National Hospitality and Tourism Creativity" held by Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism on November 17, 2020, under the guidance of Associate Professor Zhang Yaoren of the department. "Competition", he passed all the way and defeated all the players from all over the country, won the third place, and received a prize of 20,000 yuan.

According to the "Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) 2023" released by Shanghai Ruanke, Jiada University ranks first in Taiwan in the hospitality and tourism management discipline. The Department of Marketing and Tourism Management is the only department in Taiwan that spans the two major fields of marketing and tourism management. It stimulates students' creativity through dual-field thinking learning.

Guiding professor Associate Professor Zhang Yaoren said that this competition is to demonstrate students’ hospitality innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial management capabilities, including product and service concept design, entrepreneurial financial planning, business management strategy formulation, etc., in order to cultivate a new generation of hospitality entrepreneurial elites and management talents. Contestants must first submit a preliminary concept plan and pass the preliminary review. Only the 10 outstanding teams selected can advance to Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism for the finals. In such fierce competition, Kaohsiung University students stood out and won this honor. The best feedback for the hard work of teachers and students.

2023/11/21 The schedule for the admissions interview for the 113th academic year Master's Programs in Marketing Management and Tourism and Leisure Management

The schedule for the admissions interview for the 113th academic year Master's Programs in Marketing Management and Tourism and Leisure Management

Date: December 2nd, 112th Year (Saturday)

Time: Starting from 09:00 AM

Registration Location: Room D02-312, Building B, Xinmin Campus

Candidates are required to arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time.

For the oral examination schedule, please refer to the attached file below.

Attachment File:

The schedule for the admissions interview( PDF )

 Map of Sinmin Campus  ( JPG )

2023/11/20 We signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 薪傳管理顧問公司 


Taiwan’s vegetarian scene is undergoing a major transformation. At a public hearing held by the Legislative Yuan today, legislator Chen Jiaohua and civil society organizations called on the government to review the existing vegetarian classification and labeling methods to comply with international trends and introduce the Vegan (whole plant-based diet) classification. This move is not only to cater to the growing global Vegan trend, but also to meet the needs of more and more Taiwanese people pursuing a low-carbon and sustainable lifestyle.

Bai Qingfen, CEO of the Taiwan Sustainable Food Transformation Think Tank, pointed out that in response to the 2050 net-zero carbon emissions, the Taiwan government passed the "Climate Change Response Act" and approved 12 key strategies, including the 6 major aspects of "net-zero green living", and also mentioned The goal of zero-waste low-carbon diet is closely related to the transformation of whole plant-based diet and low-carbon life. It has been 15 years since the current vegetarian classification method was implemented in 2009 and revised in 2013. With a history of more than ten years, it can no longer meet the needs of current society. With the rapid growth of the global Vegan population, we urgently need to redefine Taiwan’s vegetarian standards to make it more in line with international standards and more relevant to contemporary people’s lifestyles.

Zhang Youquan, general manager of Monday Meatless Day platform, further explained the concept of Vegan. Vegan is not only a way of eating, but also an attitude towards life. It excludes all animal ingredients, including meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and honey. However, Taiwan’s current vegetarian label does not cover this completely animal-free option, which causes confusion for many vegans.

Cao Shengxiong, a distinguished professor at the Institute of Tourism and Leisure Management of Chiayi University, emphasized the importance of the Vegan food tourism market. He pointed out that modern travelers spend nearly one-third of their travel expenses on food and drink. As the issue of climate change attracts world attention, more and more people are choosing to practice Wiganism, which has brought new business opportunities to the Wigan tourism market. The government should face up to this market and lead Taiwan's vegetarian industry towards internationalization to provide better vegetarian options for Chinese people and foreign tourists.

 Currently, according to the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan has a total of 5 vegetarian categories: "vegetarian or vegan", "evo-vegetarian", "lacto-vegetarian", "lacto-ovo-vegetarian" and "phyto-five-egg vegetarian". Bai Qingfen said that Taiwan's plant-based five-element vegetarian food is unique in the world, but it cannot be seen from the words that this type of vegetarian food actually contains milk and eggs, which may cause confusion.

Legislator Chen Jiaohua said that modern vegetarianism is no longer just a matter of religious belief, but also an earth-friendly lifestyle. However, the current vegetarian labeling methods are outdated and cannot meet the needs of current society.

Chen Jiaohua also pointed out that the government should guide and help Taiwan's already well-developed vegetarian industry to further upgrade and move towards international catering. It should also be in line with international vegetarian labels so that foreigners who come to Taiwan can also enjoy Taiwan's delicious vegetarian food. Let the overall vegetarian industry provide better services and choices to Chinese people and tourists.

In this era of increasing global environmental awareness, redefining Taiwan's vegetarian standards and introducing the Vegan classification is not only a need of the times, but also a responsible attitude towards the earth. We look forward to the government taking early action to create a new era for Taiwan’s vegetarian industry.

2023/09/02 All student dormitories on campus were originally scheduled for new student move-in on September 3rd. However, this has been postponed.

Dear parents and students,

The scheduled move-in for new students into all student dormitories on campus, originally planned for September 3rd, has been postponed. The updated move-in date will be announced later.

Thank you for your understanding.

2023/09/02 The New Student Commencement Ceremony will be postponed due to the impact of Typhoon Haitang. The new date will be announced later.

📢📢 Important Notice:

According to the latest information from the Central Weather Bureau, it is expected that Typhoon Haitang will approach Taiwan from September 3rd to September 4th. Due to the impact of Typhoon Haitang: